Giveaway! Three Kindle copies of IT HAPPENED ONE WEDDING

IHOW final coverGiveaway! So, it’s Little Girl’s birthday and I’m feeling sentimental. Four years ago, I went to the hospital to be induced (because she was perfectly content to stay in there forever, apparently), and it was right about this time we figured out my epidural wasn’t working. 😯 On the upside, my awesome OB did impressions of Will Ferrell to distract me while I was pushing.

Anyone else have a funny labor/delivery story? Three people who leave a comment either below (or at the identical post at my Facebook page) will win a KINDLE copy of IT HAPPENED ONE WEDDING. (The comment can be anything–doesn’t have to be a labor/delivery story.) Giveaway will remain open until 9pm CST on Tuesday, October 21. **Please note that the gift certificates for the Kindle copies of the book will be sent from Amazon U.S.

P.S. Those of you seeing this post on Goodreads should click here to leave a comment at my blog to enter, or here to leave a comment at my Facebook page to enter.

Must be 18 years or older to participate.
Entrants can leave a comment either at this Facebook post or at the giveaway post at my blog.
Winners will be notified on this site and on my Facebook page.

11 thoughts on “Giveaway! Three Kindle copies of IT HAPPENED ONE WEDDING

  1. Kim says:

    Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Birthday, Little Girl James. It seems like you just announced that you had a baby girl. Time goes so fast.

    Did Big Brother James have specific ideas on what to get his sister or did you make the decision?

  2. Make Kay says:

    No funny L&D stories as I have no kids. But I love the idea of a doctor doing Will Ferrell impersonations to distract you!

  3. Sue G. says:

    Happy 4th birthday!

    When I had my first daughter, I knew I was most likely having a C-section because she was breech. Well that night my doctor was out of town (of course) and the house doctor filled in. 13 babies were delivered after 9:00 pm. I got my epidural while waiting. Since I was a C-sect and in the beginning stages of labor, the doctor kept going to other women who were delivering vaginally. By the time the Dr. finally showed up, it had been a while since the epidural. As the Dr. was starting to put me back together all of a sudden I could feel things…REALLY BAD THINGS. It freaked the Dr. out, the anesthesiologist quickly shot something into my IV and I had to wait longer. A quick C-Section ended up taking 8 hours! But she was born perfect and that is all that really mattered!

  4. Justine says:

    On the day my friend was scheduled to be induced, she went into labor early in the morning. It was almost like her son knew he was about to be forced out into the world and he decided, “Okay, okay, I’ll come out now on my own terms!”

  5. Julie says:

    Thanks for all the comments and stories, everyone! @Kim: We made the decisions on what to get Little Girl. It’s impossible to take Little Guy to a toy/book store without him wanting everything for himself. πŸ™‚

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