Price drop! JUST THE SEXIEST MAN ALIVE is $1.99!

Untitled-2Hollywood’s biggest movie star has just met his match.

“Witty banter and amazing chemistry … bring this delightful story to life”—Chicago Sun-Times

Fantastic news! Berkley has decided to drop the price on the Just the Sexiest Man Alive ebook to $1.99. So if you haven’t read JTSMA, now’s your chance to pick it up! Or, gift it to a friend who perhaps needs a little Jason Andrews in her life. (Don’t we all?)

The sale will only last one week, so be sure to pick up your copy while it’s hot (and cheap)!

Kindle iTunes Nook Kobo


Goodreads Giveaway for Just the Sexiest Man Alive

Are you on Goodreads? If so, I’m giving away five signed copies of my first book, Just the Sexiest Man Alive, so be sure to head on over to Goodreads to enter! You can enter the giveaway by following this link, or by clicking on the handy-dandy widget below.

The Goodreads giveaway is U.S. only, but don’t worry international readers–there’s a giveaway for you, too, right here at this blog. And there are many more international giveaways to come in the very near future, I promise. Y’all know how I love to give away stuff. 😉

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Just the Sexiest Man Alive by Julie James

Just the Sexiest Man Alive

by Julie James

Giveaway ends February 23, 2014.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

Ciao, Italian readers!

SAY Italy

Earlier this month, my Italian publisher released the translated version of Something About You (QUALCOSA DI TE). Check out the pretty cover!

I remember now that we had to change Jack’s last name from “Pallas” to “Dallas,” because “Pallas” apparently means something bawdy in Italian. Oops. : )

Something About You (QUALCOSA DI TE) currently is #48 in all Kindle at Amazon Italy. And I also just learned that my first two books, Just the Sexiest Man Alive (DELIZIOSA SFIDA) and Practice Makes Perfect (QUESTIONE DI PRATICA), are the #2 and #4 ebook bestsellers of all time from my Italian publisher. (Full list here.)
