DA BWAHA, the movie

As many of you know, Something About You is currently duking it out against Courtney Milan’s Trial By Desire in the DA BWAHA tournament. Earlier today, Ms. Milan posted a blog with some very fuzzy math explaining why she should win the championship. Click on the below link to see my video reply.  I give you DA BWAHA, the movie. Enjoy.

DA BWAHA–The Final Battle

P.S. There’s still time to vote in DA BWAHA by clicking here. Polls are open until 9am (CST) tomorrow.  Team SAY for the win. : )

Voting Time!

So Something About You advanced to the Elite Eight round of DABWAHA (whoo-hoo!) and it’s time to vote again! Looks like the competition is fierce (again), so if all of you have five seconds to spare and would like to support Something About You, you can vote for the book at: http://dabwaha.com/2011/03/vote-here-region-3-4/

Voting runs until 10pm (CST). And if you’re so inclined, spread the word.  Let’s get to the Final Four!

Time to Vote!

Hey everyone!!

Yes, SOMETHING ABOUT YOU advanced to the next round of the DABWAHA tournament.  The book is up for voting again and I would love for all of you to help me out.  Remember– it doesn’t matter if you filled out a bracket in the tournament. Anyone and everyone can vote.

I hear the competition is coming out with guns blazing this round, which means that I’m going to need help from you guys.  Spread the word! Tell your friends, family, Facebook friends, Twitter peeps to vote for SOMETHING ABOUT YOU by clinking on this link here.  (Full link for those who want to spread the word is: http://dabwaha.com/2011/03/vote-here-region-4/.

You can vote from your computer, your phone, your iPad, basically anything with an IP address.  Let’s make it to the Elite Eight!

Thanks, as always, everyone.  You guys rock.

Need Your Help (Again)!

That’s right, folks, Something About You advanced to the next round of the DABWAHA March Madness tournament of romance novels.  The competition is going to be tough this round, so I’m going to need every vote! If you have a minute, head over to: http://bit.ly/eufwp8. Remember– anyone can vote, and it only takes a few seconds.  Please note: voting in this round goes until midnight (CST), so vote before then if you can.

Let’s get Something About You into the Sweet Sixteen!

Thanks, everyone!

Need Your Help!

64 books enter. 1 book leaves.

That’s right, folks, it’s DABWAHA time again, the March Madness tournament of romance novels (actually, romance, urban fantasy, paranormal, and crossover fiction, but I digress.)

Many of you are familiar with the drill from last year–where, thanks to all of you, my book advanced to the Elite Eight.  Well, my 2010 release, SOMETHING ABOUT YOU, has been nominated, and the competition is going to be fierce.  To put things in perspective, Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins (yes, the Hunger Games book) is one of the competitors this year.

We must be strong, Team SAY. Don’t be fooled by the fact that those crazy pollsters have ranked me a #1 seed.  In the first round, which started today, I’m up against an author who is a USA Today bestseller and two-time RITA winner.

So if you have a spare minute, I would love for you to vote for SOMETHING ABOUT YOU at: http://dabwaha.com/2011/03/2011-round-1-set-4/.  They don’t ask for your email address, you don’t need to fill anything out, all you need to do is click a few buttons.  Super-easy. Please note: voting is open only until midnight (CST) tonight.

Thanks, as always, for all your support. You guys got me to the Elite Eight last year and I’d love to repeat that!