In honor of The Dog…

I don’t normally post pet or personal-type photos, but The Dog turned nine years old today, and during our walk this morning, I had one of those “how time flies” moments.  I’ve been noticing that he’s as pokey as me during our walks these days– and considering I’m about eight and 1/2 months pregnant and waddle around at a speed of roughly 1.2 miles per hour, that’s saying a lot.

So I thought I’d post this picture, taken just this morning, as a Happy Birthday shout-out.  When The Dog was a nine month-old puppy, we found out he had hip dysplasia in both hips and the vet specialist told us that he’d see us in six months for hip replacement surgery.  Here we are at nine years, and no surgery yet (fingers crossed that keeps up):

And because the temperature in Chicago dropped twenty degrees since yesterday and Fall suddenly seems to be upon us, I couldn’t resist posting this photo as well:

Have a great Labor Day weekend, everyone!

10 thoughts on “In honor of The Dog…

  1. Kim says:

    Happy 9th Birthday to your dog. That’s amazing how his hips have held up. Why is it when we look at a dog, we can’t really tell it’s age, but with humans, every line shows? LOL

    Have a nice Labor Day.

    PS: How do you like Wicked Becomes You? It started off a bit slow, but it was a good read.

  2. Stacy ~ says:

    Aw, happy 9th birthday to your “puppy”. He’s gorgeous, btw. I miss having a dog.

    I am not thrilled about fall, because soon after is winter, but I’m enjoying the cooler temps.

    I hope you & your family have a fun & safe Labor Day weekend. I have Meredith’s book in my TBR pile and am dying to read it.

  3. Julie L says:

    Awww, I’m so happy to see pictures of your 9 yr old pup! (my golden turned 8 this past April). I’m so happy he didn’t need the surgery and is still going strong – aren’t they great dogs?

    8 1/2 wow! Good for you getting out and walking, it’s still very hot here in NJ as we wait for the rain from Earl and it should cool down.

    Have a great holiday weekend and thanks for posting your pics!


  4. Liza says:

    Happy birthday to your puppy. He is so beautiful!

    Hope y’all have a great Labor Day weekend. Enjoy the early fall weather while we have it. Temps should drop in Nashville tonight too. 🙂

  5. kelliejwin says:

    Our puppy just turned 2 but it’s amazing how time flies. When we got her she whined at having to be in her cage on the ride home, so I caved and she sat in my lap. She’s like another kid at home; so friendly, loves to go everywhere with us. *sigh* she’s so much a part of our family. When DH goes to work early in the morning, she sneaks into my bed to sleep with me, and I let her. Sssshhh…don’t tell him! LOL Happy Labor Day everyone!

  6. Patricia Camaioni says:

    Your DOG is beautiful. Hope he enjoyed his birthday. Our golden ALEX will be five in October.
    Have a wonderful holiday weekend.

  7. Mary G says:

    Hi Julie
    What a beautiful dog. It’s my nephew’s birthday too. I wonder if Virgo dogs are the same as Virgo guys LOL.

  8. colleen says:

    He’s so cute. He reminds me of my golden. We discovered he had hip dysplasia at six months. But he required surgery on one hip. He still thought he was a puppy until the end. Goldens make for the best pets.

    Hope you and your family have a great holiday weekend.

  9. Terri says:

    Yay!!! Love love love my golden too! And she turned 13 this year!!! (I got her, sight unseen, from an Internet golden retriever rescue sight, just before she turned one. Good hips, we’re lucky, but fatty tissue tumors as she’s grown older.)

    My golden’s a field line, just like yours. I think they tend to be healthier and live longer than the stockier, long-haired line that most people associate with the breed. May they all ‘live long and prosper’ !!!!

    Everything they say about GR’s is true, don’t you think? Sweetest, smartest dogs on the planet…


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