April book tour details!

Exciting news: I’m doing a book tour in April!  Below is a list of the cities I’ll be visiting. You can find out more about each event here. Extra bonus: many of these events involve complimentary cocktails. 🙂 I’m really looking forward to meeting many of you in person!


6 thoughts on “April book tour details!

  1. Jenny says:

    Ohhh I saw Lady Gregory’s Irish Bar on Chicago’s Best and they were featuring their ultimate grilled cheese! Win-win!

    • julie says:

      Oh, I’ve had that grilled cheese, and it’s quite delicious! Hope you can make it to the event!

  2. Sharon says:

    This is super exciting!! A random question for you – is there any chance of a Part 2 book for Cameron and Jack? Those characters have just stuck with me so much, and I’m grateful for their cameos in subsequent books, but I’m also dying to catch up with exclusively them!!

    • julie says:

      Hi Sharon! I’m so glad you liked Cameron and Jack. I don’t have any current plans for a second book for them, but since they’re one of my favorite couples, too, I never say never. 🙂

    • julie says:

      Hi Moreau,

      I am working on a new book, but I’m not saying much about it yet. Since I only do a book a year (or so), I have to space out the info reveals. 🙂

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