The Countdown Begins…with a giveaway!

Please note: giveaway is closed.   Winners will be announced shortly.

So you may have heard that I’ve got a new book, About That Night, coming out on April 3rd.  Whoo-hoo!

About That Night is the third book in what I’m now calling the FBI/U.S. Attorney series. Since we’re only four weeks away from the release of the new book, I thought I’d kick off this month of celebration with a giveaway of five copies of the first book in the series, Something About You, and a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble or Amazon (winner’s choice).

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Something About You, here’s a short description:


Of all the hotel rooms rented by all the adulterous politicians in Chicago, female Assistant U.S. Attorney Cameron Lynde had to choose the one next to 1308, where some hot-and-heavy lovemaking ends in bloodshed. And of all the FBI agents in Illinois, it had to be Special Agent Jack Pallas who gets assigned to this high-profile homicide. The same Jack Pallas who still blames Cameron for a botched crackdown three years ago—and nearly ruining his career…


Work with Cameron Lynde? Are they kidding? Maybe, Jack thinks, this is some kind of welcome-back prank after his stint away from Chicago. But it’s no joke: the pair is going to have to put their rocky past behind them and focus on the case at hand. That is, if they can cut back on the razor-sharp jibes—and smother the flame of their sizzling-hot sexual tension…

* * *

Now for the giveaway part: all you have to do to enter is leave a comment or question below. It’s that easy.  One grand prize winner will receive a copy of Something About You and a $25 gift card to Amazon/Barnes & Noble. Four additional winners will receive a copy of Something About You.  Winners will be chosen at random, and will have the option of choosing either a signed paperback or a Kindle/Nook ebook.  Giveaway is open internationally and will run until this Friday, March 9th, at 9pm CST.

One last thing: be sure to check out my new series page, which has lots o’ fun stuff for readers both familiar and unfamiliar with the books, including a series overview, the inspiration behind the series, and some tongue-in-cheek profiles of the heroes. (Trust me, you don’t want to miss that part.)

Good luck to all who enter!


206 thoughts on “The Countdown Begins…with a giveaway!

  1. Julie says:

    I’m excited for the new book. Winning a copy of SOMETHING ABOUT YOU for my Kindle, though, would be excellent as well!

    Congratulations, Julie, on the new book!

  2. Jess F. says:

    I loved reading your ‘Just the Sexiest Man Alive’!! And I would love to read this one!!

    Plus .. a gift card doesn’t hurt either. =0)


  3. Paige says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! I have a question about ABOUT THAT NIGHT. Will the main characters from SOMETHING ABOUT YOU and A LOT LIKE LOVE have supporting roles? I just love Jack and Cameron : )
    Thanks again!

  4. Melissa Kalinen says:

    Do Jack and Cameron get married? I hope so. I love the chemistry between them.
    p.s. I want a Jack:)

  5. Cindy W says:

    I love your books, but I couldn’t find anywhere what the names of the screenplays you wrote? Are you allowed to dish??? Can’t wait for the new book to come out. Your books and I have a great relationship, they are always saved for my poolside vacation reads!

  6. Limecello says:

    I always look forward to your contemporaries, Julie! Congratulations on the upcoming release. o/

    I also love your covers – the art team always does such a great job!

  7. Jenn says:

    I’m reading A Lot Like Love right now and loving it, especially the references to Sawyer and Lost, LOL.

  8. Kristi says:

    Lawyer hero lovin’ fan here. Super excited for ABOUT THAT NIGHT and still thinking about how I can convince (read: bribe) you to let me beta-read Book 6… 🙂

  9. Kim says:

    I can’t wait for the new release. You’ve written about lawyers and prosecutors, do you think you’ll ever write about politicians? Imagine the comic material with two opponents running for the same office or two opposing campaign managers.

  10. shelly says:

    Really excited:D hope this is an international giveaways.. I read all your books. It’s juz really great, can’t wait to read the next one. I’d PO from bookdepository. Hope can win this one badly. Twisting fingers LOL

  11. Aileen Smith says:

    Come on April 3rd. You have been added to my top 5 authors to read and I am truly looking forward to reading About That Night. I love having a good book to look forward to and now I do. Thanks

  12. Angel says:

    What a great contest! I really loved your books, and cannot wait for About That Night. Thank you for being so generous!

  13. Hope says:

    I can’t wait for “About That Night.” Picture this…my kids asleep in bed while I cozy up to a nice glass of wine and your book!

  14. Maria A Cornelio says:

    Julie thanks a lot for the opportunity to win a copy of Something About you and a $25 gift card. I heard of this giveaway from Pamela Clare and I have never read any of your books but I would love to read Something About You.
    Thanks again

  15. Sue Sattler says:

    Sitting on pins and needles waiting for this book to come out! And they are really starting to hurt!! *hurry, hurry, hurry*

  16. Sharon Cox says:

    I have never read any of your books. I ran across this on Pamela Clare’s I-Team page. If Pamela likes your work, that is good enough for me. I will buy this first book in your series as soon as I finish this post. I am looking forward to the journey.

  17. Michelle says:

    Julie James is a new to me author, but I am really looking forward to this new book. Yay!

  18. TrishJ says:

    I love your books. They are my go to books when I want feel good. I would love to win the gift certificate .. so I can buy About Last Night. 😉

  19. LisaA says:

    I just re-read Something About You…love, love, love it!! And sooo excited to read About Last Night!! Can you please write faster, Ms James 😉

  20. Vanessa says:

    Congrats on the upcoming book! Can’t wait to read the latest installment in your wonderful series! Your books are always fun reads. Thank you so much for the contest.

  21. Michelle G. says:

    So excited about the new book! Discovered you after DABWAHA last year. Congrats on the win and good luck this year!

  22. Jessica says:

    Can’t wait to read the next book, but I’d love an autographed copy of “Something About You” and free stuff at B&N.

  23. anami says:

    I really enjoyed _Something About You_ and can’t wait to read the next in your series. Well done. 🙂

  24. julie barrett says:

    my question would be what do you do to unwind after a long hard day at writing: watching tv, reading other authors, knitting, exercising?

    thanks for the chance,

  25. Alyssa @ Hesperia Loves Books says:

    I’ve heard amazing things about your books and I can’t wait to read them! Do these books have to be read in order? I suffer from series OCD and I just cannot bring myself to read out of order even if they can be considered standalones *SMH* it’s such a sickness, lol.

    Congratulations on the new release!

  26. Kat Latham says:

    I’m so so so looking forward to About That Night, and I had to give up my copy of Something About You when I moved. 🙁 Would love one to replace it!

  27. Joanna says:

    I’m so excited for the next book – I just adore the series. And my fingers are crossed for the prize draw! 🙂

  28. Patti Fleming says:

    Can’t wait for About That Night!!! Love this series. Great giveaway…so excited. Hope I am a lucky winner!! Thanks Julie

  29. Athena says:

    I can’t wait to read Kyle’s story. When I read A Lot Like Love, I had this image of him in my mind, of a naive nerd (not meant in a bad way). Then I read this excerpt of About That Night and immediately realized I was wrong 🙂 So I’m very curious as to what more you have got in store for us! And it couldn’t hurt to win this giveaway ^^)

  30. Gena Robertson says:

    Congratulations on your upcoming release! You are a new to me author, and I would love to read your book!
    Thank you so much for the amazing giveaway chance!

  31. Melissa B says:

    Love, love your books! I already preorderd Something About You for Kindle ~~ lol, I hate reading the teasers, they kill me!!

    Counting down the days w/ you ~ GREAT contest!!

  32. Carrie says:

    I can’t wait for About That Night! I have a post-it with the a reminder about the release date by my desk!

  33. Betty says:

    Super excited for About That Night! Had my sister read the other books of yours, so I’m not the only one looking forward to it!

  34. Zeek says:

    I heart your stories so much- always make me smile as well as make my heart beat a bit faster! Would love the chance to get a signed copy…


  35. Loosheesh says:

    I read Something About You first, followed by Just the Sexiest Man Alive (LOVE this book!), followed by the rest, followed by eagerly awaiting About That Night …

  36. Alicia says:

    Is there going to be a Jordan and Nick cameo? I assume yes, but I’m really hoping it’s more than one!

    Now for an odd random question: Is there some sort of Lawyer Turned Professional Author organization? I read so many books by former lawyers I feel like there should be. I’d love to peek into it.

  37. Glittergirl says:

    This is such a great opportunity to get you know your books. I hope I win so you can become my new favorite author. The series sounds fantastic

  38. Nerissa says:

    Can’t wait to read About that night. It’s already on my “must-get” list. Hoping to win Something about You, which i’ve read already and no doubt would love to read again. 🙂

  39. Eva says:

    Something about you was actually the first of your books that I read.
    It was last summer and as soon as I finished I bought the others. That’s how much I loved it.
    I can’t wait for About That Night. 🙂

  40. Cris says:

    Umm, can it be April 3rd like now, please? I’m supposed to have a thesis committee meeting on the 6th, so methinks I’m going to be much more up to date on the trials & tribulations of the man who shut down Twitter than on the regulation of gene expression in E. coli 😛

  41. Katrina Fields says:

    Hello, I read a sample of your first book, I am excited to have a chance to win a copy. Christy Reece tweeted about you and I love finding new authors. From just a sample at BN I really would love to get this book. If I dont win, dont worry I am going to purchase all 3 anyway. XOXO Tink

  42. Dina says:

    My favorite was A Lot Like Love so far, though I blast through all of them. And spring break is coming up! I need more FBI hotness!!

  43. Mirsada Sabanovic says:

    Congrats on your upcoming release! I am very excited to read it… I loved your other four books as well=] Thanks for the giveaway.

  44. Na S. says:

    Only a month away. It’s going to fly by and early congratulations on About That Night’s upcoming release.

  45. Chachic says:

    Can’t wait to read the next one! I hope Jack and Cameron and Nick and Jordan make appearances in About That Night. And it looks like there’s going to be a fourth book in the series, looking forward to the synopsis of that. 🙂

  46. Taiyesha Baker says:

    I cannot wait to read these books. I love this series and have put you on my autobuy list for sure!

  47. Julie Saunders says:

    Please add me to the list of entries for the drawing. So excited about this book! Thank you.

  48. Ileana A. says:

    I would love to win Something about You! Your books plus the covers looks so good! Please count me in for the contest! Fingers crossed!

  49. dian says:

    aw aw aw jack pallas make me spechleess,, i love it something about you..I’ve read as much as 4x..
    something about you my fav book
    i hope i win this book ^^

    success for you

  50. JP says:

    Ahh! I feel like I’ve been counting down since the second I finished A Lot Like Love. Keep up the great work!

  51. Astri Nasthasia Videlia says:

    Wooww…what a great giveaway..

    Wish I can win this book… I just fell ini Love with your book when the first Time I read it..

    Thank’x for the giveaway…


  52. Jennifer Sutphin says:

    Julie !!!!!!
    So you know how much I love your series and how I read all your books in about a day =) what can I saw you made me like to read again …. Plus being a Criminal Justice major and a Forensic Science Minor these books hit home Esp since I am going for FBI now … Agent Sutphin sounds hot lol But I just want to say thank you for grabbing my attention with these books they are amazing. Maybe you can flip the scene on the next couple books with female agents falling for the one she is helping and make them a lil steamier =) Thanks

  53. PeggyB says:

    I have read and loved all of your books (Something About You is a particular favorite), and have wondered about your legal background since reading the first. Were you a litigator? Civil or criminal? What was/is your favorite and least favorite aspect of practicing law?

  54. Christina Miller says:

    Very excited for the release of About That Night. I have enjoyed all of your books. Keep them coming.

  55. Kristy says:

    Thanks for the great giveaway! I enjoy rereading all your books whenever I read a bunch of not so good ones just so I can reinforce the thought that there are good writers out there. I can’t wait to read About That Night!

  56. Diana says:

    I am sooo excited about the new book in this series! I love your books! 🙂 Love the new series page, too!

  57. Olivia Tan says:

    Im so excited about the next book.

    i love ur books, and cant wait to read ur next book… oh april pls come faster, lol ^^

    thanks ^^

  58. Rosamina says:

    The info on the series page is so much fun! It made me smile.
    And book #4 in spring 2013?? Yay!!

  59. Betty Hamilton says:

    I just LOVE a good book giveaway!! I have “met” so many wonderful “new to me” authors this way. Thanks for the great opportunity!

  60. Leslie says:

    I’ve been looking forward to ABOUT THAT NIGHT ever since reading A LOT LIKE LOVE. Bring on Kyle!

  61. Julie says:

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to drop in and say hello. It’s great to hear how everyone is looking forward to the release of ABOUT THAT NIGHT. Me, too. : )

    For those of you who posted a question, I’ve been compiling those and think I’ll answer them in a separate blog. I’m afraid, with all the comments, that they’ll get lost in the shuffle. : )

  62. Kara says:

    Yay for good books! It is so exciting to find a new author that I know I will always love. Thanks Julie!!

  63. Amy Remus says:

    I do love your books, Julie! I am hoping for the gift card, which will go towards buying About That Night so my husband will get a break from seeing all the transactions in our account that go to Barnes & Noble for ebooks. 🙂

  64. kimh says:

    congrats on the new book such hot covers
    thans for the contest
    have not read the book would love too thanks

  65. Leeanne says:

    Cannot wait for April 3rd! I’ve re-read Something About You and A Lot Like Love MANY times. SAY is seriously one of my favorite romance books for all time. There is just something about Cameron and Jack together. I really want my own FBI agent, but I think my husband might have a problem with that. ;-D

  66. Alycia says:

    Cannot wait for the new release! Something About You is a favorite of mine. I absolutely loved it.

  67. Jean says:

    Looking forward to another great Julie James book. She proves again that lawyers make some of the BEST authors.

  68. Donna Cromeans says:

    Can’t wait for this book! Been a longtime fan. Anytime any of my customers at the B&N, where I work part-time,ask me to recommend a new author, I tell them to try Julie James.

  69. cECIlia says:

    Very exited about this book..:D
    And thank you very much for the chance international open. The prize is awesome…

  70. Pam P says:

    Even though I’m usually reading historicals, UF and Paranorrmals, I love your contemporaries and read them as soon as I get them.

  71. Aline says:

    Hi, Julie.. Thanks for the giveaway. And congratulation for the upcoming release of About That Night ! Can’t wait for my preorder copy to arrive!

  72. ake says:

    hi ms. julie!!! congratulations your on new
    book!! ive followed since there was like 200
    people who read the sexiest man alive on
    goodreads and look at you now!!u got thousands and
    that’s a milestone!!!
    by the way, are international readers included in
    your giveaways? anyways, my question is of all
    the heroes you created, which of them is slightly
    similar to mr. james? thanks!

  73. Aishwarya says:

    Wow! Hoping for april to come soon. I really love your books. They have strong female characters unlike other chick-lit books with helpless heroines.

  74. Amelia says:

    Can’t wait for the book featuring Kyle.

    Hopefully we’ll get updates on Jack & Cameron and Nick & Jordan in this book too. I want to know how things are going for them!

  75. Ju Dimello says:

    Hi Julie,

    It’s so wonderful to “meet” you ! I recently picked one of your books and wow, you really had me hooked!

    I’m going to move out of Canada next month..and I’d love to have your new book to carry as a keepsake to Swiss (I’m not sure if your books are available there)!

    Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway! Definitely count me in.

    judimello AT gmail DOT com

  76. CrystalGB says:

    Congratulations on the upcoming release of About That Night. Sounds awesome. Can’t wait to read this book. Love the cover.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  77. ReenaD says:

    I absolutely love your FBI series! Have re-read them so many times, especially in anticipation of the upcoming release of About That Night!
    It sounds awesome – can’t wait to read this book! I’m really hoping that Jack and Cameron make an appearance – loved their chemistry and dialogue!
    Congrats on your new book!

  78. Brandi Knight says:

    I have heard wonderful things about this series and can’t wait to start reading them! If I win the first book of the series it will jumpstart it for me! 🙂

  79. Olivia says:

    I want the new book in my hot hands ASAP! So I guess I’ll try my hand in this awesome contest.

  80. Kassie says:

    Thanks for this giveaway and for opening it internationally! I loved your books &, as everybody, can’t wait for the next one!

  81. Lisha M. says:

    I love love love all your books…read them all and Jack and Cameron’s story is one of my favorites of all time! Can’t wait for the next one!

  82. Crystal N. says:

    I’ve read every one of your books and hope more are to come after “About That Night”.

  83. Alexandra J A says:

    Love this series!! Can’t wait for the third one. Thanks for some great writing!! Can’t wait for more involving the other FBI agents 🙂

  84. Stacey says:

    Hi Julie, I am a new fan. Read a lot like love and loved it! Just started reading sexiest man alive. Cannot wait to read all your books!

  85. Louise says:

    I am a HUGE fan of this series! I’m so excited for Kyle’s book. Will we see more of the previous characters in this one? And do you already have the next one planned?

  86. Renee says:

    I love your books and I cannot wait to read the newest one. Your books are sassy, sexy and so much fun. I cannot put the book down till it’s finished. I truly enjoy all your books. Thanks!

  87. Jacqueline C. says:

    I’m so excited for About That Night! I’ve read and loved everything of yours so far, so I know I’m in for a treat.

  88. Truett says:

    I can not wait for this book to come out. I enjoyed all of them, I literally read them each in a day.

Comments are closed.