The Countdown Begins…with a giveaway!

Please note: the giveaway is now closed. Winners to be announced shortly.

So you may have heard that I have a new book, Love Irresistibly, coming out on April 2nd. (Whoo-hoo!) I’ll be honest, folks–I’m really excited. I had a great time writing Cade and Brooke’s story, and I hope you enjoy it as well.

Love Irresistibly is the fourth book in my FBI/US Attorney series. (FYI, for those of you who aren’t familiar, the books are a “series” in the sense that they are set in a shared world and some characters make appearances in later books.  But I write each book as a standalone, so you should feel free to jump in wherever you like!)

To celebrate the approaching release of Love Irresistibly, I’m planning to run a bunch of giveaways over the next several weeks, right here at this blog. (For you audiobook lovers, I think I’ll also throw in some chances to win the series on audiobook.) So let’s get started with the first giveaway, shall we?

This week I’m giving away five copies of Something About You, the first book in the FBI/US Attorney series, plus a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble or Amazon (winner’s choice).

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Something About You, here’s a short description:


Of all the hotel rooms rented by all the adulterous politicians in Chicago, female Assistant U.S. Attorney Cameron Lynde had to choose the one next to 1308, where some hot-and-heavy lovemaking ends in bloodshed. And of all the FBI agents in Illinois, it had to be Special Agent Jack Pallas who gets assigned to this high-profile homicide. The same Jack Pallas who still blames Cameron for a botched crackdown three years ago—and nearly ruining his career…


Work with Cameron Lynde? Are they kidding? Maybe, Jack thinks, this is some kind of welcome-back prank after his stint away from Chicago. But it’s no joke: the pair is going to have to put their rocky past behind them and focus on the case at hand. That is, if they can cut back on the razor-sharp jibes—and smother the flame of their sizzling-hot sexual tension…

* * *

Now for the giveaway part: all you have to do to enter is leave a comment below. It’s that easy. (Note: those of you reading this on my Goodreads page should click here to leave a comment.) One grand prize winner will receive a copy of Something About You and a $25 gift card to Amazon/Barnes & Noble. Four additional winners will receive a copy of Something About You. Winners will be chosen at random, and will have the option of choosing either a signed paperback or a Kindle/Nook/Kobo ebook. Giveaway is open internationally and will run until this Sunday, January 20th, at 9pm CST.

One last thing: if you haven’t already, be sure to check out my SERIES PAGE, which has lots o’ fun stuff for readers both familiar and unfamiliar with the books–including a series overview, the inspiration behind the series, and some tongue-in-cheek profiles of the heroes. (Trust me, you don’t want to miss that part.)

Good luck to all who enter, and remember to check back over the next several weeks for more giveaways!

455 thoughts on “The Countdown Begins…with a giveaway!

  1. Amy Remus says:

    Congrats on all your success. I am excited for your next book coming out. We’ll see if I love Cade as much as I love Nick. Nick is my favorite hero of yours from any of your books so far!

  2. Nancy L.R says:

    I seriously cannot wait for Love Irresistibly! I love your books, the plots, the characters. Love them!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Moran says:

    I can’t wait for April 2nd to arrive!

    I have a copy of Something About You but if I’ll win I’ll give my copy to a friend since I would love to have a signed copy 🙂

    Thanks for doing another giveaway.

  4. Kelly B says:

    Your books are fabulous! I cannot wait to see what is in store your your newest release. Congratulations!!

  5. Fabiola Attademo says:

    So looking forward for your next book!
    Love your style and the FBI/US Attorney Series is just perfect!!! And keeps getting better 😉

  6. Anukriti Garg says:

    Looking forward to read Love irresistibly. I love your characters and Jason and Jack are love of my life 😛 haha
    Thank you for the wonderful books and can’t wait for you next book to come out. 😀

  7. ASHLEY LAKE says:

    I am so excited to be able to enter this contest!! My Canadian friends and I LOVE all your books!!! So excited for this one!!!

  8. Mihaela says:

    Best series ever!! I swear,I’ve never read books that are so interesting and I just love all the characters.Can’t wait for the next book.

  9. Azucena Rodriguez says:

    Yey! I love your books and I love giveaways! Since I already have your books, I want to win so I can get my friend hooked on your books. I’ll keep my fingers crossed!

  10. Karen says:

    Congratulations on your upcoming release! I am looking forward to reading it. I would love to win a signed pb copy of Something About You! Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. Elizabeth H. says:

    Thank you so much for the awesome giveaway! You are a new author to me and I’d love to win one of your books!

  12. Tanya Minasyan says:

    Your books are simply awesome!! Every time a new one releases, i devour them in 2 days! Theu’re that amazing!! 😀

  13. Silvia says:

    I can’t wait! I love your books, characters and plot are amazing. But the dialogs – Oh boy!- make the difference, they’re terrific! 🙂

  14. Jeannie L says:

    I LOVE your books and can’t wait to read Love Irresistibly. I’ve been waiting like forever. Thanks for the chance to win.

  15. Wendy says:

    This would be a totally AWESOME birthday present! Can’t wait to read this book, so I suppose even if I don’t win, I’ll have to buy it. lol

    Thanks for this opportunity!

  16. Soncee22 says:

    As you know,I’ve been impatiently awaiting the release of this book since I finished reading the last book in the series! Although, I’ve known or perhaps had an idea when the book would go on sale,I’ve been in such “denial” about it, that I knowingly check the Amazon site every two days, hoping for an early release date! If only there were two of you– that way you could write twice as fast!! Let the countdown for the release of this book begin in 10,9,8…

  17. Soncee22 says:


    Someone else posted here that they were you Biggest fan,well I’m here to tell ya– it’s Me! It’s me!

  18. Tammy Morse says:

    Well 2013 a new year and great new contest . Hopefully will win a new book to go with my new apartment. Love Irresistible sounds awesome cant wait to read another new book. Hope i win because needs some good luck right now.

  19. Graziella says:

    Cheers from the sunny island of Malta!! Looking forward to meet the new hero in Love Irresistibly although it’s hard to be as irresistible as Jack Pallas 😛

  20. Kim says:

    I’m looking forward to the new book. Perhaps you should sell the dresses/suits from your book covers on your site. They’re always a hit with your readers. LOL

  21. Sarah says:

    “Something About You” is the first Julie James book I ever read, and it’s still my favorite! Can’t wait for the new one!

  22. Susan T. says:

    Counting down to the release of Love Irresistibly. Off to read About That Night. Thanks for the giveaway.

  23. Valerie Lane says:

    Something About You was the first book that I had ever read by you & I loved it! I can’t wait to read Love Irresistibly!

  24. Veronica says:

    Honestly had never heard of your series before, but it looks AMAZING! Definitely adding it to my to-read list.

    Thanks for the giveaway! : )

  25. Elle Keck says:

    I’m so excited to read Love Irresistibly! I’ve had the pub date marked on my calendar for weeks lol. Love your books and recommend them to everybody!

  26. Rose Blackard says:

    Your books sound interesting, I have not read any of your books. I love contests and hope that I win. Thank you!

  27. Northwoman says:

    I love your books and am excited for the new one. Thanks for the generous giveaway chances. It would be a tough choice. I love real books, but with my Kindle I can take all my favorites with me wherever I go with just one device. Thanks so much!

  28. Laurie H says:

    Julie, I don’t know how you could top Kyle & Rylann, but I’m eager to see you try! Looking forward to LI’s release.

  29. Patricia says:

    I love that you are giving away your books on a semi-regular basis! I mean, I own them, but it’s kind of hard to resist entering, because IF I’m lucky I can get my friend a copy and then we can fangirl and yeah.. *g*

  30. Meghan Switzer says:

    I love your books Julie. I have every single one and read them so much they are falling apart. Especially the Something About You book. I can’t wait for Love Irresistibly to come out.

  31. Cindy Switzer says:

    I absolutely love your books Julie. Every time a new one comes out, my daughter and I are there the same day it comes out to buy it. Congratulations on your successes and keep up the good work.

  32. Meghan Switzer says:

    I love your books Julie and I can’t wait for your next one to come out. Congratulations on all of your successes and I hope it continues.

  33. Julia- Yen says:

    Looking forward to Love Irresistibly to come out! And I loves all your books, too! Thanks for the Giveaway, I wish everyone else good luck! 🙂

  34. Steph N. says:

    I love all your books, but Something About You is still my favorite. Can’t wait for Love Irresistibly! Maybe it’ll be my new favorite! 🙂

  35. Ana Smith says:

    I love your books! And Kyle is one of my favorite heroes ever.

    Thanks for the giveaway and for making it international. 😀

  36. MRose says:

    Hopefull, you’ll pick me 🙂 Thank you for the chance to win a book of yours and a gift card of choice.

  37. Wendy says:

    Absolutely love your books!!!!I I already have an extra copy of ATN. So I need an extra of SAY. By the way if you and your publisher want to move up the release date for Love Irresistibly. I wont tell:)

  38. Tasnia says:

    I love your FBI/US Attorney Series and Just the Sexiest Man Alive. Looking forward to this new one (loving the cover already!)

  39. Wendy Tan says:

    The first book of yours that I read was The Sexiest Man Alive, and I was immediately hooked! Totally adored the quirks and personalities of the characters in the book. Can wait to start on the FBI/US Attorney series!

  40. Jesica says:

    About That Night was easily one of the best books of 2012. I can’t wait for Love Irresistibly because I know it will be a winner for 2013!

  41. Kirstin says:

    Something About You is one of my favorite romance novels. I’m really excited for Love Irresistibly as well!

  42. Kadie says:

    I love all of your books but A Lot Like Love was my favorite one. I just loved Nick. He was hilarious. But Jack was great too! Can’t wait until April!

  43. Varsha says:

    Love your writing my favorite book of yours is Practice Makes Perfect amazing chemistry between Payton and JD.. would like to know more about them 😛

  44. Kelly L. says:

    I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times, but I love your books! April can’t come fast enough! (:

  45. Munnaza says:

    So excited for your new book. About That Night was my absolute favorite, and I’ve been dying for more awesome FBI-ish novels. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  46. Michele H says:

    Love your FBI/Attny series! Can’t wait for your next release in April.
    Practice Makes Perfect is still my fav of your standalone books and my annual reread. Any chance of it be becoming an audiobook?

  47. Stanislava says:

    Something about you is pretty much my favourite book ever.The whole series is perfect and I can’t wait for the new book to come out.

  48. Michelle S. says:

    Can’t wait for “Love Irresistibly!” Your books never let me down. 🙂 Thanks for the fabulous giveaway and congratulations on all your success.

  49. Sophie says:

    This series is the best contemporary romance I’ve ever read. It has brought back my passion for reading and writing! Love your work Julie and can’t wait for the next book!!!

  50. THERESA says:


  51. Michelle Harlan says:

    Sounds like a great story! Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
    I’ve had your books on my TBR list for awhile now…I really need to move them up the list!

  52. Leeanne says:

    So excited for the new book!! Just saw something on Twitter than someone thought Cade was better than Jack. Now that is saying something… Jack is my favorite hero. EVER. I want to order my own FBI agent. 🙂 Can’t wait!!

  53. Irene Morales says:

    Hi! I’m hooked, I’m studying for the bar exam and on my free time, (usually ones I’m in bed), I finished all the books and now I can’t wait for Cade’s story!!!!

  54. Annaiss says:

    I cannot wait to read Love Irresistibly. I love the FBI/US Attorney series, and Agent McCall is my favorite 🙂 Thank you for the giveaway!

  55. Robin Jenkins says:

    Love your books! Read them all one right after another. Now waiting for April. Fun cover!! Would love to win!!

  56. Janice Hougland says:

    Since I haven’t started this series of yours yet, I would love to win this first one! I’m a huge fan of yours AND of stories that mix Suspense and/or Murder w/FBI involvement–PLUS romance of course! Thanks for this opportunity, Julie.

  57. flchen1 says:

    Cannot wait, Julie! I stumbled into this series through one of the later books and am thoroughly hooked!

  58. lisagk says:

    Thank you so much for an opportunity to win. I am not yet familiar with this series, but look forward to getting to know it. lisagk(at)yahoo

  59. Des says:

    I love love love reading your FBI/US Attorney series!! Early last year I made the switch to buying ebooks to lighten my load and your book was the first one I bought. Since then I have read all of your available books and, after keeping an eye out for other recommendations, I have been introduced to some other really great authors. So thank you for those fun sleepless nights with amazing stories!

  60. Catherine Lemanski says:

    I love series stories and this looks like a good one. I will be putting it on my TBR list.

  61. Evelyn says:

    Congratulations on your wonderful success with this series! I have enjoyed all your books and can’t wait to read your next one!

  62. Chris Brandstatter says:

    Hi Julie! This is such a wonderful series!! I loved all 3 of the books so far and I am sure this 4th one will be awesome!

  63. Bree Y. says:

    Hi Julie! I’m in LOVE with your books! Keep up the good work, they are all so squee-worthy. Thank you!!

  64. miki says:


    i don’t count how many time your series was recommended to me and how many time i tried to win of of your book i hope this time i will be lucky and finally discover it

    thank you a lot for opening this to international ( and those who doesn’t have facebook!!)

  65. Aline Tobing says:

    Congratulation on the upcoming release of Love Irresistibly, Julie. I’ve read the previous 3 books and loved them 🙂

    Can’t wait for Love Irresistibly! Especially with the gorgeous cover ^^

  66. Jen Berg says:

    Julie, good luck on your new upcoming book! I look forward to checking it out..Thanks for the giveaway!

  67. Becky B says:

    I found your books at the end of last year and just fell in love, i proceeded to read every single one in a very short space of time, probably not the best idea as it meant i had to wait longer to read this one, but i am soo looking forward to it coming out. I love your writing style, its gonna be fantastic!

  68. Victoria CK says:

    I haven’t gotten to read the series, so this is a great giveaway for me. & I’m picky about reading series in order whenever possible, so I really like that you’re giving away the first book! Thanks,


  69. Rhonda mccoy says:

    I love this series. It makes me laugh so hard I cry. You had me at book 1.Thanks for ending my day so wonderfully.

  70. Heidi Lee says:

    I have not had the pleasure of reading any of your books, however from the comments I am reading I would really enjoy them.

  71. Shari C says:

    Can’t wait for your new book. Congratuations and keep up your wonderful stories and the enjoyment we get in reading them.

  72. Susan S. says:

    Hi Julie and Happy New Year to you. I’m looking forward to reading Cade and Brooke’s story. Thank you for the fabulous giveaways!

  73. maered says:

    Hi! Can’t wait for April, and the next book in the series. Your books are definitely up their with my keepers!

  74. Ruth George says:

    A day does not go by that I am NOT reading a book & I especially love reading books that are part of a series & written by an author that knows how to pull you in & make you feel “involved” from page one. That is what happens for me when I read your books & I look forward to your next one!!

  75. Stella (Ex Libris) says:

    Yay! Spring is approaching and besides the usual good stuff (no more snow and ice, we can wear blazers and leather jackets, longer days and more sunshine) it will also bring the latest FBI novel, yippee! 😀 Love the cover of the new one, that red dress is so striking 🙂

    Thank you!!

    ps. Julie I wasn’t able to find an option to subscribe to your blog via e-mail subscription do you have such an option or not yet? I always miss out on some posts as they don’t land in my inbox 🙁

  76. Amy P. says:

    Though I haven’t read your books yet, they sound fabulous. I would love to win one even though I know it would probably make we have to go buy the rest of them! Thanks for the giveaways. What a great way to introduce new readers to your work!

  77. Dottie Aubel says:

    Congratulations on the upcoming release of “Love Irresistibly”. Last week a friend suggested that I read “Something About You”. I have loved her choices in the past, so I can’t wait to get started on the series.

  78. TIFFANY M. says:


  79. Joder says:

    Congrats on your newest release! This is a wonderful series and I look forward to revisiting this world. Thanks for the giveaway!

  80. Sue Farrell says:

    Congratualations on your new book. I’m sure it is just as good as your others. And thanks for the giveaway.

  81. Maribeth Curry says:

    Love your stuff! Would love to win! Otherwise can’t wait for Love Irresistibly to come out!
    Happy New Year + + +,

  82. Christina Gross says:

    Choose me! I MUST add Love Irresistibly to my keeper shelf next to all your other books! You had me at Just Sexiest Man Alive and I’ve fallen in love with each book since!

  83. Martha Berg says:

    The FBI/US Attorney’s “Series” are great fun to read. They make me laugh out loud. I’m eager for the sparks to fly in Love Irresistibly!

  84. Peggy R says:

    I’m sure that your book will have as much sizzle as your cover!! This is just what I need to help me get through the rest of the Winter!! Thank you for the great giveaway!! I’m really looking forward to your book!!

  85. Joy says:

    Love your books. I have read only 2 of them from the FBI/US Atty series and I have been trying to get the first one Something About You. I can not wait until Cade book comes out.

  86. Norma E Leibold says:

    I have just received your email and I am sorry to say I have never read any of your books. With so many nice coments about your work I am now eager to read them. I am always interested in reading a number of different authors. Your books sound real exciting. Thank you for your email newsletter.

  87. Belinda Baker says:

    Julie, thanks for letting me know. I,m looking forward to being able to move you up on TBR list.

  88. Desiree Carlin says:

    Love your books, can’t wait till the next one. Been starting a collection of some of my favorite authors autographed books, would love to add yours in with them.

  89. Catherine Goss says:

    To be honest, I have not read any of your books, I am an avid reader and will be checking them out tho.

  90. Betty Lewis says:

    The grand prize would be great so I could get the whole series, but I be happy just to win the book. Good luck to everyone!

  91. Jennifer B says:

    Hi Julie! I love all your book, especially this series! I have passed your books on to 4 girlfriends of mine already and they all LOVED them. They are telling others about your books too. I can’t wait to read Love Irresistibly!

  92. Karen Schmidt says:

    Love your books! Can’t wait to get the new one. My best friend and I read them at the same time and then (kinda a mini book club of 2) discuss what we liked, etc. Have yet to read a book of your that I have not liked!

  93. Jennifer V. says:

    So excited for the new book!

    And I would love a new copy of “Something About You” – mine is FALLING apart cause I’ve read it so many times!

  94. Margil says:

    I’ve completely fallen in love with your writing ever since I stumbled upon Taylor and Jason’s story and there’s just no words to completely stress out the fact how ECSTATIC. I. AM. OVER. THE. NEW. BOOK. It’s like waiting for Christmas except it’s gonna be on April. ASDFJSDHKFJHFKJDSLF AGGGHHHHH

  95. Phoebe says:

    I really can’t wait to read your new book!!!
    I love your works. I hope I could also meet you someday 🙂

  96. Sig says:

    Hi Julie! This is the first time I joined an online thingy. Let me just say that I’m a huge fan, I love your books, I can’t wait for your new books, I think I read everything you wrote in a week.

  97. Melissa Melech says:

    New to your books but so far i like them a lot. i love how i can laugh at moments when i shouldnt be laughing, so thanks for making me really laugh out loud.

  98. Aggie says:

    Picked up your book randomly at the lIbrary and fell in love with it. Now I have to read your other books. I can’t wait for your new book. I remember Cade from book 3 of the FBI / US attorney series but who is Brooke . Ahh so excited !

  99. Cecilia says:

    Hi.. Love your books…. really!!! and I hope someday they get translated to Spanish so I can recommend to my non-english speaking friends here in mexico.. they can’t wait!!!

  100. Kelly Tinder says:

    Love all your books and can’t wait to read your new one! I’m really enjoying the whole FBI/Attourney series!

  101. Susana Dorado says:

    Cant wait for your book… I have your previous novels… Love them all… Congrats.. Thank you great giveaway…

  102. Maggie says:

    Mrs. James, I love your books! I’m really glad to know you have a new one coming up, can’t wait to read it! 🙂

  103. Anastasia says:

    I am an absolute fan of you books, read the three in this series and loved them, I cannot wait for your new one to be available!!

  104. Kim Halbrook says:

    Have read all of your books more than once!! Love them and can’t wait to ready Cade and Brooke’s story!!

  105. Sherri Williamson says:

    I found your books on GoodReads, liked what I read and here I am. Now I have to go look you up at my local library. 🙂 Can’t wait to start reading your books; hopefully I’ll be able to start with the first (sometimes my library doesn’t have earlier books of some authors 🙁 )

  106. Anisha Veeren says:

    I think your writing skills is totally out of the world.. its difficult to write good humor and your books have an equal amount of mystery and humor.. your heroines are total “bad asses”( pardon my language).. I think you are one of the best writers ever.. its not only for the giveaways ” which i TOTALLY WANT” but my humble opinion.. 😉

  107. Heather F. says:

    I’ve not read Something About You, but it sure looks good and is going to be put on my to-read list!

  108. Martina says:

    Big hello from Croatia! I just recently discovered your book and wanted to thank you for them. I’m looking forward to discovering even more of your books.

  109. peggy c. says:

    Wow this is great I am so exhausted to be 407 wow but that means that alot of people can’t wait for your new book to come out and that is wonderful

  110. Jen says:

    I’ve been shying away from romance lately, but your books are always a blast to read. ‘Something About You’ is right on the bookshelf next to me.

  111. raonaid luckwell says:

    Awesome job hun even if the chances of winning is slim. I’ve read two or three of your books and enjoyed them!

  112. Traci says:

    This is by far one of my favorite book series! The banter between your heroes and heroines is so crisp and witty, not to mention full of innuendo !!!

  113. trisha says:

    I always said I wouldn’t read it, but I was bored so I ordered 50 Shades of Grey. And oh my, now I apreciate your wonderful writing style and strong female characters sooo much more!!!! Can’t wait to read Love Irresistibly!!!!

  114. Cindy Fong says:

    Like the previous 400 something comments above, I ALSO love your books and can’t wait for the next one!

  115. Kathleen Souza says:

    I just love the FBI series. Cannot say which is my favorite because they are all so wonderful.

  116. Lisa B says:

    Love the series. Been waiting for the next one. I’ll be watching for the audiobook giveaway! I have recently started listening to a lot of them while i work. Make the time fly when they are good. Thanks for celebrating your new release with all of us readers.

    Lisa B

  117. Irma H. says:

    Can’t wait for the book to get published, hopefully another one not too long after “Love Irresistibly” will follow. Love Julie James books!!

  118. Rovesalnnie says:

    OMG!!!! CADE MORGAN!!!!!!
    I’m so excited to read his story!!!
    I’m thinking if I’m ready to give up MY sexiest man alive or not yet….

  119. Hajar Zainal says:

    I am soo in love with your books.something about you really among my favourite..too bad it is hard to find all of your books in Malaysia.All i found is practise makes perfect and oh so bummer! *sniff*..i do hope that all of your books will be available in Malaysia *fingers crossed*thank you so much for creating a very super light,funny and also easy to understand english.i do hope *again* that i could meet you and get your personal autograph *wink2*..and hey..people could dream right?..haha xoxo

  120. roberta curmi says:

    i just started to read smthing of u dear julie….. im hoping to get attahed to this series … this is the first time that im going to read a fbi serie 🙂 ……. so fingers crossed …. and wishing u all the success ….

Comments are closed.