Back from Lori Foster’s

Just got back from Lori Foster’s 5th Annual Readers and Authors Get Together in West Chester, Ohio.  This was my first time attending the conference, and I had such a blast!  I had a great time meeting both readers and authors alike.  I took a few photos, so here goes:


Fellow Chicago author Beth Kery and me.  I’m currently reading Beth’s book, Daring Time, and loving it.  I had such a great time hanging out with Beth throughout the weekend!


Table-mates LeeAnn, Kati from Romance Novel TV and Katidom, Julie, and Stacy from Romance Novel TV and Stacy’s Place on Earth


Hanging out with two lovely ladies, blogger/reader Amy C. and her mom


The girls after dinner, Saturday night, where we talked books, sorority life, reality TV, and pretty much everything in between.

Toni Blake

Author Toni Blake, in line to purchase Just the Sexiest Man Alive.  And I just so happened to be about five people in line behind her, waiting to purchase a copy of her newest release, One Reckless Summer, which I can’t wait to read.  Funny coincidence!

All in all, a great time.  Oh– and I even won a raffle basket!  Can’t wait for next year.

20 thoughts on “Back from Lori Foster’s

  1. KatiDancy says:

    It was SUCH fun meeting you, Julie! I loved all of our conversations! I just wrote my wrap up blog for RNTV, which I think goes up on Thursday.

  2. Amelia says:

    I am lucky enough to have won both The Sexiest Man Alive and One Reckless Summer!! Now that school is out I can spend more time reading, but the hard part is deciding which book to read of the tbr mountain!

  3. Stacy ~ says:

    It was fun, wasn’t it? Dinner as great, and I loved just sitting there listening to all he interesting talk. We sure learned some interesting things about you Julie *g*

    Congrats on winning a basket 🙂

  4. Beth Kery says:

    I had a wonderful time hanging out with you, Julie, and having good conversation with the ladies.

    Already looking forward to next year.

  5. Lori aka L.L. Foster says:

    Thanks for joining us this year! Dianne and I had a blast too. It always ends with me overwhelmed by the generosity and energy and positivity. GREAT stuff to take home. 😉
    Hope you can attend again next year!


  6. Lea says:

    Thank you for the lovely picture Beth showcased at her blog Julie. That was so thoughtful and kind of you.

    I really appreciate it.

    Warm Regards

  7. SarahT says:

    Glad you had fun! I also ordered Toni Blake’s ‘One Reckless Summer’, on Katiebabs’s recommendation. It sounds like a nice summer read.

  8. Julie says:

    Lea– you are very welcome! And next time, I hope we’ll get to say hi in person. 🙂

    Kati Dancy: Ditto! I had a blast. Can’t wait to read your column for RNTV!

    Katiebabs: They are two great girls to hang out with, I won’t lie. But I’ll be seeing you in July for RWA, right?

    Amelia: Congrats! I hope you enjoy JTSMA! I hear you on the out-of-control TBR pile…

    Stacy: I take it all back. I swear, I really don’t watch any bad reality television shows. None. 😉

    Beth and Amy C: Ditto again!

    Lori: thank YOU so much for putting together such a wonderful event. I can’t imagine how much work goes into it… you must be just exhausted by the end. As for me, yep, I’m already thinking I’ll be back next year.

  9. KatiDancy says:

    In that first picture of us, I’m pretty sure I have cream cheese on my shirt. C-L-A-S-S-Y.

    I’m watching Sex and the City right now, Julie and thinking of you. 😉

  10. Julie says:

    katiebabs: Yeah! So looking forward to meeting you there!

    KatiDancy: I don’t see any cream cheese– you look great! As for SATC, think about it– they did Big wrong. Nevertheless, I really liked the movie. A naked Gilles Marini makes up for a lot of sins. (See my earlier blog on The Next Sexiest Man Alive.)

  11. Julie says:

    Ooh– SarahT: you snuck in there between my two comments. I hadn’t read katiebabs review of “One Reckless Summer,” but I’ll have to check it out. I just liked the premise of the book. Good to hear KB recommends it!

  12. Rowena says:

    Awww, looks like you had an absolute blast! I’m so glad and so jealous too but that’s okay…great pictures, thanks for sharing them sweets.

  13. Julie in Ohio says:

    It was so wonderful meeting you this past weekend. Hanging with you and Beth was so much fun. Time seemed to fly by. I really expected the waite staff at Max & Erma’s to kick us out after 2 hours, let alone 3. ;o) Hope to see you next year.

  14. Kim says:

    Julie – I finished Practice Makes Perfect and enjoyed it just as much as I did Just the Sexiest Man Alive. I look forwrd to your third book.

    A quick question that you’ve probably already answered. I’m sure the courtroom scene in PMP was totally fictional, but what was the funniest thing you actually observed in a courtroom. Does anything come close to what happened to poor Payton?

  15. Julie says:

    Yikes! Don’t know what’s going on with the alignment with the descriptions of the photos… All of a sudden, that just started looking goofy– I’ll have to see if I can fix that. In the meantime…

    Rowena: Thanks! Always so nice to hear from you. One of these days, I’m going to meet you in person, too, girl…

    Julie: It was great meeting you this past weekend! I had so much fun. Yes, I’m surprised the restaurant didn’t kick out, especially during our louder moments. 😉

    Mary Jo: Thanks for the picture of EM! I checked it out– quite yummy…

    Kim: So happy to hear that you enjoyed PMP! I’m working on Book 3 now, which is kicking my behind a little, but it’s coming together.

    Yes, the scene with poor Payton in the courtroom was completely fictional. Hmm… what is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in a courtroom… nothing really comes close to that, although there was this one time when me and my opposing counsel were hauled into federal court last minute. Luckily, I had a spare suit in my office, but my opposing counsel apparently didn’t and had to appear before the judge in… a purple jogging suit. Not a good moment for her.

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