New book title, a hint, and a giveaway!

Note: the giveaway is now closed. Winners to be announced shortly.

Those of you following me on Twitter and Facebook know that I promised to reveal the title of my upcoming book today. I know many of you are eager to know who the hero is, and while the title won’t tell you who the book is about, it’ll give you a really good hint what the book is about.

One of the first things I’d told my editor when brainstorming ideas for this book was that I knew I didn’t want the heroine and hero to meet through work. All six of my previous books have my lead characters meeting, somehow, via a work connection, so with this next book, I wanted to do something different. What is that “something different” you ask? Well, maybe the title will give you a clue:


(Coming in April)

Big, huge, thanks to Elyssa Patrick for the title, which I love because it’s a play on one of my favorite classic romantic comedies, It Happened One Night. To celebrate the title reveal, I’m giving away two signed copies of my current release, Love Irresistibly. comps_LoveIrr.inddWhich is appropriate–here comes another hint–since the hero in It Happened One Wedding appears in Love Irresistibly.

To enter the giveaway, all you have to do is leave a comment below. Two randomly-selected winners can choose between a signed paperback or a Kindle/Nook/Kobo ebook of Love Irresistibly. The giveaway is open internationally and will run until this Friday, June 28, at 9pm CST. Those of you reading this on Goodreads should click here to leave a comment at my blog.

Happy reading!

270 thoughts on “New book title, a hint, and a giveaway!

  1. Leolani says:

    Looking forward to It Happened One Wedding but waiting until April 2014 will be rough! I’ll have to re-read all your books to hold me over!

  2. Agnes says:

    Wow, i can’t wait to find out who the character is… Now i really need to read “love irresistibly”

  3. Susú V. says:

    April is too far away! I think i have someone on my mind… 😉
    Thank you for this giveaway! 😀

  4. Juhi says:

    OoOOh! this great 😀 does this mean that the characters will meet at a wedding!hmmm may be they will meet at brook and cade’s wedding 😛

  5. Rebe says:

    Oooh, I love the title! I also like that the H/h aren’t meeting at work this time. Should be interesting!

  6. april says:

    How fun! I love it and am trying to ignore the fact that April is so very far away, the month anyway, I’m right here. 🙂

  7. stephaniel says:

    I can’t wait to know who the hero is in this book. Im sure it will be as good as all the others from this series. But im sure he is one of the last available hot fbi agents

  8. Fabiola says:

    Oh, so looking forward to it!!!
    Cade and Brooke’s wedding, maybe? Humm…
    Can’t wait!!! =D

  9. Natie says:

    That sounds very interesting! I can’t wait to h9ld it in my hands next april 🙂 I love your books.

  10. hajarza says:

    why do i have these feelings that happen at the wedding kyle and rylann??..uuu..i sure hopes its a bamb!

  11. Gail Fuhlman says:

    This title has me trying to figure out just who the heroine or hero could be. So I guess what I will have to do re-read your books to get the hint,plus keep me busy until your new book comes out I guess in April! Love this giveaway, thanks once again.

  12. Kelly Tinder says:

    Love the new title and am wracking my brain as to who the hero is…maybe I’ll just reread the book 🙂 Can’t wait to read your new one, as I love/own all your books!

  13. Kari says:

    Love love love the title! Now I’m gonna have to reread Love Irrisistibly to try and figure out who it’s about!

  14. Kathy says:

    PLEASE let this be Nick & Jordan’s wedding (& please let there lots of Nick/Jordan sarcasm sprinkled throughout the story; they are still my favorite)

  15. Kim says:

    It can’t just be a random wedding, so does the h/h meeting take place at the Twitter Terrorist’s wedding?

  16. Jane says:

    I am so excited to read your next book–I have loved them all! Thanks for your books and sharing your talent with us! 🙂

  17. @illywilly19 says:

    Dear Ms James, my life has just never been the same since the day I picked up Practice Makes Perfect. I can’t wait for your next book to take me on yet another beautiful journey!!

  18. Jenny S. says:

    I really enjoyed Love Irresistibly. It’s almost half past midnight and I’m wide awake wondering who the next hero will be. Could it be Vaughn? Or Ford? Hmmm…

  19. Leeanne says:

    Hmmmm, so many possibilities. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Vaughn will meet the girl of his dreams at Cade and Brooke’s wedding. Can’t wait until next April!

  20. Amanda says:

    Argh! I can’t skim through my copy to figure out the hero, as I loaned it to my Mom! Can’t wait for the next book.

  21. Denise says:

    I am just starting Love Irresistibly!!! I know late but hey I have so many books to read. All of them are great!!!!

  22. Tays says:

    Oh my God, so excited right now! Wondering who the hero might be! I hope it’s Vaughn! I’ll probably read LI again to keep things fresh! Can’t wait for April!

  23. Sandy says:

    Even reading Love Irresistibly will took all of my day to read each chapter (Of cause with dictionary)because english is not my native language , but this is my favorite book so far. I try to guess who’s next, well i hope Vaughn would be in this temping “It Happened One Wedding” Thank for this page New book title, a hint, and a giveaway! 🙂

  24. Pat C. says:

    I’m getting out my copy to reread and see if I can figure out who our hero is. Could be Nick and Jordan’s wedding or Cade and Brooke’s????? Love the title!

  25. Marilyn says:

    So excited for a new book. I have reread all the previous books like 5 times each lol. April is so far away!!!!!!!!!

  26. uke agustin says:

    it’s gonna feels like forever before we can even catch the Love Irresistibly in Indonesia… *feelingdown*

  27. uke agustin says:

    something different is always a catch. it’ll worth the wait. you’re a creative writer.. 😉

  28. Sharon says:

    So excited for the new book!!! Now to figure out who the hero is! I am definately going to go back and read this book and the whole series again!!

  29. Stephanie says:

    Sign me up!! Would love a signed copy for my collection (that is growing large with Julie James books!)

  30. Debbie W. says:

    Woo Hoo! Loving the title and the hint! Can’t wait to read the new title and look forward to the ‘wedding’!

  31. Claudia says:

    Hmmmm I guess I´ll have to re-read Love Irresistibly again- will I find out who the hero will be????

  32. TrishJ says:

    Love the title. And I loved the movie It appened One Night. I have a small collection of signed books. Would love to add your book. Thanks for the giveaway.

  33. Kelly B says:

    I love the title, now I cannot wait to see the cover. Wow, April huh?! Well, it will definately be worth the wait!!

  34. KristyB says:

    So excited that the series is continuing but also introducing a new element in the “meet cute” switch. Come on April!!!!

  35. Heidi B. says:

    It will be very very difficult to be as good as or better than “Love Irresistibly”. You, Nora Roberts and Jill Shalvis I read over and over again. Bet your partners appreciate your MINDS also. : )

  36. Lucy says:

    Any excuse to have to re-read one of your books! And this time will be reading Love Irresistibly in a completely different light trying to guess your next leading man! April feels a very long way off! 🙂

  37. Roxy says:

    I cannot wait for this release! Making my way through the series has been difficult because they are in such high demand at the library.

  38. Veronika says:

    I love the title! Your books are on my auro-buy list, I don’t even have to know who it will be about, I’m sure I will love it! April os soooo far away, though! 🙂 Can’t wait!

  39. Carrie says:

    OMG!!! So freakin’ excited now! But I want to know who’s wedding?? Cade & Brooke’s? Although it seems more likely that it’s either Nick & Jordan or Kyle & Rylann. I don’t even care. Just want the next book already! April can’t come soon enough!

  40. C. Flynn says:

    I’m going to guess Vaughn at Cade and Brooke’s wedding. Sad it won’t be out until April.

  41. miki says:

    i love your titles they really make me want to read what the story is about

    thank you a lot for this new opportunity to win!

  42. Heather S says:

    Lol. I love reading the comments above. Wouldn’t it be fun to have weekly countdown of all the characters NOT in contention as the upcoming hero/heroine?
    Another great title from Julie James. I cannot wait.

  43. Shivani Vyas says:

    Yay..the name is out..i just love all your books..i had received your 1st book as a gift from my best friend n have never been able to keep them down..i hope i get a signed copy since your books are not available in my country in paperback and i want to make a collections of all your books !!! :*

  44. Lisa W says:

    OHHHHH I would love a copy of Love Irresistibly – then once I’m done with it I can pass along to all my other reading buddies! Thanks

  45. Judi L says:

    I love it! Hate that you tease us so. I’ve been a fan ever since I discovered your books.

  46. Stefanie says:

    Absolutely love your books and I am so happy that this giveaway is international, so I can enter it too.

  47. Wendy says:

    Crossing my fingers that its Kyle and Rylann’s wedding.Of course if its Nick and Jordans then we’ll hear from hismom. She was funny. And Nick has 2 brothers. HMMMM. April cannot get here fast enough.

  48. Arshpreet says:

    I am so excited, love your books. I think the hero might be FBI Agent Huxley or Vaughn, since you mentioned him. I’m leaning toward Huxley because I like his character and he seems mysterious.

  49. Jordan H says:

    I’m so excited for this book!! I absolutely love all of them so far, so I know this one will be just as fantastic.

  50. Kelly says:

    Amazing news, always exciting to hear of new releases from one of my favourite authors. Love the title.

  51. Bridget C says:

    How romantic! My husband’s parents met at a wedding, and Mamie is always telling us that they are a good hunting ground…

  52. Raquel S. says:

    I think is Vaughn if its still gonna be in FBI series or maybe… Wilkins! Flashback to Jack and Cameron’s wedding!!!

  53. Maggie says:

    It’s so hard finding out about these book and then having to wait in suspense. Wish I had a time machine!

  54. sue says:

    Oh I can’t wait for April 2014, not wishing winter but at least they’ll be something to warm us up in April.

  55. Norah Leighton says:

    i love your books and am psyched to hear that there’s a new one coming out!!! i would love to win also. thanx.

  56. Alyssa says:

    Yay! Another book! I can’t wait. I hope it’s as good as Love Irresistibly. I totally loved that one. Keep up the good work! 🙂

  57. aly says:

    my mom and i pretty much power read all your books…can’t wait to find out who the new book is about

  58. Samantha says:

    My guess? Ford meets somebody at Brooke and Cade’s wedding. And I can’t wait.
    *makes ‘It Happened One Wedding’ a countdown on phone*

  59. Jen Callister says:

    Love the title & props for trying out a new way for our characters to meet. So many possibilities for people meeting at a wedding where love & liquor abound!

  60. Aline Tobing says:

    What a cute title, Julie..

    Can’t wait for April 2014! Curious about the hero whom also appear on Love Irresistibly :))

  61. Jeanne says:

    I think it’s Nick and Jordan’s wedding because in LI it was mentioned that Nick was getting married the following month. So that would eliminate Ford as the hero because why would he be invited to N&J’s wedding? It could be Vaughn or it could be one of Nick’s brothers. IIRC, one was a cop (I think it was Matt) and he could move to Chicago to take over Nick’s condo (hint! hint!) and join the FBI as Nick did. I personally don’t think it’s either Sam or Huxley because to me they’re both “second bananas”, the guys you see in movies who complement the hero in some way and who sometimes provide the comic relief.

  62. mango says:

    So excited, can’t wait to read it. I am going to guess Vaughn is the hero and it’s Nick and Jordan’s wedding. Assuming the hero is an FBI agent, I can’t imagine he’d be invited to Kyle’s wedding (Nick being the exception since he’s family).

  63. Havaa says:

    I am so excited for this book! WOW The hero appears in Love Irresistibly? Wonder who it is.. even though I have an idea. I can’t wait to see who’s getting married! I have an idea for that one too ;] Waiting for april will be head-bonking-on-the-wall terrible but it doesn’t really matter because we’ll be getting a new book from the one and only Julie James!! Yeeey!! Also, you have inspired me and made me realize what I really want, and now I’m going to law school!! Hopefully I’ll become a succesful litigator like you :]

  64. annette says:

    i think it might be either one of nick’s brothers at nick and jordon’s wedding or it’s huxley or wilkins. and do we really have to wait till next year.

  65. Suze says:

    I am wishing my life away waiting for your new releases 😉 Can’t wait. No matter who it is, I know it will be fabulous because you write fabulous 🙂

  66. Gabi says:

    Oh Gooooooood! I loved the title, absolutely loved! And I’m really anxious to know who the hero is! Gooooooooood. How long will you keep us waiting?

  67. Alicia says:

    I haven’t had the chance to read LI yet, so I’d love to win so I can guess about who the next hero will be, too!

  68. Czarina says:

    This is amazing news! I love the title very much. It’s very intriguing and it makes me excited to read it. Best of luck and more power to you!

  69. Ana says:

    YAY!!! A new book!! Oh can’t wait for April! Love the title too! Thanks for the giveaway Julie. You seriously rock!:)

  70. Carolyn says:

    So excited I can’t wait till April to read it. Your books capture my heart and I can’t stop re-reading them because how great they are. I think the next book has something definatly to do with Cade and Brooke’s wedding.

  71. Kelly says:

    So excited! Is it April yet? Now I need to reread Love Irresistibly to see who the hero could possibly be!

  72. Sally Mitchell says:

    April… April next year?! *pouts*. Can we have a hint each month pretty please 😉

  73. Elizabeth says:

    Can’t wait for this book! I’m reading them all again and listening to ‘Something About You’ (my favourite) on audio book. 🙂

  74. Katharina says:

    Can’t wait for your new book! They are always a highlight of my year – and they helped me a lot in the past during hospital stays to cheer me up 😀
    Keep up the awesome work :3

  75. Vivian says:

    You have the best book covers! That was the first thing that drew me to your books and enticed me to pick it up to give it a try. But your strong, intelligent heroines and caring, protective heroes hooked me for good. Can’t wait for these to come out on audio as well. Thanks!

  76. Cynthia Chappelle says:

    I just read the the first book in your series and loved it so much I went an bought the rest that are out from Amazon. Keep up the great writing!! I can’t wait for the next book to come out!!

  77. Deanna Webb says:

    I am really excited and am racking my brain for who the hero is. I think I have a good idea as it sounds like a good meet cute.

  78. Allison says:

    Ahh!! Love the title and that they don’t meet at work…BUT I MUST know the hero!! C’mon Julie!! Let’s dish… =)

  79. Adriana says:

    Oh I am so pumped! It could be anybody! I plan to religiously follow Julie’s tweets for more clues haha 🙂

  80. Kate says:

    I love It Happened One Night. Now I have to go re-read LI to try to guess who the book is about.

  81. Janki says:

    Love that it’s taking place at a wedding! Can’t wait!!! Wishing for an early release 🙂

  82. Liza says:

    I can’t wait to read it! April is so far away. Need to go reread LI to see if I can figure out the next hero. 🙂

  83. Johanne says:

    It happened one wedding, that’s an awesome title. I hope Vaughn is the hero in this one! 😉

  84. Jessy says:

    I just read the latest book in your FBI/Attorney series and now I can’t wait for the next one! I had a feeling throughout reading Love Irresistibly that Vaughn would be in the next one, so I’m curious to see if he will be indeed. You have become one of my favourite authors and I’m sad that I’ve already read all of your books, haha.

  85. Kristiana says:

    Oh thank goodness for different time zones,I still have a chance!Cade is my alltime favourite hero! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us with It Happened One Wedding!

  86. Jucel Marie Guatlo says:

    Totally excited on your upcoming novel. Now, I’m curious who’s wedding is this. Betting on Rylann and Kyle’s though. Goodness, I’m sure I’ll going to love this! xxx

  87. Sharon says:

    Absolutely love your books. Can’t wait for It Happened One Wedding. Thanks for the chance to win.

  88. Anne L. says:

    I loved this book and can’t wait for your new one…but seriously…April 2014? Guess I’ll have to go back and re-read some of your previous ones to hold me over until then!

  89. Cara LeBlanc says:

    omg ! i absolutely loved this book ! i’d totally be in heaven if i had a signed paperback!!! eeekkk!

  90. leslie says:

    I BoughtAnd Read LI The Day It Came Out And Then Shared It With A Currently unemployed Friend. I Woul Like To Reread So I Would Love To Win A New Copy.

  91. LAURA Z says:

    April 2014 is so far away, guess I’ll have to go reread some of your books. Looking forward to the next book.

  92. Margil says:

    I’M SO STOKED because a) someone’s getting married b) THERE’S A NEW JULIE JAMES BOOK! Another thing to look forward on summer break 2014!

  93. Madz says:

    Ooohh..Can’t wait. For both book and your four letter named hero. I hope it will be somewhat related to previous characters, especially, Jack, Nick and Cade! 🙂

  94. Kari says:

    Went to scan through LI for clues and ended up re-reading 1/3 of the book before I knew it! LOVE. Can’t wait for this one.

  95. Jay says:

    I love your books and have read them all at least twice. Can’t wait for this one and I think the hero is Ford:D

  96. Coco says:

    I love how all the characters are somehow connected to each other throughout the books. Looks like I have to go back and re-read Love Irresistibly for the clue. Cannot wait until the next book!

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