DABWAHA victory! (And a giveaway)

Well, color me surprised.

Somehow, Something About You managed to win the DABWAHA tournament of romance novels.  Whoo-hoo!  This is all because of you guys, for voting and spreading the word. So a super-huge thanks to you for that!  (By the way, if you haven’t seen the awesome video Mr. James put together yesterday–in the spirit of trash-talking–you need to check that out here.  I see a film career in the works.)

Anyway… I’m in such a good mood about SAY’s DABWAHA win, I feel like celebrating! In the spirit of the competition–and in honor of those awesome books that SAY faced on the road to victory–I’m giving away THREE copies of Nalini Singh’s ARCHANGEL’S KISS and THREE copies of Courtney Milan’s TRIAL BY DESIRE. And, as an aside, I want to mention that both of these authors write fabulous books. So even if you don’t win a copy here, if you haven’t read Nalini and Courtney’s books I encourage you to check them out.

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment below.  Giveaway will be open until 10pm CST tonight, and winners will be drawn from everyone who leaves a comment here and at my Facebook fan page.  If you’ve already read one of the books and would only like to enter for the other, please indicate as such in your comment.  Also, winners can choose between either a paper copy of the book or a Kindle copy (for all you dedicated e-readers out there.)

Good luck!  And thanks again to all of you for getting Something About You the win.  Team SAY rocks!

36 thoughts on “DABWAHA victory! (And a giveaway)

  1. Stella (Ex Libris) says:

    Woohoo, congratulations Julie! 😀 I’m so happy for you! I’ve voted every time SAY was up, but I had no idea it will end up the absolute last novel standing winner! YAY! :-)) And congrats to Mr. James, the video is awesome 🙂

  2. Chelsea B. says:

    Congrats, congrats, congrats! 🙂 How exciting!
    I would love to win either of these fabulous-sounding books!

  3. Limecello says:

    Congratulations on the win, Julie! The video Mr. James put together is quite impressive!

    Oh – and no need to enter me in the drawing 🙂 Just wanted to stop by and tell you congrats!

  4. StacieDM says:

    I would love to win Trial by Desire! DABWAHA was fun! Thanks for the great giveaway! Congratulations on SAY’s victory!

  5. Danielle W says:

    Congrats! Voting for the DABWAHA was awesome. What a wonderful way to celebrate, I would love either on my kindle! 🙂

  6. Kim says:

    Congratulations again on SAY’s win. There were so many good books at Dabwaha that this must be especially pleasing.

  7. Barbara Elness says:

    Congratulations! What a lot of fun all the trash talk, videos, and voting was. I love that you’re supporting Nalini and Courtney, that’s so lovely.

  8. Edna says:

    Congrats!! That was tough competition.

    I already own (though haven’t read) Archangel’s Kiss.

  9. Kelly S says:

    Yay! I was so happy that the contemporary & midwestbeat the historical and west coast. 😉 I voted for SAY early & often as they say in Chicago.

    Courtney is an excellent author. I really enjoyed the first book in the series. Would love to have my own copy of Trial to read.

    Congratulations again!

  10. peggy h says:

    Congratulations, Julie! SAY was my intro to your work…I’ve since acquired them all–and boy, am I happy to have “found” you!

    And Mr. J’s video totally rocked (I already voted for SAY before the I saw the video…I tried to boot my husband–who was trying to finish our taxes–from his computer so I could vote again using another IP!)

    I already have Trial by Desire, but would love to try Nalini’s book (an ebook would be terrific!)

    Thanks so much for offering this…and Congratulations again!

  11. sweety white says:

    Congratz…if i win, i hope you can give me a paper copy of the book, either Nalini or Courtney, i love both of them. Thanks

  12. Susan says:

    I know this comment way up late, but still a Congratulations has never late for an achievement.

    This book is awesome! Just finish read it early this morning and love it all. It is a sexy and smart read with lots of witty banters and playful teasing.

    At first, I thought “Nick’s face” is kind a cute thing but after finish “Something about you”, I would have prefered the glowering & cranky Jack 🙂

    So glad that I found your book, Julie. Can’t wait for a new one to come…

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