DA BWAHA, the movie

As many of you know, Something About You is currently duking it out against Courtney Milan’s Trial By Desire in the DA BWAHA tournament. Earlier today, Ms. Milan posted a blog with some very fuzzy math explaining why she should win the championship. Click on the below link to see my video reply.  I give you DA BWAHA, the movie. Enjoy.

DA BWAHA–The Final Battle

P.S. There’s still time to vote in DA BWAHA by clicking here. Polls are open until 9am (CST) tomorrow.  Team SAY for the win. : )

9 thoughts on “DA BWAHA, the movie

  1. Mary G says:

    LOL Love the video. Read the credits – what a talented family. I want to know who Officer man-boy is!!!

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