LOVE IRRESISTIBLY discussion blog

comps_LoveIrr.inddLast year, a reader asked whether there was any place where people who’d read my newest release could discuss the book, including spoilers. I thought that was a great idea, and the discussion blog was a hit. So, I thought I’d do that again this year, for Love Irresistibly. I’ve seen a lot of conversations about the book on Twitter and Facebook and thought people might enjoy the opportunity to chat with other readers. I’m also happy to answer questions about the book (I’ll be in New York for the next two days for a reader event, but I’ll try to respond as quickly as possible), but feel free to discuss amongst yourselves.

Be forewarned: any comments below may include spoilers.

I also wanted to thank all of you for the emails, tweets, Facebook posts, etc. I’m thrilled to hear you guys are enjoying Love Irresistibly!

P.S. To join the conversation, those of you reading this on Goodreads should click here.

38 thoughts on “LOVE IRRESISTIBLY discussion blog

  1. Sheri says:

    Really loved the book and its your best one yet. I enjoy you writing so much about Chicago. I’ve been there a few times and can picture all your characters walking down the miracle mile hitting up a Starbucks or looking out on Lake Michigan, visiting Navy Pier or the Lincoln Park Zoo. I will be waiting right here for your next book.

  2. Laurie H says:

    First, Julie, I loved the book! I had a major LOL moment when Brooke liked the article on her FB page. This scene rivals the courtroom incident that Payton had in PMP…SO funny!

    Since I know Julie will neither confirm or deny, I’d like to throw this question open to the readers here. Who do you think will be the lead in Julie’s next book? She’s already confirmed on twitter that it will be another FBI/US Attorney book.

    To me the obvious choice would be Vaughn, but if I am remembering correctly, Julie said at the Naperville event Tuesday night that it wouldn’t be the obvious one. I’ve seen some speculate on twitter that it might be Ford…but he’s not FBI nor a US Attorney.

    So, could it be Huxley? I know Julie has him in a relationship with Simms right now, but in Julie’s real life interview with the FBI agent, he spoke of the difficulty of doing relationships with that job. It would be a new and interesting storyline to explore.

    For those who like conspiracy theories, Huxley would be a good choice because his first name is Seth. All of Julie’s heroes in the FBI books have four letter names. 🙂


  3. Wendy says:

    I was hoping that Kendall and Jameson would get the business as well. But the firm of Gray& Dallas sounds very familiar.

  4. Stacie C says:

    Just finished it and I was not disappointed!!! LOVED LOVED LOVED IT!!! I had several laugh out loud moments! I can’t wait for your next book to come out! Thank you for sharing your talent with all of us fans!!

  5. Wendy says:

    This time last year I was convinced that it was Cade. So I am sticking with my gut. My money is still on Vaughn, but maybe it will be Ford. What exactly does he do though?

    It was great catching up with Cameron/Jack and Rylann/Kyle. Super proposal from the Twitter Terrorist and trust Jack to still have people shaking in their boots. I still love me some Jack!!!!

  6. Adriana K says:

    Oh where to begin!? No one does it like Julie 😀 I enjoyed this novel so very much. I wish I could have prolonged the pleasure of reading this story because I know how long and hard Julie worked on it, but I think I paid my due respects by reading it in a day and a half while working a full time job. hehe

    The story itself was great. I really appreciated that she caught us up on what the characters from prior books have been up to and it was done so well. She really incorporated them effortlessly into the plot. The story itself was just a joy to read. I had a goofy smile on my face most of the time.

    Julie has a way of making me laugh and feel all gooey inside within one sentence. Julie, thank you for an extremely entertaining read. The book was highly anticipated and it was definitely worth the wait. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I wish Julie could be cloned (repeatedly) so I’d have a constant supply of amazing reading material. Who’s with me? 🙂

    P.S. Looking forward to the next story (where we’ll hopefully get a glimpse of what shenanigans Cade and Brooke have been up to).
    P.P.S. Julie… Ontario, Canada would love to have you! Get your kick-ass writing bum up here and do a signing.

  7. Brig says:

    I would really like Wilkins to be the next lead. I still find myself wanting to know more about him…………Vaughn would be my next choice. I am not sure that Huxley will be the lead in the next book because of his newly budding relationship in this book.

  8. Wendy says:

    I’m with you Adriana. I wish she could be cloned. So many authors of contemporary romance do small towns, but I love the big city descriptions. Chicago is a city that I would love to visit. We’ll have to wait for 2014. It’s torture to have to wait one more year.

  9. Ashley says:

    Wow… just wow. This is by far my favorite of Julie’s FBI/US Attorney series! The main reason is because it seems the most realistic and we really get to know Cade’s past. I also love how both characters go back and forth with the witty banter. Sexy, witty, hilarious, and so much more! This is a great read if you’re into contemporary romance 🙂

  10. leigh says:

    I downloaded this on to my kindle last night and read it straight through! I totally loved this book and is so far, my favorite of the FBI/US Attorney series. Really funny and I love Brooke’s character – totally awesome job and career choice at the end to her ex-boyfriend hot OB to her sharing the rules on her facebook page to her loyalty to Ian and I especially loved best friend Ford. Brooke is one of my favorite characters!

  11. Emma says:

    Another well-written novel by the ever so didactic Julie James. I can honestly say that i will have to go back and reread the novel to appreciate the more subtler lines that i may have skipped through in anticipation of finishing the book.
    I definitely loved that we got a glimpse of baby boy Pallas because that is my all time favorite by Julie.
    Loved Brooke Parker and her spunky, optimistic attitude. She made a great heroine. Also was in awe of Cade in his football days, loved the dynamic that he had to start fresh, and he chose to turn to law enforcement.
    Overall, a great, fun novel to read and i hope that the next novel involves Sam Wilkins because i never got enough of him!
    Please do keep churning out these awesome novels Julie!

  12. sabah says:

    I loved it cant wait for the next book. I hoping for Sam’s book next but my guess is that Vaughan is going to be next. loved catching up with other. I agree with Wendy I love me some jack.

  13. Pam Pellini says:

    Loved the chemistry between sassy Brooke and Cade. they make a great couple. Have to agree this one a series favorite! The facebook mistake was great, and I liked the betting pool on when Jack would be seen wearing a baby pack. Brooke’s personality and wit reminded me of Cameron, another favorite series heroine.
    Thinking next one might be Ford’s book.

  14. Beth says:

    What can i say that hasn’t been said already? I love all the Us attorney books she writes and love how she weaves the previous characters into her current book. Cade was a great character and a great match for Brooke. I loved the update on Jack, he is my favorite of all her characters. I hope the next one is on Wilkins but Vaughn could be funny as well. Can’t wait until your next one! Keep up the great writing!

  15. Vicki P says:

    Wow…just finished Love Irresistibly and it was–IRRESISTIBLE–as all your books have been! I agree with the others…liked the big city Chicago setting and weaving old characters into this new story so we can see what they have been up to! Brooke and Cade were a great match and I really hated to see the book end. Your books are so well-written I feel like I am part of the story! Lots of laughter, many smiles, some tears and Whoa, the HOTness factor! :-0 I’m not a big re-reader of books, but I’m thinking I need to go back and re-read all your books that are sitting on my keeper shelf–to tide me over until your next book!
    Keep writing these wonderful stories!

  16. Gabriela says:

    God, how I LOVE you, Julie James. This book was totally, truly awesome.
    I ALWAYS read your books with a huge smile on my face – my cheeks really start hurting.
    Anyway, this one was the best for me – my fav was the first one until now.

    And I’m hoping we get to know Wilkins’ story next. Please, please, please?

    No one does like Julie – as a smart fan so beautifully said some replies above. And I really, really find myself wanting to be like Brooke when I grow up – LOL. I’m already nineteen. Must hurry up. – and if I found a cute, sexy and smart lawyer like Cade, well then, it would be just IRRESISTIBLE. Ha-ha.

    Thank you for another marvelous, marvelous book. 😀

  17. Pat C. says:

    I guess all we can do is reread all your books until the next one. Loved this one as all the other US attorney and FBI series. I have a special fondness for FBI agents. Keep writing these wonderful stories for us!

  18. Suze says:

    I loved it also. Read it straight through. Could NOT put it down. It was everything wonderful and more. Hated for it to end. I don’t know who the next book will be about. How about you write and publish one a month for all the characters mentioned without stories. I would really like that 🙂 Thank you for being sooooooooo ahmazing 😉

  19. M says:

    I hope the next book would be about Vaughan also and please would it be sooner than April? I can’t wait that long.

  20. Betty says:

    Loved this book. The conversation between Vaugh and Cade had me laughing out loud when Cade said he didn’t pull out in time. Priceless! The story line was great and I enjoyed all of the characters. I think the next book will be about Ford. The heroine might be an FBI agent or US Attorney and Ford’s occupation wasn’t mentioned. Hmmmm…

  21. Rachel says:

    I read this book in one day! I loved it! Then again, I read the entire series in the span of just a couple of days! I am so completely hooked on this series now!! This one was my favorite though. Cade won me over on so many levels…and yum! He’s just delicious! Brooke was amazing, too! I love her!!

    As for the next book, I’m really hoping to see Wilkins get one! Him and Rae or him with someone new! I would also be great with Vaughan or Ford! Even adorable Huxley would work for me.

  22. Priyanka says:

    I am a gihugic fan of Fbi/Us attorney series!
    God i loved Cade especially when he tells Brooke that Ford is in his seat was super cute! I loved Ford and Vaughan too i hope they each get a book! and i really really want a book for Wilkins!!

  23. Alyssa says:

    I hope we get Vaughn or Huxley’s story next! I’d love to see one for Wilkins in the future too. Are we going to get any other books this year? Please don’t make me wait another year! Your books are too freaking awesome! Jack has always been my favorite but I think Cade may have stolen that position. He is so sexy! It was great to see the other characters show up again. It was so funny to see how overprotective Jack was of the pregnant Cameron. You should totally incorporate Kendall & Jameson into your next book. I really loved their story too. Julie, are Jack and Brooke based on people you know in real life? How long did it take to write their story? I’ve never seen Friday Night Lights but since you’ve brought it up, I’ll definitely have to check it out. You did get me suckered into The Bachelor this year though. Teehee. Please, please come to California and do a book signing! I totaly <3 you and your books!

  24. janet says:

    i love cade and brooke story!! it was very helpful julie showed photos of matt bomer as cade 🙂 now, whenever i read L.I, i can picture mr bomer… so freaking handsome
    yeah, i agree with alyssa. you should incorporate kendall and jameson into your next book…they are my first fave couple 🙂
    any character will do for me….hope there will be another book coming this year..cant wait for next yr…please…..

  25. Laurie H says:

    I have a legal question that came up for me in About That Night and reoccurred in Love Irresistibly. Should Rylann have disclosed to Cameron/Cade that she met Kyle in college before she took on the case from Cade that ultimately released Kyle?

    I reread LI today, and it seemed to me that when Rylann described the proposal, Cade was hearing for the first time that Rylann met & kissed Kyle in grad school. Also, is my interpretation of that scene correct — was it the first time that Cade was aware of this? If so, should Rylann have disclosed that earlier — legally speaking?

  26. Wendy says:

    I wondered the exact same thing. If she hadn’t told Cameron/Cade at the start, I didn’t think she should have brought it up at all.

  27. Kim says:

    I really enjoyed the story. Besides writing the best main characters, you write the best secondary characters, too. The scenes between Cade and Brooke are a given, but I especially liked the interactions between Cade and Zach, Brooke/Ford and Cade/Vaughn.

    Was the corruption plot between the stae senator and the hospital CEO loosely based on former governor Blago? I seem to recall that he got a kickback from a hospital CEO.

    Finally, in your next book, the unknown heroine could be the FBI agent or AUSA, leaving Ford in the running for hero. Even though we know a lot about his background, you still left many details vague, such as his occupation (unless I missed that) and why he never dated Brooke. A second guess would be Vaughn, but an outside the box pick, is Palmer. You never really gave him an age or description, but he could re-locate to Chicago and hook up with a female agent.

  28. Kim says:

    Oops; one more thing. Although Payton and J.D. weren’t hired as outside counsel, Taylor Donovan does work for Gray and Dallas, so Julie did keep it in the family.

  29. Laurie H says:

    Wow, Kim, that’s great Julie James trivia knowledge. I’m impressed! I want you on my team if we’re ever asked to do a challenge. 🙂

  30. M says:

    I sure hope the next book is about Vaughn or Wilkins. Pretty Please don’t make us wait so long for the next book. Heh Heh.

  31. Carol says:

    Loved all the banter. Great chemistry between Cade and Brooke. I will have to throw my vote in for Vaughn as the next hero!

  32. janet says:

    read all your 4 books this weekend and was thinking of agent simms might be a good book with a handsome lawyer… 🙂

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