Winner–The Accidental Bestseller (and a hint!)

And the winner of the signed copy of The Accidental Bestseller is…


The Accidental Bestseller

Congratulations, Nicole!  Please email me at with your snail-mail address, and I’ll get The Accidental Bestseller right out to you.

Thanks to everyone who entered, and a special thanks to Wendy Wax for both the thoughtful Q&A and for the signed book!

Oh my gosh, can you believe it?  On Monday I’ll be posting the sixth and last giveaway.  And trust me– this is one you won’t want to miss.  To wrap things up, I’ve got a wonderful Q&A from a lovely author and a signed book that’s just fantastic.  Should I give you a hint?  Remember when we started that I promised you a RITA winner…

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