Off to RWA!


Well, on Wednesday, anyway.   But tomorrow I’ll be busy with all the last-minute details, so I thought I’d post now.

Can I say how excited I am?  I attended last year’s conference in San Francisco, but this will be my first time going as a published author.  What a difference a year makes!  Last year I knew pretty much no one, and just had a blast sort of floating around taking it all in.  Now this year I’ll be at the literacy signing, and the Berkley signing, and I’m looking forward to catching up with other authors, bloggers, readers… everyone.  Plus, great speakers and workshops–I think it’s going to be a fantastic time.

So if you’re heading to D.C. (or maybe you’re there already), please make sure to say hello!

12 thoughts on “Off to RWA!

  1. Rowena says:

    I’m super jealous that you’re all going to RWA without me but I hope you have loads of fun and take lots of pictures! I’ll be stalking your blog waiting for all the deets, kay?


  2. Julie L. says:

    Have a great time, I wish I was there, sounds like a blast! Maybe next year I’ll go (wherever it is!) Enjoy you success as a published author!

  3. Julie says:

    Rowena, Julie L., Lea, Rebecca, Stacy, and Julie in Ohio: thanks everyone! I’m going to try to post while I’m there, but if not, then definitely afterward.

    Katiebabs, Gabriela, and Kati Dancy: Yeah! Looking forward to seeing all of you there!

  4. limecello says:

    That is a gorgeous picture of the capitol building. I always wanted to go inside @ some random time – like 2 AM, just because I could… but my fellow interns wouldn’t. Killjoys. 😛

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