How Cary Grant Made Me a Romance Author

Hi everyone!  As I think I may have mentioned–he, he–Practice Makes Perfect was nominated in the Favourite Contemporary category of the Australian Romance Readers Awards.  They invited the authors to guest blog during the voting period, and my post, “How Cary Grant Made Me a Romance Author,” went live today.

You can check that out here.

And don’t you just love this picture?

4 thoughts on “How Cary Grant Made Me a Romance Author

  1. Colleen says:

    My favorite movie of all time is His Girl Friday. Why? It’s the banter. I find banter incredibly sexy.

    Probably also explains why The West Wing is my favorite tv show. Banter.

    Smart dialogue wins every time. (It is also how I convinced by friend who hates romance to give one of your books a try.)

  2. Stacy ~ says:

    I was never a huge Cary Grant fan as far as his looks were concerned, he never got me all shivery, though I can understand the appeal. I did enjoy his movies and found him very funny. One of my favorites is with him, Myrna Loy and Shirley Temple. Now I feel the need to find that movie and watch it again. They just don’t make many shows/movies like that, do they?

  3. Carol L. says:

    My 22 year old daughter loves Cary Grant. She said that he was so sexy and has a lot of charisma. They really don’t make them like that anymore. Of course my favorite was and is Gregory Peck. 🙂
    Carol L.

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