Honorable Mentions at New York and Beach Book Festivals!

beach bookWow!  Got some great news last night.  First, I learned that Just the Sexiest Man Alive scored an Honorable Mention in romance at the 2009 New York Book Festival.  Very exciting!   Then, a couple hours later, I found out that Practice Makes Perfect was chosen as an Honorable Mention in romance at the 2009  Beach Book Festival.  Whoo-hoo, not a bad night!

The Beach Book Festival “spotlight[s] the hottest reads of the upcoming summer season.”  The New York Book Festival “celebrat[es] books that deserve greater recognition from the world’s publishing capital.”  I’m truly honored that my books were chosen to be part of each of these festivals.  Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend either festival– both are in New York this weekend and I will be at Lori Foster’s Reader/Author Get Together.  On the other hand, I’m really looking forward to the Lori Foster event, so it’s pretty much a win-win situation!

9 thoughts on “Honorable Mentions at New York and Beach Book Festivals!

  1. Carolyn Crane (CJ) says:

    How WONDERFUL! Congratulations. Your books totally deserve this. How exciting. Though I would’ve made them more than honorable mention if I was running those contests!

    But really, that is huge either way. Yay!!

  2. Kim says:

    Congratulations! I just got my copy of Practice Makes Perfect and plan to start it tonight. I’ve already read and truly enjoyed, Just the Sexiest Man Alive.

  3. Liza says:

    Congrats Julie! I loved Just the Sexiest Man Alive and have Practive Makes Perfect in my tbr pile.

  4. Julie says:

    Hi Kim and Liza! So happy to hear you both enjoyed JTSMA! I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you like Practice Makes Perfect as well…

  5. LynneW says:

    Would have loved to meet you in person; alas, I’m working that day.

    Have a great time! Lori’s a wonderful lady and I hope you meet lots of new readers.


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