Winners– Big LOVE IRRESISTIBLY giveaway

Wow! What an amazing turnout for the giveaway! Thanks so much to all of you for helping me spread the word about the release of Love Irresistibly. The book comes out tomorrow, and I’m so excited!

Now, without further ado, the winners of the giveaway are as follows:

The grand prize winner of the iPad mini and a $25 gift card to Amazon is…

 Kati R (comment #214)

And the runner-up winners, of a signed copy of Love Irresistibly are:

Amy R (comment #43)

Aly P (comment #58)

Holly (comment #83)

Caitlyn (comment #2)

Azucena (comment #101)

Congratulations!  Winner, I’ll be contacting you shortly for information on collecting your prizes.

To everyone else, thank you again for your awesome tweets, Facebook, Goodreads, and blog posts and comments, and everything else.

Until tomorrow, folks.  Release day!!

9 thoughts on “Winners– Big LOVE IRRESISTIBLY giveaway

  1. Kati says:

    AHHHHH!!!!! Thank you so much Julie! I can’t even type my response without deleting mistyped words because my hands are shaking. lol.

  2. Aly P says:

    I am bouncing around now! You can’t see me but I am! Thank you Julie, you are an amazing writer!

  3. Azucena Rodriguez says:

    YEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much!!!!!!! I’ll be emailing you back with my home address for the signed copy 🙂

    Congratz to all the other winners!

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