Winner–Sweet Restraint Giveaway!

And the winner of the Sweet Restraint giveaway is…



Congratulations, Jody F.!  Please email me at with your snail-mail address, and I’ll get the copy of Sweet Restraint right out to you.

Thanks to everyone who entered, and a special thanks to Beth Kery for hanging out with us!

And be sure to stay tuned– I’ll be posting the second book giveaway on Monday, along with a Q&A from another fabulous author…

9 thoughts on “Winner–Sweet Restraint Giveaway!

  1. bethkery says:

    Congrats, Jody! I hope you enjoy. 🙂

    LOL–Thanks, Mary. I’m glad you reconstituted yourself after melting. *grin*

    Julie–many thanks for guesting me here at your blog. Looking forward to seeing you in Palos for the booksigning in a week!

    P.S.–I love the photo above. Is that in Napa? Makes me want to order a spicy red and gab.

  2. tennismom mary g says:

    LOL Beth
    I’m reconstituted but still have other issues. See Fiona’s reply to the post I wrote to her.

    I saw The Ugly Truth tonight & except for the swearing I could have sworn you wrote it. I even checked the credits. So funny
    even the guys in the audience enjoyed it.

  3. Julie says:

    Beth– thank YOU! Looking forward to seeing you at the signing!

    Mary G: too funny. I definitely want to see The Ugly Truth– I mean, it’s Gerard Butler right? Glad to hear the guys in the audience liked it in case I drag the husband with me. 😉

  4. tennismom mary g says:

    OMG I have never seen Gerard Butler look this sexy -with a constant 3 day beard & even though he could be obnoxious.
    Ironically the other male lead was Eric Winter who we chose on Beth’s blog as Ryan Daire from Daring Time. Although he was cute (maybe the part was tame) the hormones were jumping for Gerard. Hope you take it as a compliment after you see it. Their repartee reminded me of you.

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