Practice Makes Perfect in the DABWAHA Elite Eight!!

Holy [beep]!  Practice Makes Perfect advanced to the Elite Eight of DABWAHA! Extra-super big thanks to all of you who voted in the previous rounds–in Round 3, PMP beat the competition by 35 votes out of over 1000. So every vote helped!

And now PMP is up again. . . and pitted against Ecstasy Unveiled by Larissa Ione. Tattooed, bare-chested man-demons.  Whew!  It doesn’t get any tougher than that.

But we will fight hard against those demons, Team PMP!  If you liked Practice Makes Perfect, it needs your vote! Head on over to the DABWAHA site and vote by 11pm CST on Saturday.  Here’s the link where you can vote.

Voting is open to everyone.  So spread the word to others!!

5 thoughts on “Practice Makes Perfect in the DABWAHA Elite Eight!!

  1. Kim says:

    Whenever I voted PMP was behind and when I checked back, you pulled it out. Way to go. I’m currently tied for 21, which is amazing, considering I never read a majority of the nominees. Out of desperation, I chose which book covers looked best.

  2. Kim says:

    I’ve read quite a few good books in the last few months. If you want to try a debut author, Sinful Surrender by Beverley Kendall was a very good read. Sometimes a new author is hit or miss, but this author constructed a strong. It’s the first in a trilogy.

    Julie James’s third book, Something About You, was just as good as her first two. She is a very talented author. Finally, I am currently reading The Dead Travel Fast by Deannna Raybourn. If you like gothic novels written in the first person, so far it’s a good read.

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