Winners– LOVE IRRESISTIBLY cover & giveaway

Thanks to everyone who dropped by this week–I’m glad to hear you guys like the Love Irresistibly cover!

As always for my giveaways, I’ve included in the drawing everyone who posted both here and at my Goodreads blog, and selected the winners via my handy-dandy random number generator. So without further ado, the winners of the five copies of About That Night are…

Carol (Comment #157)

Cat (Comment #153)

Rachel (Comment #88)

Clare Lune (Comment #51)

Taiyesha Baker (Comment #61)

Congratulations! Winners, please email me at and let me know whether you would prefer a signed paperback of About That Night or a Kindle, Nook, or Kobo ebook. If choosing a signed paperback, please include your snail-mail address.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

3 thoughts on “Winners– LOVE IRRESISTIBLY cover & giveaway

  1. Carol says:

    Hi Julie,

    Thanks again for the great contest! I’m so sorry, I should have included in my comment (157)that I already own a copy of ATN. I would love for another reader to get a copy if they don’t already own one. Sorry again, Carol

  2. Julie says:

    Hi Carol,

    That’s very generous of you! I’m sure whoever gets your copy will be quite appreciative. : ) So without further ado, Carol’s copy of ATN will go to… [pulling out my handy random number generator]

    Lei (Goodreads comment #8)

    Congrats, Lei! If you’re reading this, I’ll be in touch momentarily re: the giveaway.

    Thanks, Carol!

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