The Countdown Continues … with another giveaway!


Note: the giveaway is now closed. Winners to be announced shortly.

As we continue our countdown to the April 2nd release of Love Irresistibly (whoo-hoo!), I thought we should celebrate with another giveaway. And I have a fun one for you this week, folks.

Eager to get your hands on a copy of Love Irresistibly? Here’s your chance. I have two ARCs (Advance Review Copies) up for grabs this week.

More info about the book: Love Irresistibly is the fourth book in my FBI/US Attorney series. (FYI, for those of you who aren’t familiar, the books are a “series” in the sense that they are set in a shared world and some characters make appearances in later books.  But I write each book as a standalone, so you should feel free to jump in wherever you like!)

Here’s a brief description of Love Irresistibly:


A former football star and one of Chicago’s top prosecutors, Assistant U.S. Attorney Cade Morgan will do anything to nail a corrupt state senator, which means he needs Brooke Parker’s help. As general counsel for a restaurant company, she can get a bug to the senator’s table at one of her five-star restaurants so the FBI can eavesdrop on him. All Cade has to do is convince Brooke to cooperate—and he’s not afraid to use a little charm, or the power of his office, to do just that.


A savvy businesswoman, Brooke knows she needs to play ball with the U.S. Attorney’s office—even if it means working with Cade. No doubt there’s a sizzling attraction beneath all their sarcastic quips, but Brooke is determined to keep things casual. Cade agrees—until a surprising turn of events throws his life into turmoil, and he realizes that he wants more than just a good time from the one woman with whom he could fall terrifyingly, irresistibly in love . . .

* * *LI ARCs

Now for the giveaway part: all you have to do to enter is leave a comment below. It’s that easy. (Note: those of you reading this on my Goodreads page should click HERE to leave a comment.) Two randomly-selected winners will receive an ARC of Love Irresistibly. Giveaway is open internationally and will run until this Sunday, February 3rd, at 9pm CST. Only one comment/entry will be counted per person.

**And don’t miss out: There’s another giveaway going on right now over at Goodreads that you don’t want to miss! Twenty-five (25) copies of A LOT LIKE LOVE are up for grabs. You can enter by clicking on this link.

Good luck everyone, and remember to check back over the next several weeks for still more giveaways!

Want to stay current with my giveaway and book release news? You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and/or Goodreads.

553 thoughts on “The Countdown Continues … with another giveaway!

  1. miki says:

    i’m in!! i would be very happy to win an arc of this book!

    thank you a lot for opening this to international! i really appreciate ( mire than you imagine)


  2. Fabiola Attademo says:

    Sooooo looking forward to this!
    Love all your books and your incredible and witty and funny and sexy characters! ^^

  3. Debbie says:

    I love this series. Cannot wait to read Cade’s story. I think what we saw of him in About That Night was just a tease. 😉

  4. Elizabeth says:

    I absolutely love your FBI/US Attorney series & Just the Sexiest Man Alive!!! Can’t wait for Love Irresistibly!!!

  5. Pat C. says:

    Love your giveaways almost but not quite as much as reading your books. I’m a sucker for sexy FBI agents. Hope I’m lucky!

  6. Kat says:

    I would love to receive a copy of this book! I can’t wait to read their story, but I was expecting a female FBI agent this time around. I was wrong, but this book will be as good as the others!

  7. Soncee22 says:

    GM Jules!!

    I am such a fan of your writing that as soon as
    I finish one, I’m ready to get my hot little hands on the next book, and I’m sure “Love Irresistibly” will be no exception. That said, if you’d like to avoid countless emails,and tweets with comments like: Write Faster! Faster! Faster! or the dreaded, When does your next book go on sale? I’d suggest getting a head start and start on the next book NOW!! After-all, sleeping IS over-rated, and your fans would happily send you your meals via Fedex overnight! Kidding ..not!
    That said, I look forward to winning this contest for an advance copy of Love Irresistibly! :0)


    Your #1 Fan aka Stalker

  8. rhea says:

    im a fan! i would love to have your giveaways.. 🙂 i will support the fruit of your hardworks always. you are one of the great writers that i look up to! 🙂

    thank you in advance!

  9. appril says:

    I can’t wait. This is one of my favorite “series”. I’m so thankful my friend introduced me to you at RWA many years ago and I’ve been hooked ever since.

  10. Cris says:

    Can it be April now?? Everyone who’s read an ARC has loved LOVE IRRESISTIBLY, and I really can’t wait until April! Writing my doctoral dissertation is so taking a backseat when LI is released 😀

  11. Caitlain McCarrel says:

    I love your books and have reread them many times may I please get an advanced copy I have been dying to read this book.

  12. Traci Peterson says:

    I am so looking forward to reading this book! I absolutely love your books and I anticipate this to be yet another successful one!.

  13. Annalynn says:

    I love your books! I haven’t entered the other giveaways since I already own all of your books, but this one is too great an offer to pass up. 🙂

  14. Lana says:

    I know it will be a random draw but it is -43 (with the windchill) here in my hometown right now. This book would be a great thing to crawl into bed with and ignore the world outside!

  15. NIKI says:

    I love your books! I hate when they end!! 😉 Can’t wait to read Cade & Brooke’s story! Thank you for sharing your gift with me! (=

  16. Brenda says:

    It was 72 degrees yesterday. We are under a winter storm advisory today. Mother Nature is obviously menopausal and I think a new Julie James book would go far to distract me from the weather craziness!

  17. Agnes Louie says:

    I can’t wait to read this one. Cade’s story huh? Interesting. I wonder which characters from the previous 3 books will pop up. hehe LOL!

  18. Estelle C says:

    I can’t wait for this book. It is already on pre-order, thinking of doing the same for eversion too. 🙂

  19. Wendy W says:

    Totally can’t wait!!!! April 2 is just too too too far away!!! I agree with Soncee 22!! Hopefully I won’t get a speeding ticket on my way to the bookstore!!!

  20. Marcia Stewart says:

    /would really like a copy of this book. Feel so special to receive ARC. Thanks in advance. Here’s hoping.

  21. Rachel Stockley says:

    OMG! April is still to far away. Do wish it would hurry up (not that I’m wishing my life away) 🙂 x

  22. Bridget C says:

    Good luck for the countdown, Julie. I’m looking forward to reading it. Will we have any news of old friends?

  23. Jen D. says:

    Oooh! Oooh! I cannot wait to read Love Irresistibly! My fingers are all crossed on the giveaway. 😀

    Thanks, Julie!

  24. Zeahaa Rehman says:

    I bet I’m your youngest reader. I swear I’ve read all your books and am anticipating this one so bad. I wants it.

  25. Melissa Melech says:

    Have read a few of your books would love to read more. I even gave your name to a friend looking for a new author to start reading.

  26. Lizzy says:

    I think it’s really awesome that you take so much time to correspond with your fans over twitter etc, and even more awesome that you do so many giveaways! I usually never enter because I already own all of your books but reading the next one ahead of time would make me unbelievably happy 🙂 you rock!

  27. margaret whelehan says:

    I love your books….i have been a fan from the very begining. Thank you sooooo much for the contest

  28. Negine says:

    Thank you so much for this giveaway 🙂 I love your books and simply can’t wait to read LOVE IRRESISTIBLY!!!!

  29. Tuyen Monzon says:

    Can’t wait for this book!!!! So excited sucks we have to wait for the release date!! Love all ur books!

  30. Maria Nielsen says:

    I absolutely adore your books! Love Irresistibly is in my MUST READ for this year! Can’t wait for it to come out!! <3

  31. Jenny Schwartzberg says:

    I’ve loved all your books so far. I can’t wait to read this one so I’m crossing my fingers!!!!

  32. Moran says:

    I’m crossing my fingers that I’ll be one of the winners!
    I can’t wait to read Love Irresistibly in April 🙂

  33. Corinna says:

    ….i’m reading the whole Book Series over and over again until it’s April 2nd – can’t wait for the new one !!!!!!!

  34. amivmi says:

    Been waiting for this book since I read the last word from ATN! And I called that it would be Cade when he first appeared at Rylann’s office door 😉

  35. Julia - Yen says:

    Great brief description of Love Irresistibly! I’m excited for this book and looking forward to reading it!

  36. Christine H. says:

    Cant wait to read it! Just The Sexiest Man Alive put you on my must-read-list and after 5 books I still pre-order as soon as possible 🙂

  37. Sheryl C. Nash says:

    OMG!!!! This is SOOOOO exciting…. i CANNOT wait for the book to come out… O_0 and thanks for the GREAT giveaway….

  38. Cecilia iturbide says:



  39. Sara says:

    Let’s try this… I must say that the only thing that can improve your books would be for you to be able to write them as well as you do, but faster! 🙂

  40. Des says:

    I would love to win an ARC from you! I’m eagerly awaiting your next story 🙂 Thank you for the chance to win!

  41. Cat E. says:

    The sooner the better for one of your books. I’m about 2 away from having an entire weekend of them.

  42. Sarah says:

    Yes, I would love for a copy of this book now. Especially it takes much longer to arrive in Singapore. Can’t wait to read it! It is going to be so awesome! (:

  43. Bobbie says:

    I SOOOOO want to read this early. Pick me please! I a really good at begging and will give an honest review!

  44. Sandra F says:

    Can’t wait to read the next book in the series. Way too long between books but completely worth it when they come out….

  45. Jennifer W says:

    I love this series! I can’t wait to re-read it while I (im)patiently wait for Love Irresistibly!

  46. Rovesalnnie says:

    OMG! I’m so excited to ravish him Miss Julie!!!
    The cover is great and the title makes me think of IRRESISTIBLE HIM!!!!
    Congratulations for the new book!!!

  47. Kate says:

    All your novels read just like a movie! Can’t wait to read this book and hopefully many more in the series!

  48. Gie says:

    I would love to have this one. I only have the pdf files of your books. So hopefully this is my first…Please!!! God bless..

  49. Kris says:

    A recovering lawyer who adores your books! And my friends and their friends and their friends do now too!!!
    Can’t wait for the next installment!

  50. Chris Brandstatter says:

    Oh!! Definitely would love to receive a copy of Love Irresistibly!!

    Love your books Julie!!

  51. Aline Tobing says:

    Yay! Congrats for the upcoming release of Love Irresistibly, Julie. I’d love the chance to win an ARC!


  52. Audrey says:

    I’ve read all of your books and am eager for this next one! April 2nd still seems so far away! Thanks for the opportunity to win an ARC. You also have the best covers! 🙂

  53. Ananda says:

    OMG, 248 responses, 248 people already entered!!! Anyway, I will try out my luck and hope to win:) Thank you Julie for your awesome giveaway. Lots of love from Macedonia

  54. Humaira says:

    Love all of your books and cannot wait to read this one! Will there ever be an update on your characters from other books such as JD & Peyton and Taylor & Jason?

  55. Diana Silva says:

    Ms James,I love love your feel characters! They are so strong and fantastic! The terrible thing about your books is, I CANNOT PUT THEM DOWN! But once I’m finished I’m dying to read the next one! I cannot wait to read about Brooke!

  56. Nandini Shalmi says:

    Can’t wait to read it already!! Here’s hoping I get a copy too!! Thanks julie!! Its not very often international givesways happen…and I hope the book gets available on India!!

  57. Lilli says:

    The book is already pre-ordered but I wouldn’t mind getting an ARC 😀
    Thank you for doing it International!

  58. Monica says:

    Julie, I absolutely love your books. I cannot wait to read this. I know it will just as great as all the rest. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  59. Allison says:

    I cannot wait! I plan on rereading the other FBI series in March just in anticipation! Love your books Julie!

  60. Angie says:

    I love all of your books.You are an amazing writer! And i can’t wait to read Love Irresistibly.. I am so excited about the new love story . :))

  61. Sheila Schwartz says:

    Oh man this series is unbelievable!!! Can’t wait for April 2nd, April 5th is my birthday so if I don’t win an ARC I will definitely purchase this for my birthday!!

  62. Beatrice says:

    So cool! Can’t wait! Love your stories. As a labor law lawyer/arbitrator I feel connected to those books.

  63. Cim H says:

    Sorry. Got cut off from my comment! I am a huge fan and love your books. They were ones that were recommended to me and I am so glad I got them (: Thanks for the great job you do!

  64. Ariella says:

    I am so excited for this book to come out! You are my favorite author, the characters really come to life with all the witty banter. My favorite books are A Lot Like Love and The Perfect Man. I can’t wait to stay up all night reading this new book

  65. Kelli Oliveira says:

    Hope this giveway includes international delivery. Because I really want a copy for me here in Brazil. Love your books.

  66. Janee says:

    Comments on things not obvious:
    1. I never win these things, but hey, here’s trying.
    2. I’m going for the Ravens in the Superbowl
    3. Hi, how’s life (guess that should have been one).
    4. I predict that in this book someone will have a kid on the way.
    5. Uhhhhh …… :/ lol

  67. Meghan says:

    I love your books! You are so talented. I can’t wait for your new book to come out. The only problem is that I never ever win anything but I’m hoping I will win this.

  68. Karen Schmidt says:

    Well I know there is probable no way I will win one now as I will be #328, But I wanted to tell you Julie that I love you books. I do a lot of reading because I am home bound a lot and I thoroughly enjoyed reading yours. I have several authors that are my favorites and I usually buy those in paperback (you are one of them) so I always have them. I got a Kindle Fire for Christmas and I do like it a lot but sometimes you just want the fireplace on, a hot cuppa tea and a real book in you hands. Thanks for the Giveaway. It is fun to enter and see what happens.

  69. Kathy says:

    I can’t wait for this book (why April? It’s still so far away) I’m really hoping that I get a little update on Nick (still my favorite). Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy Jack & Kyle, but Nick ( swoon 😉

  70. Brandi G says:

    Can’t Wait Any Longer!!!! I’m really looking forward to reading this book. I hope it can be sooner rather than later!:)

  71. Lyn P says:

    oh my fudge. why haven’t I seen this earlier?! I really want this book.I’m itching to get my hands on it and April is still so far . pls pick me :)thank you 🙂

  72. Kanthi says:

    I absolutuely love your books!! And i am super excited for the release of Love Irresistibly…Can’t wait!! 🙂

  73. Jo Fereday says:

    Well, I’m sitting here next to a copy of “About That Night” waiting impatiently on my nightstand for bedtime. Would love book 4 to take its place!

  74. Janna Romano says:

    I can’t contain my excitement for this. :)) Hope you make another story just like your debut novel. 🙂 I so enjoyed and loved Just The Sexiest Man Alive. That’s one of my faves.

  75. Melinda Fernando says:

    OMG This books sounds like it’s going to be even better than the other 3. AND THAT’S SAYING A LOT!!!!!!!! CAN’T WAIT TO GET MY HANDS ON A COPY ASAP xxx

  76. Racquel says:

    Yaay for the giveaway! I absolutely can NOT wait for Love Irresistibly! I’m ready to read Brooke and Case’s story 😀

  77. Rachael says:

    Please!!! I have read all your books and would absolutely love to get this copy! Please please please!!! Plus its my birthday!

  78. Alondra Humanes says:

    I really can’t wait until April. I really love this series. I can’t wait to read this >.<

  79. Melissa says:

    Can’t wait for the new release!!! This series is on my ” must read” book lists for all my reader friends!

  80. Janice says:

    I love this series and can’t wait for this one to come out. love your writing especially the great dialogue!

  81. Soncee22 says:

    First of all, nice try Ms.Janna Romano, but one of the ARC’s has MY name already written on the dedication page right after Mr.James!! 🙂
    Moving on, Julie, you haven’t written a book, that I have not read,(at least I don’t think you have) you know how I feel about you, and your writing, you’re the best thing since Starbucks! So let’s not waste anyone’s time, and get this contest party started!!

  82. Yaremi H says:

    I really, really hope I can win a free copy 🙂 reading is a little getaway from my everyday life as a mom of 3 kids <3 🙂

  83. Melanie says:

    sooooooo very excited for this 4th book ! i never seem to win these contests cause i’m in Canada and all the authors do is send to US residents sooooo please give to your northerner friends to 🙂

  84. Stine Nielsen says:

    I love, love, LOVE your books!! Something About You, is my favorite book of all times! I’ve been looking so much forward to the release of Love Irresistibly that it would make my year to be able to win this!! Good luck to everyone! <3

  85. Sheila Schwartz says:

    Oooh my favorite kind of story….a hot athlete and a woman who doesn’t give a damn…at first!

  86. inaxavi says:

    Julie, just wanna say DONT U EVER DARE TO STOP WRITING! I’m your craziest fan, i just love your book, and never missed even one of yours. And good news, finally tomorrow ATN (indonesia version) will come out. So happy! Keep writing, Julie. We’ll waiting your next books.

  87. Aneta Gjundrova says:

    I would like to win i read your new book. I adore yours books.I read them again and again.. 🙂

  88. Twinkle says:

    The problem with winning an Arc is that I’ll finish reading it right away and I would have to wait a long long time again for another one of your book!

  89. Brigitte Bedolla says:

    I have the patience of a two year old. I will devour this book in a day no matter when I get to read this book.

  90. SHARAINE C says:

    I admit that I’m a late comer when it comes to reading Julie’s books, but I will admit I bought 3 out of the four and read 1 a night so far. I would love a copy of the new book! Huge fan!

  91. Angel says:

    i cant wait to read this book i so want to win this thing it would be so awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  92. Lucia says:

    I can’t wait to read about Cade! I like him already from Ry and Kyle story. Thank you for this opportunity. On my blog you are the only writer with two reviews 🙂 Love your writing

  93. Jadzia says:

    Oh, I would like to win this book so very much. Julie, you are my very favourite contemporary romance author 😀

  94. Steph N. says:

    Can’t wait for the new book! My errand for April 2nd is already on the calendar: Buy “Love Irresistibly”!

  95. Sabena says:

    You are one of my favorite authors. Being an attorney myself, I especially enjoy your interweaving your old profession into your stories. Can’t wait!

  96. Rebecca says:

    I started with “Just the Sexiest Man Alive” and haven’t stopped since! You’re an amazing writer Julie, I’ve read and loved every single book! Can’t wait for “Love Irresistibly”!

  97. sarah says:

    Can’t wait for 2nd april!!!
    Literally cannot put your books down once I start reading them..
    Pretty sure I’ll stay up till 4am reading this one too!

  98. Claudia says:

    I love your books. Thank you for writing. Your books take me away from reality and its better than any movie.

  99. Carol says:

    I love your work, I’m from Venezuela and I love to read romances and you are one of my favorites romenaces autors. I hope I’ll win this ARC.

  100. ReenaD says:

    So excited about the upcoming release!! Have re-read all your books in this series to get me through the wait! Wish it were April already! 😀

  101. christina martinez says:

    Can’t wait for this next book. I also got my sister hooked, lol. So we both anxiously await!

  102. Marcy says:

    I can’t remember if I’ve already entered. Just disregard if this is a duplicate.

    I love your books!

  103. Susana Dorado says:

    I have read your other books in the series… So I am excited to read this new one… Please hurry April… Thanks

  104. Irene says:

    I’d love to win a copy of LOVE IRRESISTIBLY!
    I’ll be crossing my fingers and toes praying you pick me 🙂
    And if I’m not the lucky one April can’t come quick enough, read all the books over the last few days and I’ve loved them.
    Thank you for this opportunity.

  105. Karen Z says:

    I would love an ARC–I never win anything, but I never will if I don’t try! 😀 *fingers-crossed*

  106. Kate says:

    Do you think I can win again? Because I really really want to win this one. I’m so excited for this book. Can’t wait to read it!

  107. Christy Hilton-Hall says:

    You have gained a new fan I can’t wait to read your books and have my friends and family to too! 🙂

  108. Angel says:

    i so cant wait to read this book i NEED to read this book i WANT to read this book and i dont want to april to read it!!!

  109. Amber L says:

    I’ve enjoyed everything you’ve written so far and am anxiously awaiting your next book. I can’t wait to get back into the FBI/US Attorney world.

  110. Becky M. says:

    I am DYING to read this book. DYING, I tell you. Please help to make sure my children aren’t orphaned too young and pick me….(no pressure!) 🙂

  111. Gilda W. says:

    SoundS IRRESTIBLE! Can’t wait to read it. It appears you are getting a lot of pressure to pick certain winners. Well, I won’t pressure. I’ll just keep my fingers crossed!!!!!

  112. Pat Cochran says:

    Great-sounding story! I can’t wait to read
    this book! I would love to be selected as
    a recipient of one of these copies!

    Pat C.

  113. Swetha says:

    i totally love your covers along with the books and i am already in love with the Love Irresistibly,looking forward to it

  114. Sakina Qamar says:

    I’ve read all of Julie James’s books and its difficult to pick one favorite. Practice Makes Perfect and Something About You are definitely the best romances I’ve ever read. Can’t wait for Love Irresistibly!

  115. Norma S. says:

    After a very trying day teaching, I live for some relaxation by reading books. I love love love your books! There is just a little of everything in them to make them hard to put down. I will read for as long as I possibly can when I get one and sometimes actually think about the book during the next day telling myself, OK, just a few more hours and I can go home and finish the book!
    Sad, huh? But I do enjoy them so . Keep writing!!

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