The Countdown Continues. . . with another giveaway!

Please note: the giveaway is now closed. Winners will be announced shortly.

Only three weeks to the release of About That Night!  Which means it’s time for. . . another giveaway!

As many of you know, About That Night is the third book in what I’m now calling the FBI/U.S. Attorney series.  The hero in About That Night, Kyle Rhodes, is a billionaire heir/network security specialist/ex-con.  Yep, you heard that right: he went to prison for crashing Twitter after his supermodel ex-girlfriend broke up with him via a tweet.  Kyle is first introduced in my previous book, A Lot Like Love, when his twin sister agrees to work with the FBI (as part of a sting operation) in exchange for Kyle’s release from prison.

This week I’m giving away five copies of A Lot Like Love, and a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble or Amazon (winner’s choice).  For those of you who aren’t familiar with A Lot Like Love, here’s a short description:


As the daughter of a billionaire and the owner of the city’s top wine store, Jordan Rhodes is invited to the most exclusive parties in Chicago. But there’s only one party the FBI wants to crash: the charity fundraiser of a famous restaurateur, who also happens to launder money for the mob. In exchange for her brother’s release from prison, Jordan is going to be there—with a date supplied by the Bureau.


As the top undercover agent in Chicago, Nick McCall has one rule: never get personal. This “date” with Jordan Rhodes is merely an assignment—one they’re both determined to pull off even if they can’t be together for five minutes before the sarcasm and sparks begin to fly. But when Nick’s investigation is compromised, he and Jordan have no choice but to pretend they’re a couple, and what starts out as a simple assignment begins to feel a lot like something more. . .

* * *

Now for the giveaway part: all you have to do to enter is leave a comment or question below. It’s that easy.  One grand prize winner will receive a copy of A Lot Like Love and a $25 gift card to Amazon/Barnes & Noble. Four additional winners will receive a copy of A Lot Like Love.  Winners will be chosen at random, and will have the option of choosing either a signed paperback or a Kindle/Nook eBook.  Giveaway is open internationally and will run until this Friday, March 16th, at 9pm CST.

One more thing: those of you who are new to the FBI/US Attorney series should feel free to check out my new series page, which includes a series overview, the inspiration behind the series, and some fun profiles of the heroes.

And yet another thing (this is really it, I promise): some of you have probably heard that A Lot Like Love is a finalist in this year’s DA BWAHA competition. (Yay!) The competition is a March Madness-style tournament of romance novels where you, the readers, pick the books that advance.  Anyone can vote, so if you liked A Lot Like Love, consider taking two seconds today to vote for it here.)  Voting goes until midnight CST, anyone can vote (international included), and there’s no registration or email address required.

Okay, that’s it.  Whew.  Now good luck to everyone who enters the giveaway!



201 thoughts on “The Countdown Continues. . . with another giveaway!

  1. Lorie Glowania says:

    I love your books. Are you from the Chicagoland area. Someone said you were so I was wondering because so am I. Love finding local authors

  2. Melissa Murray says:

    I love love love your books! I am super excited for the next one and thanks so much for this awesome giveaway!!!

  3. CrystalGB says:

    Congrats on the upcoming release of About That Night. Sounds great. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  4. Maureen says:

    I’m excited to hear you have a new one out. Congrats! It must feel like a new baby is born lol.

  5. maria bergantim says:

    Love, love your books!!! My favorite is a tie between Something About You and A Lot Like Love.I have been waiting anxiously for About That Night. Can’t wait to get my hands on it when it’s released!!!

  6. Kim says:

    Since About That Night is almost here, the DABWAHA tournament comes at a great time.

    Question: What is the one thing you wish you had known about publishing when you started your writing career?

  7. Trish says:

    I just reread Something About You and next up is A Lot Like Love in preparation for the new one. I love the series and am glad another book is coming soon!

  8. Danielle West says:

    I just started watching White Collar on netflix so an ex-con H sounds verrrry appealing! 🙂

  9. Michele S says:

    Hi Julie. I love your books–they are so awesome! Just checked out your Series Page—love the hero profiles too:)

  10. Julie says:

    My Kindle is lonely! It really, really needs a copy of A Lot Like Love, to go with the pre-ordered copy of About That Night!

    Thanks, Julie, for another great giveaway!

  11. Melissa B says:

    I cannot WAIT to read About The Night, Julie…and you already KNOW I’ve got it going to the final battle in the DABWAHA…lol, no sharing who I’ve got WINNING this year. There are SO many great books ~~ GOOD luck!!

  12. Cris says:

    I’ve got ALLL down for winning it all in DABWAHA… that may be the only thing I get right 🙂

    Looking forward to April 3– which will lead to the debate of whether I should prepare for my thesis committee meeting that Friday, or read ‘About That Night’. I have a feeling the book will win :P.

  13. Carolynn P says:

    I am so EXCITED and have been anxiously waiting for this book!!!!! Julie James’ books are my own little addiction lol….

  14. Rochelle says:

    Hitting your back list and read “Just the Sexiest Man Alive” in one day. Couldn’t put it down. Great book. Thanks for the entertainment.

  15. TrishJ says:

    Wow. I would love to win the gift card. I own copies of all your books and have read them all at least twice. I will reread A Lot Like You again before I read the new book. I love how they are connected thru Kyle and Jordan. I am eagerly waiting for the new one.

  16. anami says:

    Awesome. I’ve been searching for an ebook of this, with no luck 🙁 , and waiting to remember it the next time I’m in a bookstore. Best of luck to you in the DA BWAHA!

  17. Debbie W. says:

    Looking forward to Kyle’s story. Have all your books and have enjoyed each one. Here’s my question: I have my favorite hero in your books. Do you have a favorite and why or why not?

  18. Monikarw says:

    I Love Kyle… but if anyone ever crashes Twitter I’d go crazy! LOL
    what would I do with all that time? 😎 LOL ;D
    I cannot wait for this book! Thank you Julie 🙂

  19. Jenn says:

    I’m finally caught up on your books, just in time, it seems! I love your writing; can’t wait for kyle’s book!

  20. Gale says:

    A Lot Like Love was a terrific book — the series is hot, funny, and a don’t-put-it-down-until done. Can’t wait for Kyle’s story!

  21. Jackie says:

    Oh boy…I was not aware of this series. Will have to start reading it soon so I can be caught up when the third one comes out. Congrats on the new release.

  22. Carolyn says:

    Can’t wait for the new book! Your book releases seem to fall during our Spring Break trips. Last year I had to steathily sneak into Target to grab A Lot Like Love, cause DH would not have considered that a necessity. I’m wondering what store I’m going to have to sneak into to pick up About That Night, and what little white lie I’ll have to tell DH to get him to stop at a store on vacation.

  23. Raonaid Luckwell says:

    Can’t wait for Kyle’s book. I was wanting his story after I read A lot like love!

  24. Christine Rivera says:

    I’ve never read any of your books, but to be honest this book seems like one I would be in to. Either way I will read it. Hopefully you will have a new fan!!!

  25. Traci Etzkorn says:

    LOVE your FBI/US Attorney Series! Can’t wait for About That Night to come out. I’m sure it will be a winner just like the rest!

  26. Renee says:

    I’d love to win! I’ve read all your books multiple times and have About That Night pre-ordered on my Kindle. Also, I’ve always thought your books would make awesome movies…someone in Hollywood needs to get moving!

  27. Jessie Wilson says:

    I’m a huge fan of your books and I can’t wait till your new one gets released, thanks for having the contest. :0)

  28. Christina S. says:

    Can’t wait to have About that Night in the mailbox 🙂

    Oooh, and I entered my DA BWAHA picks yesterday – not sure if I did it correctly, though O.0

  29. Gillian Wheatley says:

    Sounds like a great book. I will definitely read it once I finish the other hundred books I keep promising to read! LOL

  30. Moran says:

    I can’t wait to read About That Night!

    I pre ordered it months and months ago and I just hope it will arrive on time.

  31. Alicia says:

    “Girl-Sawyer…” still makes me laugh. That running joke is one of my favorite parts of this book.

  32. Michele says:

    I’d love to win! Immensely enjoyed the first book in this series and looking forward to reading the rest. Thank you!

  33. Stacey says:

    In your last giveaway (which is great!) I said I was a new fan having read a lot like love, well I cam now say I am a huge fan, read sexiest man alive, practice makes perfect and something about you. I also have Pre ordered about that night. Love your books! I think your my new favourite author! Cannot wait for this one!

  34. Amy Remus says:

    DABWAHA It is a lot more fun than the NCAA brackets, however, like he NCAA brackets I don’t have a clue on most of those books. The only two books I have read in the entire list is yours and Shannon Stacey’s (Love the Kowalskis and Yours To Keep is my favorite of the series so far).

  35. Dreythaller says:

    So far was always veeeery fast – I hope this time they will do it again and I might have the book a tiny bit earlier….. hopefully since I can´t wait!

  36. Vanessa says:

    Can’t wait to read the new book. What a fun and entertaining series. Thanks again for the contest!

  37. Saly says:

    I wouldn’t mind a gift card since I buy books like crazy. I sooo can’t wait for Kyle’s book especially after reading the early reviews.

    Your books have been becoming better & better each year & I am going to vote again in DABWAHA, last year was tough.

  38. Linda Brashears says:

    I love books about the FBI. This would be a great opportunity for me if I won your book because I don’t think I have ever read one of your books. This would be a great book to win. And since it sounds so good, I’m going to have to buy some of your other books to see if they are good, too. Thanks for having this contest.

  39. Leeanne says:

    Very much looking forward to Kyle’s story and have been re-reading the other books in the series. Hope you have lots more of these FBI guys up your sleeve!

  40. Tina says:

    Thanks so much, Julie, for opening your contest for international readers as well. Unfortunately many US authors keep their fans from abroad out. I just read “Something about you” which will come out in Germany next month and really loved it. Looking forward to the next books in the series.

  41. Susan T. says:

    I love A Lot Like Love, but I haven’t read Something About You yet. Its on my TBR. I can’t wait to read About That Night. Thanks for the giveaway.

  42. Angel says:

    ok so i love your work could you possibly put them out faster because i just cant get enough of these characters and there storys

  43. Aileen Smith says:

    I can not decide which I enjoy more: your books (which since I found you have read all and look forward to the next) or your posts on Facebook about your family. I may have to add meeting Little Guy to my bucket list. LOL And congratulations on being names a finalist. GOOD LUCK!

  44. Mindy says:

    Not so patiently waiting for About That Night’s release! I love all your books and am looking forward to this one coming out.

  45. Barbara Elness says:

    Congrats on the upcoming release of About That Night. I haven’t had a chance to start the FBI/US Attorney series, but I’m really looking forward to it.

  46. KerriW says:

    please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please and I swear I did not copy/paste ANY of those ‘please’s.

  47. Jeanne says:

    Must have a new copy of this book. I’ve read it so many times, the book is falling apart. It’s my Book of the Year. Looking forward to reading About That Night. Write faster, please!

  48. Diana says:

    I am beyond excited about the upcoming release of About That Night! Are you already hard at work on the next book in the series?

  49. Buttercream says:

    I’m going to check out the series overview page. I definitely like to see the “making” of a series with inside looks and inspirations. Fantastic giveaway, thank you!

  50. dian says:

    congrats and good luck with DA BWAHA julie..

    pls pls pls enter me,,i hope i win this book…i very like it this series…

    thanks for the giveaway ^^

  51. Xinmin says:

    Absolutely cannot wait for Kyle’s book! I was totally intrigued by him from the last book. I thought it was hilarious that he actually shut down Twitter. Would love to see that in real life and actually see people panicking. Shows how depended we are on social networks–whatever happened to old-fashioned socializing?

  52. Jackie says:

    Cannot WAIT! Love every single one of your books. The only contemp author that I re-read! And DA BWAHA is so much fun!

  53. Luisa says:

    I have not yet read anything by Julie James, but this sounds like a really interesting story. I’ll be giving it a try this weekend 🙂

  54. Chachic says:

    I’m so excited to read About That Night! And I can’t wait to hear about the next book in the series, I wonder if we’ll meet the hero or heroine of that book in About That Night? 🙂

  55. Alyssa says:

    I am so so so excited for this story! I have been reading story after story hoping to find another as good as yours, and wishing that you had already written more! 🙂

  56. Jen D. says:

    Can’t wait for About That Night! =)

    Also, I selected A Lot Like Love as ultimate champion for the DABWAHA tournament– you most definitely have my vote!

  57. Linnde says:

    I just finished reading “Something About You” — I read it every chance I got all day long since I couldn’t put it down! I can’t wait for the new book!

  58. Alexandra J A says:

    Thank you for another chance to win one of your books!! I love your FBI series and I can’t wait for more!!!

  59. Olivia says:

    Love this series!!! Jordan has to be one of my fave heroin! Thanks for hosting for yet another awesome give away!

  60. Morgan says:

    Can’t wait for your next book! Hopefully I can get to one of your book signings when I move to Chicago.

  61. Alex H says:

    I love your books! I really like how the female characters have real professional jobs with gender neutral names! Ever thought about having a female lead be an engineer? Or named Alex?

  62. Dina says:

    Well, like I’ve said before, ALLL is my favorite so far, and Kyle is a great character! So excited to hear he will be making another appearance! Is the 3 weeks over yet?

  63. Katelyn D says:

    I absolutely loved Something About You and A lot Like Love!
    I can’t tell you how excited I am for Kyle’s story!!

    Congrats on being a finalist for DA BWAHA!

  64. SusanK says:

    Can’t wait for the new book. I’ve been recommeding your books to my lawyer(and non-lawyer) friends!

  65. Patricia says:

    I read all of your books as well, even bought some as mobis and paperbacks, to be honest. XD But I’d love to win and get my BF a copy, too. Thanks for the great giveaway & Good luck to everyone!

  66. Jewls says:

    Really looking forward to Kyle’s book, anyone who crashes Twitter deserves to have their own HEA!

  67. Melissa says:

    I loved this book! Also, you have the best covers. The dresses and poses….love! Can’t wait for About that Night!!

  68. Nicole Bui says:

    I have OCD when it comes to reading and always looking for the next author I will have to find every book they have written and read them all in order 🙂

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