Fun stuff: tea-time photos and what I’m reading/watching

I meant to post these photos a week ago, and then got sidetracked with my RWA round-up blog and the arrival of my international books.  A short while ago, I had the delightful opportunity to get together with two readers and romance fans, Jennie and Jen.  They were in Chicago for a half-marathon, and we met for tea at the Drake.  Tea the Drake hotel is always fantastic (they even have a harpist!), and beyond that, I had such a blast meeting with Jennie and Jen!  It’s always wonderful to get the chance to meet readers and talk about books.   Here are a couple of photos I thought I’d share (thanks, Jen, for the pictures!):

And the piece de resistance, we couldn’t resist taking a picture of our shoes:

He, he– I’m such a shoe girl.  It truly is my weakness.  : )

On another note, having finished up the revisions for A Lot Like Love, I’ve been catching up on some reading and TV/movie watching.  Last week I read Slow Heat by Jill Shalvis, which I really enjoyed, and yesterday I started Abandon the Night by Joss Ware, the third book in her Envy Chronicles (I thought the first two books in the series were great and have been looking forward to this one).

In terms of television, after finishing Dexter, the Husband and I had a free slot in our TV-viewing schedule, so we decided to give True Blood a shot.  (I was curious to see what all the hoopla was about.)  Oh, that Vampire Bill. . . I think I’m started to get why everyone’s making a fuss over this show.

And speaking of hoopla, after hearing numerous rave reviews of the BBC series North and South, I decided to give it a try.  It took me awhile to get into it, but I was hooked by the third episode and couldn’t stop watching after that point until the end.  If you like romance and angst and a hero who broods–and then broods some more–this is the mini-series for you.  It doesn’t top the Pride and Prejudice BBC mini-series in my book, but it’s definitely worth checking out.

So that’s what’s going on here. . . how about with you?  Reading/watching anything good?

13 thoughts on “Fun stuff: tea-time photos and what I’m reading/watching

  1. tennismom mary g says:

    Hi Julie
    Love the pics. I just read Can’t Stand The Heat by Louisa Edwards & LOVED it. Now in the middle of On the Steamy Side & can’t wait for Just One Taste which is out next week. Don’t know why I hadn’t read her sooner but it’s great not waiting between books. Also read Never as It Seems by Shiloh Walker & the first in her Taking Chances anthology. I love her stuff.

  2. Chelsea B. says:

    I have to agree on both True Blood and North and South! Though I’m more of a Eric fan–even though Bill is sweet, protective, and has that whole “Sookah” thing going on 😉
    I’m reading To Conquer Mr.Darcy by Abigail Reynolds, which is a sin-off of Pride and Prejudice, and absolutely adoring it!

  3. Gwen says:

    I, too, love Louisa Edwards books. Looking forward to her new one next week as well. I hope it’s in ebook format. Currently reading Last Night at Chateau Marmont by Lauren Weisberger. I’m not that far into it, but I’m really enjoying it so far.

    Right now the husband and I are into reality tv mode. LoL. We’re not ashamed to admit it. Big Brother takes up 3 nights a week and Bachelor Pad is tonight. We also like the new show on Food Network – The Great Food Truck Race or something. Kind of reminds me of the Amazing Race with Food Trucks lol. Then there’s also Master Chef. I think the only non-reality show we’re watching right now is Rookie Blue. Looking forward to the fall when Castle, Desperate Housewives, Grey’s, Survivor, and Glee come back on. Yeah…we watch too much tv.

  4. Julie says:

    Mary G: I read Louisa’s On the Steamy Side and really enjoyed it as well. I, too, am looking forward to the next book.

    Susan: Thanks! It was great getting to meet Jennie and Jen–and how nice that they’ve been spreading the word about my books. 🙂

    Chelsea: Vampire Eric has just made his appearance on the show, so I don’t have a good sense of his role yet. But I know a lot of people love him. : ) And thanks for the rec on the P&P book–I’m going to check that out!

    Gwen: don’t ever be ashamed to admit to watching reality TV here! I watch waaaay to much bad reality TV myself. : ) I’m already hooked on The Bachelor Pad (it’s got all the trainwrecks of The Bachelor times ten!), and yes, I even watch Big Brother, despite the fact that I think this season is the show’s weakest.

  5. Farrah Rochon says:


    Love seeing my wonderful friends hanging out with a wonderful author! They were both so excited about the tea. You all look fabulous!

    BTW, I love Jill Shalvis’s Santa Barbara Heat series. Seriously hot baseball players.

  6. jennie says:

    Love those pictures too. Wish I had had time to find an outfit to go with my gold crystal Caovilla’s for that shoe pic. We are so fun. It was such a pleasure to meet and talk with you. You’re so easy to gab with and we love our girl time. Tea was fabulous. Thanks again.

  7. jennie says:

    Oh and as for what I’ve been into thee days, the hubby and I locked ourselves in for the weekend and watched season 5 & 6 of Entourage. Gopd times.

  8. Kim says:

    It was nice to put faces with the names for Jennie & Jen.

    Did you see the bloody and nude cover of Rolling Stone Magazine for True Blood? The stars of the show were featured and covered in blood. It’s amazing what passes for art.

    I haven’t jumped on the Bachelor bandwagon. Whenever I see clips of the show it’s always some desperate woman begging for that darn rose. To me reality show tends to be an oxymoron. That’s the time to read a good book. LOL

    Have you caught the show Castle yet? The series has become popular enough that the fictional character and writer, Richard Castle, actually released a book last year. It debuted at # 26 on the NYT Bestseller’s List. They switched the show to Wednesday nights over the summer.

  9. Gwen says:

    Kim, Bachelor Pad is like a cross between The Bachelor and Big Brother – but sleazier? lol.

    Love Castle! The second book comes out this fall! You can read a chapter on ABC’s website.

  10. Kim says:

    The Bachelor and Bachelorette aren’t enough. Now ABC has inflicted something called Bachelor Pad on America? What is ABC doing to prime time? LOL It almost makes the Kardashian’s high-brow tv. On second thought, maybe not.

  11. Anna says:

    OMG Julie. I LOVE North and South! I am so glad you saw it and liked it too. I loved Richard Armitage as John Thornton being all brooding and sexy!

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