Video Interview–A Lot Like Love

Thought I’d share this short video Berkley put together of me talking about A Lot Like Love. Personal note: we filmed this in July last year at the RWA conference, and I was seven months pregnant at the time. I swear, I look pregnant even from the shoulders up. Darn babies. : )

5 thoughts on “Video Interview–A Lot Like Love

  1. Diana says:

    You’re very well-spoken, and you have a pleasant-sounding voice. A Lot Like Love arrived in the mail today, and I can’t wait to read it. Love when I have a good book to look forward to. 🙂

  2. sunitha says:

    Good book Julie. I am quite inspired to watch more black and white movies now 🙂
    Being a food blogger, for me the details in this book on wine tasting and tidbits about different wines was quite engaging. I also liked it that the heroine is much more affluent/rich than the hero.

    Keep writing!

  3. Anne says:

    Julie, Nice interview!
    I think one of the things I like most about your books is that they are dailogue-driven. I tend to have a lot of dialogue (I hope interesting, clever banter in my books.)I can’t wait for this book to come out. I have it on my calendar. 🙂

  4. Patricia says:

    Julie, You look great.
    I also love that your books are dialogue-driven. Ever since Just the Sexiest Man Alive, I have been hooked and am looking forward to collecting all your wonderful stories.

  5. Susan says:

    Love the book very much!!!

    This is the first of Julie that caught my attention. Sorry, this comment comes up way late. Julie has it all in her book…smart & witty banter!!

    I like the chemistry between Nick & Jordan. Both hero & heroine are truly matched :). Strong character, strong will and crazy kind of love ;). Julie puts it in a very nice way…

    After finished “A Lot Like Love”, I am so curious about Jack & Cameron and go hunt the book as fast as I could.

    The truth is I was laughing out loud since the first page until the fifth in “Something About You”.

    Julie, you are awesome!!! It’s such a reading pleasure to enjoy your book. Thanks for writing it for us, your fans…

    Look forward for the “About That Night” 🙂

    Susan – Indonesia

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