Back from vacation

disney_worldWhew.  Back from a 10-day vacation with the family and I’m buried under a ton of catch-up work.  I’m working on the page edits for Something About You, some promotional things, and then–oh yeah– there’s Book 4. Book 4 is turning out to be a little devil… a quarter of the way through, I decided I needed to take a slightly different approach with the heroine and hero.  Particularly the hero–he’s not quite as perfect as I had originally envisioned him.  Funny, how these things change along the way.

I hope to post more very soon– maybe some more on my vacation– but after taking my two year-old to Disney World for over a week, in 95 degree temps no less, I’m just wiped.  (BTW, my husband has now nicknamed our son “El Fiasco” after a disastrous lunch in Epcot at a Mexican cantina.)

In the meantime, thought I’d mention that I finished Too Good To Be True by Kristan Higgins, which I enjoyed, and that I’m currently reading Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger.  So far, I’m completely sucked in–and the gothic/ghost story element is perfect for this time of year.

How ’bout all of you– reading anything good?

11 thoughts on “Back from vacation

  1. Kati says:

    Welcome home, Miss Julie! Are you singing “It’s a Small World” over and over again?

    Let’s see, what am I reading? I’m slogging through a book for a guest review that shall remain nameless, except to say that steampunk is NOT my genre. But it’s a good exercise to stretch my wings. I apparently, just don’t have the imagination for steampunk.

    I’m looking forward to reading Never Love a Lawman by Jo Goodman and Indiscreet by Carolyn Jewel.

  2. Stacy ~ says:

    Welcome back 🙂 Hope you had a great time.

    I’m all about Chicago authors these days, having finished Simone Elkeles’ Young Adult romance Perfect Chemistry and am currently re-reading Chloe Neill’s Some Girls Bite. Both very enjoyable and quick reads. I hope to get to Beth’s Paradise Rules soon.

    I also want to re-read Ann Aguirre’s Grimspace so I can read the next 2 books in her Jax series. Lauren Danes mentioned a book about the underground tunnels in Vegas that sounds intriguing so I want to check that one out. Books, books, books…

  3. erika says:

    I just finished reading Sweet Talk by Susan Mallery, finished it in 24 hours. Loved it. Now I’m on to Sweet Spot. If I didn’t have to work, I’d be lounging around finishing it up right now.

  4. Lea says:

    Welcome Back Julie!

    Man, you are a braver woman than I, a two year old at Disney World? When I think of my boys at that age…. YIKES…

    I do hope you had some fun. 🙂

    I just finished “To Desire A Devil” by Elizabeth Hoyt, awesome read.

    Also read Steph Tyler’s “Hard To Hold”, another AWESOME read – military romantic suspense – just loved it.

    You take care with “El Fiasco” there. Oh my goodness, I can just imagine, you poor thing.


  5. Liza says:

    Welcome back Julie! I finished reading Sweet Persuasion by Maya Banks last week. Very hot and sexy read. I’m currently reading Covet by JR Ward. Really liking it and think her Fallen Angel series might be as great as her BDB series.

  6. Julie says:

    Hi Kati–boy, you nailed it. My son loved “It’s a Small World” and now demands that we play the song about twenty times a day, including when he’s in the bathtub. That and “Yo, Ho” from the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

    BTW, what is steampunk? Always been curious about that…

    Stacy: I’ve been meaning to check out Perfect Chemistry– I’ve heard really good things about it. And I just ordered Paradise Rules today… can’t wait.

    erika: You know, I’ve never read anything by Susan Mallery, but I’ve wanted to try one of her books. Where should I start?

    Lea: I like to joke that taking a two year-old to Disney World is like childbirth–as soon as it’s over, you forget the bad parts. 😉 “El Fiasco” talked non-stop about the trip today; he’s still in such a high over it.

    I’ll have to check out the Hoyt and Tyler books…

    Liza: Okay… so another admission: I’ve never read JR Ward. (I know, I know.) Where would I start with her– the BDB series? I heard her books are like crack.

  7. alicia says:

    I actually just read Practice Makes Perfect this weekend. I liked it a lot. Loved the characters and the dialogue. Though, I have to admit, I thought J.D.’s reasons for starting the fight with Kendall (can’t remember her first name right now) was rather contrived, but all in all, it was my only issue with the book.

  8. tennismom mary g says:

    Hi Julie
    Welcome back. LOL even your guys are funny. I miss that age. Wait till you take him to the movies for the first time & he won’t leave cause he wants to watch it over & over again like at home. Calling us “mean” while people are sweeping up around us.

    Just read 2 that hit me in the heart.
    Dream A Little Dream – Susan Elizabeth Phillips
    Playing For Keeps – Shiloh Walker
    also loved
    Feel the Heat – Cindy Gerard
    Year Of Living Shamelessly – Susanna Carr
    Lucky Break – Carly Phillips
    & who could forget Paradise Rules – Beth Kery

  9. Liza says:

    Julie, I would start with Dark Lover, the first book in her BDB series. I love her books and do agree that they are like crack, but in a good way.

  10. Gwen says:

    My husband and I LOVE Disney. We usually go twice a year. Glad you had a wonderful time!

    Just finished reading the Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. It was a great book, really enjoyed it!

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