What I’ve been Up To…

Two weeks since my last blog post–yikes! Sorry about that.  I’ve been a bit busy these days, professionally and personally.  Writing-wise, I’ve started Book 5, which is tentatively titled About That Night.  I’ve also been working on a project involving my books that I hope to be able to share more details about soon.  And I’ve started working with a designer to re-do my website, something I’m very excited about!

Personally, well, I’ve been running around getting ready for Baby Girl James, and also trying to prepare the Little Guy for life as a big brother.  We’ll see how that goes over. . .

I’ve been on great reading stretch these days.  Last week, I read Silent in the Grave by Deanna Raybourn, which I really enjoyed.  And two days ago, I picked up The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

Needless to say, I’m already finished with the book.  And since I’m not a fast reader, that’s saying a lot.  Count me in as one of the many, many people who loved it–I’ve already ordered the second book in the series, Catching Fire.

Television-wise, I’m working my way through the third season of True Blood (I know, I’m behind), and the new season of Dexter has started.  So far, I’m on the fence about what I think about both shows.

How about you?  Reading/watching/up to anything fun?

14 thoughts on “What I’ve been Up To…

  1. Rowena says:

    Hey you!

    This post made me one happy camper. First, congrats on the new baby that’s almost here. I’m sure that you’ll come up with a beautiful name for the baby.

    Dexter is one of my favorite shows right now. The way last season ended, wow! I’m so looking forward to seeing Dexter react to it all this season.

    And lastly, THE HUNGER GAMES! I loved that series. I can’t wait to see what you think of the series! I’m totally Team Peeta!


  2. Elyssa Papa says:

    Ohh, yay on Baby Girl almost being here! Send out a Batgirl signal when she arrives.

    Also, I’m dying to know about this project! You should tell me! *puppy dog eyes*

    I also loved THE HUNGER GAMES. You really need to read Elizabeth Peters’s CROCODILE ON THE SANDBANK–mystery with romance and features a hate to love relationship–I really think that book would be up your valley. And I was thinking that you might also like Kresley Cole’s para series.

  3. Liza says:

    Really need to add Hunger Games to my TBR list. Please let us know when Baby Girl James arrives. I’m sure Little Guy will be a great big brother. 🙂

  4. tennismom mary g says:

    Hi Julie
    So exciting to be waiting for Baby Girl James. Little Guy will be so fun to watch when she arrives. Excited about book 5 too. Sounds like a reunion romance?

    Just finishing up the outdoor tennis season with lots of tournaments & the dinner/dance was last night which went off without a hitch I’m happy to say (since I was in charge of it). We’re now playing indoors & while it’s great not to worry about wind & sun, I hate that summer is over.

    I’m crushing on Matt Passmore from The Glades. LOVED the 3 Louisa Edwards books(bookmarks all through them – such wonderful prose) & The Darkest Hour by Maya Banks.

  5. SarahT says:

    I tried and failed to get into both True Blood and Dexter. We’re currently watching Mad Men on DVD and enjoying it. So far, we’ve seen the first two seasons. We’re also on the third season of The Shield and the fourth of The Wire.

    I’m sure the Little Guy will adjust to life as a big brother, although it might take him a little while. My kids are nineteen months apart. It took my son about six or seven months to accept his little sister. Hopefully, it will go faster with your son as he’s a bit older and presumably has his own life (preschool, activities, friends). The turning point with my kids was when my daughter learned to crawl and they could play more together.

    I love the title for Book 5!

  6. Emmanuelle says:

    You remind !e how I looooved being pregnant. I could read all through the day without a bad conscience, lol, those were the days…
    I’m reading the Lady Julia series myself (right now I’m starting book 3). As for TV I’ve discovered this AMAZING bbc show called Sherlock. It’s a 3 episodes mini-series and let’s just say it’s fabulous. Sherlock Holmes living in the 21 st century… ‘nough said.
    Have a great week !

  7. Julie says:

    Rowena: I haven’t watched last night’s episode of Dexter yet, but the season premiere last week kind of bothered me… he was sooo cold and all-business, even for Dexter. But I think the end of the episode saved it a little.

    Elyssa: thanks for the rec on the Elizabeth Peters’ book–I’ll have to check it out.

    Liza: I’ll definitely keep you guys posted. : )

    Mary G: Good guess! Yes, Book 5 is a reunion romance. And I’m glad to hear the dinner/dance went well!

    SarahT: I think Mad Men is the next show in our queue–I’ve heard lots of good things. And I’m counting on some mixed reactions from the Little Guy once we bring the baby home. But you’re right, preschool should help. Hopefully. : )

    Emmanuelle: I’ll have to check out the Sherlock mini-series! That does sound awesome.

  8. Kim says:

    Congratulations on the baby girl. Will the hospital allow the Little Guy to visit? That should make him excited about the prospect of a new family member.

    The Deanna Raybourn books are great. So far she hasn’t had any decline in quality. I just picked up the fourth book in the series, Dark Road to Darjeeling.

    Have you tried new author Courtney Milan yet? Her two historical romances, Proof By Seduction and Trial by Desire are quite good. She is also an attorney.

  9. Shannon says:

    Hey Julie,

    Glad to hear everything is going well in the home stretch.

    I just read the last of Larissa Ione’s Demonica series. I can’t remember if this was one we had talked about, but you should give it a shot. The inspiration for the books came to her after watching Buffy and Angel 🙂

  10. colleen says:

    So exciting for a baby girl. And the adventures of Little Guy being a big brother.

    I’m falling behind on my reading because of work and the new tv season.

    You should definitely check out Mad Men. It is fabulous. My friend and his wife just caught up this Spring in two weeks. The seasons are short (13 episodes) but they really pack a lot into each episode.

  11. Gwen says:

    Congrats on Baby Girl James. Hubby and I are expecting our first child, a girl, in early December. We’re very excited.

    Currently waiting for Just One Taste from Louisa Edwards from PaperBackSwap. Hope to get it soon.

    Too much TV is on right now! We’re constantly DVRing and catching up.

  12. Holly says:

    Congratulations for Baby Girl James!! I’m currently watching season three of Castle on ABC on Mondays at 10pm. As for reading, I’m in the middle of reading Eve’s Christmas by Janet Dailey, The Surgeon by Tess Gerritsen, and Naked Heat by Richard Castle (it ties in with the show lol)

  13. Corinne says:

    What great news for the baby! So you’re pregnant and still manage to write/read/watch TV/work on the new design on your website! I’m impressed!! Congratulations!
    I’m even way behind you regarding TV, I’m currently watching Desperate Housewives, season 6…
    I’ve just read the entiere series by Lois Greiman with her fabulous psychologist heroine Christina McMullen, and one of the hottest hero LAPD officer Jack Rivera. These are exceptional, so funnny, so witty, I love them!

  14. Terri says:

    October’s a crazy month- my daughter just turned 17 (OMG HOW did that happen? Feels like maybe a year or so ago when we made that 2 am trip to the maternity ward!!!) – so0ooo…Congrats on the newest addition to your family!

    Met Susan Isaacs last night at a book signing. Really wonderful lady- her new book, ‘As Husbands Go,’ is a great read!

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