Winners–Sexiest Man Alive giveaway!

It’s official–the Sexiest Man Alive for 2009 (according to People) has been crowned. Johnny Depp!  (At least my boy Ryan still made the cover.)

And the winners of the five signed copies of Just the Sexiest Man Alive are. . .

Julie O.





Winners should email me at with your snail-mail addresses.  Congratulations to all of you!  And thanks to everyone for participating–I had a blast!  Diana and I hope to see all of you next year.

7 thoughts on “Winners–Sexiest Man Alive giveaway!

  1. Stacy ~ says:

    WTG ladies! You’re gonna love it.

    I was happy JD won and not Rob Pattz, but dang, where was my Gerard???

    And I knew your RR was gonna be there, though he can’t hold a candle to Johnny 😉

  2. Susan says:

    I am so excited I won! As I told Julie, first Johnny and now this! I’m feeling good.
    Happy weekend, everyone!

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