Book news– an update

Book news!

First, I wanted to thank you all for your patience. I know it’s been awhile since I posted anything on the book front, and there have been a lot of questions about when my next book will be coming out. The short answer is that I’ve just started writing a new book and while I don’t have a release date yet, I will certainly post that information as soon as it’s available.

The longer answer is that this past year has been interesting–and challenging–for me, both as a writer and a working mom.

On the writing front, in the course of the past twelve months I’ve started and scrapped two books that simply weren’t working for me. This will be my tenth book, which is a milestone, and I think I got too focused on thinking that I wanted to do something bigger, or different, this time around. As a reader of both women’s fiction and thrillers, I started dabbling with ideas in those genres, but both times the book began to feel just . . . not “me.” And as much as I hate scrapping months of work–particularly since I’m a slow writer–at the end of the day, if I’m not feeling the story it’s time to walk away.

In addition to that, this has been a particularly busy year on the family front, and I’ve struggled to find balance as a working mom. I know I’m not unique in this struggle; it’s something many working parents deal with. As much as I love writing, there are times when other things take precedence. This past year, I’ve had to learn to accept that I can’t always do it all. As an extremely goal-oriented person, that’s a tough thing to acknowledge, but I’m getting there. Mostly. 😉

But enough about me… let’s talk about this book I’m writing! Third time’s the charm, right? While I’m not saying much about it yet, I can tell you that it’s a romantic comedy/contemporary romance. It’s a fun book, and I’m excited to dive in. And since I know you’ll ask: nope, it’s not an FBI/U.S. Attorney book. But I’m not straying too far from my roots–both the heroine and hero are lawyers. I promise to share more as the book progresses, so stay tuned! And thanks again for your patience and inquiries about my next book! It warms my heart to hear how excited you guys are for what comes next.

33 thoughts on “Book news– an update

  1. Julie says:

    Can’t wait to hear more about the project! Until then… I’ll keep following you on Instagram and enjoy the (growing) puppy updates! 🙂

  2. Kim says:

    Thanks for the update. Family comes first. Enjoy this time with your children; they grow up so fast. 🙂

    Your books are so good, it will be worth the wait. Who knows? Maybe someday, the two unfinished books will see the light of day.

  3. p4letta says:

    Here I thought you might be writing a Chrstmas book and that was the reason for a late publication. Oh well. I guess I’ll have to try to remain patient for your next book. 😁

  4. Laura says:

    I have loved so many of your books and am always willing to wait however long it takes for the next one.

    I know there’s a lot of pressure on a working mom. Years ago when I was figuring out how to manage the work/life balance issue I found it helpful to consider the long term consequences of not showing up in my kids lives, as opposed to giving my extra energy to my job. It simplified things a lot. Good luck with the challenge.

  5. Emmanuelle says:

    Yes Yes Yeeeeesssss
    I just googled “Julie James next book release” and just ended up here !
    I’ve read and loved all your books. It happened One Wedding (which I read 7 times) is one of my all time favorites. Can’t wait to read your next book whenever you release it.

  6. Janet Winn says:

    Hi Julie,

    I have read all of your books, and I have loved each of your characters. I am a working mom so I get the demands on your time. I am looking forward to the new book when you get it finished.

  7. JB says:

    I really love your stories and your approach to modern romance. While I am disappointed about the delay, I understand and know it will be worth the wait. I will just binge read your books (again and not for the first time) in anticipation….

  8. Tricia says:

    Came to this site to check out when your next book is coming out !

    So disappointed I have to wait longer, happy to hear that you have your priorities in order! You never get time back and being a working mom I’ve struggled as well.

    Take care of yourself and your family and all of your fans will patiently await your next blook❗️


  9. Corinna says:

    I very much enjoy your books, they are so much fun! Love the sassy heroines, and the struggling heroes (hehe). I kept looking on Amazon for a new book and finally came here. I’m looking forward to the new book, but I’ll gladly wait. We all know life sometimes interferes, no pressure – but I AM LOOKING FORWARD to it…

  10. Dejana says:

    Hi Julie! I’m so excited for new book. Can’t wait! I want you to know that from time to time I read all yours books all over again because you are such a good writer with great sense of humor, I love and enjoy it every time! Greetings from Serbia <3

  11. DeAnne Byerly says:

    I, like so many of your followers, anticipate your next book. The fact it might possibly be more of a romantic comedy interests me even more. However, I do not want to increase the pressure upon you. Just know, I am one who is willing to wait and to re-read when necessary.

  12. Tricia says:

    Julie!!! I am hoping all is well and has a fan – I am hoping to hear about your new book – I get family time – just wondering if you are still writing and that a book is in the works still!

  13. Jutta Bauseler says:

    Hi Julie,
    Hope all is well with you and your family!
    And I and pretty sure a lot of people are wondering if there will be another book or if you have decided to retire from writing.
    I LOVE your books!
    Be safe,

  14. Fran L says:

    With the passing of Judith McNaught (my second favorite author)…. I need something to look forward to. My job is very stressful right now ( ICU RN) and I look forward to the escapism of your books.
    How soon can we expect any news?

  15. Michelle Gray says:

    I can’t wait! Secretly a dream of mine one day your book heroine will be petite/short , dark hair, dark eyes and way too sassy for her own good! Haha like me 😂❤️

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