Goodreads giveaway– 25 copies of LOVE IRRESISTIBLY

comps_LoveIrr.inddHey all! Wanted to let you know that my publisher has an awesome giveaway running over at Goodreads. They have 25 copies of my upcoming release, Love Irresistibly, up for grabs. (U.S. only–I know, sorry guys. Their rules.)

This link will take you to the giveaway. You must be a Goodreads member to enter.

Also, more fun stuff going on this week:

Tomorrow (Tuesday), I’ll have a special guest Q&A and a giveaway here at the blog that I think you’ll really enjoy. : )

Thursday, I’m participating in a live video chat with author Samantha Young (On Dublin Street) that starts at 3pm EST. You can join in the chat via:

And don’t forget these giveaways:

Berkley has 25 copies of A Lot Like Love up for grabs at Goodreads. (US only)

Carly Phillips and I are giving away a $100 Amazon/B&N gift card plus free books from each of us. Enter here. (Open internationally.)


3 thoughts on “Goodreads giveaway– 25 copies of LOVE IRRESISTIBLY

  1. Paula Gillette-West says:

    You are an amazing writer, I read one book & was hooked on you! Thank you for sharing your creativity!

  2. Jami Dutcher says:

    I love Julie James books. I love the characters and the stories all just fly by. I can’t wait for this book.

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