IHOW final coverPlease note: the giveaway is closed. Winners will be announced in the morning.

Hey guys! As we gear up for the May 6 release of IT HAPPENED ONE WEDDING, there  are several giveaways I wanted to make sure you all know about:

First, I’m currently running a giveaway for two ARCs of IT HAPPENED ONE WEDDING over at my Facebook page. (International; ends tomorrow, April 15 at 9pm CST.)

Second, I’m also giving away five ARCs of the book at Goodreads. (U.S.; ends April 16.)

Third, my publisher is giving away 25 copies of SOMETHING ABOUT YOU over at Goodreads. (U.S.; ends April 16).

But, I realize that some of you aren’t on Facebook and/or Goodreads, and I didn’t want you to be left out of the giveaway madness! So, right here at this blog, I’m giving away an additional two ARCs of IT HAPPENED ONE WEDDING.  All you have to do to enter is leave a comment below. (Those of you seeing this on my Goodreads page should follow this link to leave a comment.) Giveaway is international and will be open until tomorrow, April 15, at 9pm CST. (Please enter only once.) This is the last ARC giveaway before the book release, so good luck, everyone! P.S. I know you’re going to ask: If you entered one of the other ARC giveaways, yes, you can enter this one, too. 😉

289 thoughts on “ARC Giveaway–IT HAPPENED ONE WEDDING

  1. Kim says:

    Glad to see you’re feeling better. Thanks for the giveaway; I’m looking forward to reading Cade’s story.

  2. Martina Chees says:

    Great idea to give a chance to people who don’t use Goodreads or FB or don’t live in US. Thanks for the opportunity.

  3. TrishMc says:

    I’m so looking forward to IHOW. Please enter me in the contest and thanks for giving all of us an opportunity to win.

  4. Laurie H says:

    Ooh, yes please! I’m excited to read this book. Not sure what’s going to make me drool more — Vaughn or those shoes. 🙂 Thanks, Julie!

  5. Frances C says:

    So very very excited about this release! I secretly do a mini-happy dance when I see this book cover 🙂

  6. Nicole J. says:

    Definitely looking forward to the next one in the series!!!! They keep getting better and better!!!

  7. Katinka M says:

    01001001 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 00100000 01011001 01101111 01110101 00100001 – I hope this pice of binary code will make the “random winner selector” program chose me…

  8. Sally Mitchell says:

    Thank you so much for allowing non-facebookers to enter your giveaway, been eager to read this one for ages…..who am I kidding I’m eager to read any of ya books 🙂

  9. Rizky Agustina says:

    Dear Miss James, those shoes on the cover are so droolworthy. Of all your books, I think this IHOW cover is my most favorite. I’m looking forward to read it. 🙂

  10. Cristina Lau says:

    Hi Julie! 🙂 You are one of my favourite contemporary authors. Love all your books. Thank you so much for your amazing stories. Can’t wait to read this release!:)

  11. Annalynn says:

    I can’t wait to read your next brilliant offering. If I could write as well as you, I would leave the practice of law in a heartbeat.

  12. KarenF says:

    Your books are alway an automatic buy. I have every other one on my keeper shelf and reread about once a year. Thanks!

  13. Angela says:

    I adore all of your books .. this is going to be the cherry on top and my daughter will adore it also .. we are huge fans and we appreciate every giveaway. Hope this will be my time

  14. Kate I. says:

    Even the hope of winning a copy of IT HAPPENED ONE WEDDING is making me feel better about tomorrow being tax day! Thanks for brightening my life via your work!

  15. Taylor Bellitto says:

    Omg I’m so excited and I can’t wait for this boooooook!!!! Thanks for the giveaway Julie!

  16. Tiffany says:

    Please choose me, Julie! I love your books and can’t wait to get my hands on IT HAPPENED ONE WEDDING 🙂

  17. Denise says:

    Thanks for thinking of us. I am so looking foward to this book!! All your books are great and I just love the heroines! They are so real!

  18. Thea says:

    Would love to receive an ARC 🙂 and I’d review on Amazon & Goodreads in English and German 😀
    Plus, this would be like an early birthday present for me~

  19. Cait A says:

    Oh my god, I would love to get an arc of this! And not just because I want to be able to covet those shoes up close!

  20. Abby says:

    Really looking forward to It Happened One Wedding! I would love a chance to win! Thank you for holding this giveaway! 🙂

  21. Marian Yedinak says:

    Hi Julie: I buy all your books, but wouldn’t so no to a free one! It would make my day brighter! Thanks, Marian

  22. Shaleeza says:

    Hi Julie James!

    I would love to win a copy, and thank you for making this available to the non-Facebook users and people who don’t live in the states.

    Either way I can’t wait till the release!

  23. Stefanie says:

    Can’t you talk to your publisher about doing another, international giveaway for SOMETHING ABOUT YOU? 😉 Loved it in German, but I think due to translation every book, TV series and movie loses something (especially pun’s that don’t work in the translated language), so it would be great to read the original. Nevertheless I am looking forward to IT HAPPEND ONE WEDDING and would love to win.

  24. Jen D. says:

    I can’t wait to read this book! I’ve been counting down days to its release. 😀

    Thanks for all the ARC giveaways, Julie! My fingers (and toes, and limbs) are all crossed!

  25. Mitali says:

    Read all your books and fell in love with each and everyone of them 😀 if I get lucky enough to be the winner of your giveaway, I’ll thank my lucky stars for the rest of my life :’D love your writing 😉

  26. Crystal Napper says:

    I am looking forward to reading this. Hopefully I will win it before I can buy it. 🙂

  27. Emily s says:

    Can’t wait for this book! I just started getting my friends hooked on your books and can’t wait to read this book and suggest it to them too!

  28. Basmah says:

    Can’t wait Julie! I would have to say that you’re easily my favourite author on the planet, and the minute you announced your new book I’ve been waiting anxiously! You have a knack of bringing your characters to life, so whether I win or not, I just wanted to let you know that keep doing what you’re doing, because we love you for it!

  29. Sandy says:

    You are so awesome! I love your books & I love following you! You are a great writer, person, mom and you are so funny! Thank you for sharing yourself with me/us!

  30. ina darmayanti says:

    Oh Julie… i am so crazy about your books. I have it all. You are fantastic author. Thanks for the chance. Hope i am one of the lucky people who’ll win it

  31. Valerie Knox says:

    Thanks for the opportunity on this contest. Have preordered this book already but it’s nothing like winning a free good book.

  32. KateK says:

    I can’t wait. I think it is fate that it comes out the day I leave on vacation. What a great airplane read 🙂

  33. Lizzie R says:

    Ooh thanks for the giveaway because the 6th of May is still pretty far away.

    Love the cover because those are some gorgeous shoes although I do miss the dress covers. They were outstanding although I always wondered why Brooke was wearing Rylann’s dress on the last cover.

  34. Margil says:

    i’ve joined probably more than half of julie james’ giveaway and never won, w/c means my loss is statistically relevant already but jESUS CHRIST GIVE ME THIS ALREADY PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE ASDFGHJAJAG

  35. Randi Noonan says:

    Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to win an ARC of It Happened One Wedding. I love all your books!

  36. tinkerbell says:

    I’m so glad this one is international! I read all your books and can’t wait for this one!

  37. Lisa Hutson says:

    Its way way more complicated than you realized?? LOL I am sure it is. So many things that we would never even think of!

  38. Sophia Graves says:

    I love the background info you have given on this book and I cant wait to read it. The questions and answers from the real FBI were quiet interesting.

  39. Danielle Smith says:

    That was the greatest interview with Mr. special Agent! I loved it! And of course he enjoyed your books!! Duh!

  40. Melissa A Nercessian says:

    Dear Julie,,as a avid fan and follower, I need to win this book. LOL I hope to. Have read all your collection and I was waiting for this book to be out.
    Thanks for your writing.

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