7 thoughts on “Movie news–SOMETHING ABOUT YOU

  1. Cynthia S says:

    Super exciting!! Would love to see the characters come to life. Can you give us an update on your next book? Can’t wait for some more Julie James content 🙂

  2. Juanita Bradford says:

    So exciting to hear. Just started re-reading the series. I love Jack! A lot of the books available today lack your style, humor, and finesse! (hint, hint)

  3. Susan Nelson says:

    Just finished reading this book for the 3rd time. Have you thought about writing a sequel to this book? Would love to read a continuation of this book.

  4. Lenore Forsted says:

    I’m with Susan Nelson, above. I reread your books regularly, and especially during the pandemic.
    I own them all and hope you will be coming out with a new one soon.
    Two thoughts: another FBI one and, if he is not too dull, Two Minute Tyler (yes, I just reread the Vaughn Roberts book).

  5. Stef says:

    I am seeing this only a year later, the movie hasn’t come out yet.. does anyone have any information?

    • julie says:

      COVID shut down a lot of filming for awhile, but I know Passionflix is back up and running again and I believe this is still in the works! I’ll post an update as soon as I know more.

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