Guest blog and Giveaway: Louisa Edwards

Please note: the giveaway is now closed.  Winner will be announced shortly.

As part of the countdown celebration to the release of Something About You, Louisa Edwards is here today!

Louisa writes contemporary romances for St. Martin’s, that are, as she describes them, “foodie inspired romances.” Her first Recipe for Love novel, Can’t Stand the Heat, released last September, and the second in the series, On the Steamy Side, will be out on March 2nd.

She’s Never Met A Man So Mouth-Watering

When Lilah Jane Tunkle fled her dull life in Virginia for the bright lights of New York City, she didn’t expect to wind up a nanny to a gorgeous celebrity chef’s ten-year-old son. Working for the delectable Devon Sparks is a sure-fire recipe for disaster, especially after Lilah gets a tantalizing taste of his perfectly seasoned kisses…

And He Can’t Resist Her Down-Home Spice

Devon’s not sure he can handle one more surprise ingredient in his life—he left his popular TV show, his culinary reputation is on the line, and now the son he barely knows is back for seconds. Lilah’s Southern sass is supposed to keep the boy in line, but soon enough she’s teaching Devon a thing or two about homespun food . . . and turning up the heat.

Sounds great, doesn’t it?  I asked Louisa a few questions about her writing and her upcoming release:

JJ: When did you first realize you wanted to write, and how did you get started?

LE: I’ve always loved reading, and I think the desire to write flows pretty naturally out of that. I also got very into theater in college, and there are aspects of the two that are similar—the ways you have to get inside a character’s head and try to see the world from that person’s point of view. That’s my favorite part of both writing! I started my first romance manuscript in college, but it took me about five years to get far enough along with it to realize that I needed to set it aside. In the meantime, I’d graduated and gotten a job as an editorial assistant at Berkley, which turned out to be great prep for a writing career; just came it from another angle.

JJ: What is it about writing romance that appeals to you?

LE: Romance novels are the ultimate in storytelling, for me. They have everything I want, all the important stuff like drama and tension and suspense and humor—but all of it is focused through the lens of the characters’ relationships to one another. What could be more fascinating than exploring the ways people fall in love? I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it.

JJ: What do you do on those writing days when you’re stressed, worn out, or distracted?

LE: I would love to say that I always make super healthy choices when I’m stressed, like working out or talking with a friend. Sometimes I do, and it definitely helps, but more often I tend to pull in a little. I pour a glass of wine, draw a hot bath, and escape with whatever’s on top of my TBR pile. That works really well, and is definitely better for me than the times when I plunk down on the couch with a bag of chips and watch five episodes of Top Model in a row!

JJ: What can you tell us about your next release?

LE: In just a few short days, my second Recipe for Love novel will be out! ON THE STEAMY SIDE hits stores on March 2nd, and I’m so excited about this book. It’s about a celebrity chef (Devon Sparks, you might remember him from CAN’T STAND THE HEAT) whose life gets turned upside down when he has to take care of a friend’s restaurant and get to know his ten-year-old son. Lucky for Devon, he hires a sassy Southern girl as a nanny, and she helps him figure some things out. I’m so happy with the way this book turned out; it’s a story about family, discovering, what’s important in life, and most of all, love.

JJ: Can you share with us brief excerpt from your next release?

LE: Let’s see if this little taste whets your appetite! (For a longer excerpt, feel free to check out my website here.)

He waited as long as he could, but it had been a few years since Devon had been forced to wait for anything he truly wanted, and he was out of practice.

So when he tapped on the bathroom door and she called “Come in,” Devon wasn’t surprised to be sucked into a humid fog. The shower was still running, everything in the bathroom steamed up and misted over. He knew he was probably supposed to turn his head away or squeeze his eyes shut or something, but he’d never been very good at doing what he was supposed to do. He zeroed in on the glass shower door as if his eyes were hi-beam Xenon headlights that could penetrate steam.

No such luck.

JJ: Love it.  Now for some fun questions: What are you watching on TV these days?

LE: Hmm…current TV obsessions are: Supernatural, Top Chef (and Top Chef Masters, Top Pastry Chef, whatever’s on), The Big Bang Theory, No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain, Lie to Me, and House. All time favorites are Buffy, West Wing, Buffy, Battlestar Galactica, and Buffy. Did I mention Buffy?

JJ: Ha–I’m a big Buffy fan, too.  Next: what are you listening to on your iPod?

I was in a big punk phase for a long time: Lou Reed, Patti Smith, Buzzcocks, Ramones, etc. And I guess I still sort of am, but I’ve moved on to some more recent punks like Muse, the Killers, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and Franz Ferdinand. Although I have to admit the song on endless repeat on my iPod right now is Adam Lambert’s version of “Mad World.” I can’t get enough!

JJ: What is your biggest weakness (shoes, purses, chocolate, etc.)?

LE: Shoes, definitely—I love the way you can change an outfit’s entire look by just changing shoes! When I travel, I usually end up packing at least five pairs. I know. I also buy lots of books, but I don’t consider that a weakness. ; )

JJ: Complete this sentence: One fun thing about me that people might not know is…

LE: One fun thing about me that people might not know is that my husband and I live with two of the cutest, most hilarious, worst behaved dogs on the planet. Hunter and Oscar:


Aw, how cute are those two?  Thanks, Louisa!  So glad you could be here with us! Louisa has a great giveaway for you guys. One lucky commenter will a copy of her first Recipe for Love novel, Can’t Stand the Heat AND a Recipe for Love apron and spatula set.

The giveaway will remain open until 10pm CST on Friday, February 26th. More information about Louisa and her books can be found at her website.

Good luck!

53 thoughts on “Guest blog and Giveaway: Louisa Edwards

  1. Louisa Edwards says:

    Thank so much for having me here, Julie! I’m a huge fan of your writing, so this is a big thrill for me.

    If anyone has other questions for me, I’d be happy to answer them!

  2. Aly says:

    What a great interview! What cute doggies Louisa! Even if they aren’t well behaved 🙂

    I loved Can’t Stand the Heat and am so excited for On the Steamy Side.

  3. Mariska says:

    Hi Louisa,

    I’ve been hearing good things about your books, they sound so Yummy ! 🙂

    What’s your favorite meal(s) ? And do you like to cook too ? 🙂

  4. Louisa Edwards says:

    Aly – The dogs are definitely cute; it’s their evolved survival tactic. Hope you like OtSS as much as I do!

    Mariska – I loooove to cook; so I’d say my favorite meal has to be one I like to make every bit as much as I like to eat it. Hmm. Well, this time of year, it’s probably roast chicken with root vegetables. So easy and delicious, and you can vary the vegetables to keep things interesting. 🙂

    Kristi – I think I’ve watched the entire Buffy series straight through at least five times. Several episodes, I’ve seen way more than five times. (Hello, musical!) I’m glad you’re looking forward to OtSS!

  5. s7anna says:

    Oh wow…yummy food…yummy dude…what more does a gal need? I have a major hankering for this book…

    Happy Reading

  6. Louisa Edwards says:

    Kristen – Ah, you know me so well. Fine, eight pairs. If I have to dress up in the evening. Or want to work out. LOL

    s7anna – That’s my feeling exactly! What’s hotter than a man in the kitchen, cooking you something scrumptious?

    Leni – You’re welcome! I have a blast doing it.

  7. Teresa W. says:

    Enjoyed the post today, I’m also a big Supernatural fan! (Love the Winchester boys) Looking forward to your latest, sounds good!

  8. AnneW says:

    Hi Louisa!

    Ahhhh – those two snuggle buddies – Oscar and Hunter – are adorable! Do they chew shoes?

    This is a fun and terrific interview!

    “Can’t Stand the Heat” was fabulous and I’m anxiously awaiting “On the Steamy Side.” I’m wondering where you got the name Lilah Jane Trunkle???

    And, can you tell us what’s up next?

  9. Jason says:

    Oh my god! Your dogs are the cutest! 🙂 Love for shoes and badly behaved canines do not go hand in hand, you know?

    Please enter me for your giveaway. Thank you!


  10. Miranda says:

    You weren’t kidding about the cuteness! And just how do they misbehave? Look like angels to me. 😉

    Oh, and I love romances that involve food! So count me in.THanks

  11. Louisa Edwards says:

    Austenfan – Why can’t I get that song out of my head? I don’t even like the original version that much! Adam Lambert is magical…

    Teresa W. – I love me some Sam, but I’m a Dean girl, all the way! Actually, I mostly love the way they play off of each other.

    AnneW – Hunter and Oscar don’t chew shoes (luckily for them; I *do* have limits) but they think my slippers are cleverly disguised toys, for sure. I’m so glad you enjoyed CStH; hope you like OtSS every bit as much. Lilah Jane Tunkle–let’s see, I like the name Lilah, but I admit I chose it because of the nickname it let me give her. 😉 The Jane comes from one of my favorite books of all time, which I borrowed from a little for this story–can you guess the book? And Tunkle is just funny.

    As for what’s up next, I’ve finished the first draft of my third Recipe for Love novel, JUST ONE TASTE, which will go on sale August 31st! It’s Wes Murphy’s story.

    Maureen – Thanks!

  12. Louisa Edwards says:

    Jason – My boys are smart; they know exactly how far they can push me before I lose my mind and go after them. 😉

    Miranda – As an example, they woke me up at 5:30 this morning demanding to be fed. And then instead of going back to sleep after, like they usually do, they ran around the room and jumped on the bed and generally were a huge pain. My husband can sleep through anything, but I was wide awake. I’m telling you, they’re *lucky* they’re so darn cute. 🙂 Also, I love your name–the heroine of my first book, Can’t Stand the Heat, is named Miranda!

  13. Stephanie says:

    I loved the first book and cant wait for the second!!!

    Are you ever going to give us more of Violet? I love the short story on your website but have been waiting for more since it showed up…

  14. Gwen says:

    Thanks for the interview! The book descriptions sounds great so I’ll definitely have to check out this author!

  15. Jackie B. says:

    Louisa wonderful fun interview and thanks for sharing a small “taste” of the next book in the series. I have yet to get around to buying book 1, shame on me, but have had my eye on it for awhile now. On a lighter note your pups may be misbehavin’ but bet they are well loved despite that. My household is ruled by my 6 year old Calico Tabby Munequa who at 3:30 to 6 am bangs on doors until she gets fed and forget about me sleeping until then!

    jackie b central texas

  16. Louisa Edwards says:

    Stephanie – Thank you! And thank you so much for bringing up Violet’s story–in fact, there is a new installment of the free read up on my site right now ( you can download it as a PDF from! (

    Gwen – Thanks! Hope you enjoy it.

    CrystalGB – If you decide to give it a try, I’d love to hear what you think!

    Jackie B – Oh, my dogs landed in high cotton when they came home with us. They’re only so naughty because they know they can get away with almost anything and still be loved to death. 🙂

    Host – Thank you! Good luck with the drawing.

  17. Donna S says:

    Great interview. I have heard many many great things about your book. And I am really looking forward to reading it. Congrats on the upcoming release!

  18. Leah says:

    I have to say that my favorite part of this interview was the excerpt from OtSS. I read the one you have on your website, Louisa, and it got me super duper excited, but reading that little one? Hot damn, I can’t wait! OtSS is one of the books I am most looking forward to in 2010 🙂

  19. Scorpio M. says:

    Hi Louisa, I am new to your work but yesterday several people mentioned & raved about your new book: Sue Grimshaw from Borders, Victoria Dahl & Julie James all via Twitter. I realized then and there that I must be missing some great writing! But not for long 🙂

  20. chelleyreads says:

    i love the show lie to me too–i’m a sucker for mystery/suspense shows and books. on the steamy side sounds awesome! great interview and cute dogs!!

    please count me in for the giveaway.

  21. Louisa Edwards says:

    Leah – I’m glad I got the chance to show you something new to get you excited for OtSS! Only a few more days now until March 2nd…

    Mindy – You’re welcome!

    Scorpio M – Wow, that’s lovely of them! Along with Julie, Victoria Dahl is one of my absolute fave authors, so I’m thrilled. And of course, Sue Grimshaw is a romance expert! 😉

    ScottsGal – It’s hard to be strict when their bad behavior makes me laugh so much of the time.

    Deedles – I sometimes feel like I could separate the world into people I can be good friends with and people I can’t, all by asking if they’re Buffy fans or not. LOL

    Terri – Thank you and you’re welcome!

  22. Louisa Edwards says:

    Thannk you again to Julie for having me here; it’s been great fun answering all your questions and chatting with you! I think Julie will announce the winner soon, and then I’ll get your prize package out asap. Good luck!

  23. Louisa Edwards says:

    chelleyreads – I find Lie to Me fascinating, all the psychological stuff about facial expression recognition and how hard it is to lie with your face and voice–that’s all fodder for a book!

    Rebecca Zook – LOL! Glad you liked that. I always had a lot of fun writing in Devon’s voice.

    Alicia – You’re welcome!

  24. anne says:

    Your book sounds delightful and unique. What an enjoyable interview. Thanks for this glimpse and the doggies are sweethearts.

  25. Louisa Edwards says:

    Susan – Thanks! Cooking can be such great stress relief, can’t it?

    Jennifer M. – You’re welcome and good luck!

    Mia J. – The dogs are curled up under my desk right now, wondering why I’m not taking them for a walk. ; )

  26. april says:

    I came to say that the Julie James website is blocked at work (because of content containing porn – ha!), but I can access the blog. Oh, well, can’t complain if I’m sneaking on anyway.

    My question is if I have to read the first book before the second (though I probably will because I’m a stickler for reading series and related books in order). Both look great. I always gain weight reading about books with chefs or food. They make me hungry. Heck, Breathing Room (SEP) took place in Tuscany and made me SO hungry and there wasn’t a ton of food in it – just the thought of Tuscany made me hungry.

    Great interview and adorable doggies. Where would the world be without pets?

  27. Jason says:

    I know someone who would go crazy over this book. They have actually been talking about it. Thanks for the chance


  28. Alexandrea M says:

    I love sexy celebrity chefs! This sounds like a really fun book! If my husband only cooked I’d wait on him hand and foot I swear!

  29. Brenda B. Hill says:

    Wonderful interview. I can’t believe I have not read any of your books. I have added you and new author and to my to buy list. Can’t wait to read this one.
    Thanks for the interview. I like to find out the little things about authors that is not common knowledge.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  30. Carol L. says:

    First, those dogs are so cute I guess that excuses their behavior. 🙂 I also love Sam and Dean Winchester from Supernatural.
    I look forward to reading your books Louisa. You have combined two favorites in your writing, love and food. Yum !
    Carol L.

  31. Nicole says:

    Can’t wait for the new book! I was ready for it when I finished Can’t Stand the Heat in September! Your dogs are too adorable, usual the worst behaved ones are-they gotta look cute so you’ll forget how bad they behave : ) Yay for Buffy!

  32. Louisa Edwards says:

    April – On the Steamy Side definitely stands alone; you don’t have to read Can’t Stand the Heat first. Although I do think it adds to the experience…

    Jason – Always nice to hear that people are talking about it! Thanks.

    Alexandrea M – Which celebrity chefs are your favorites? I’m picking Tony Bourdain, Gordon Ramsay, and Jamie Oliver. ; )

    Julie S – Me too! LOL, thanks.

    Brenda B Hill – I can’t believe you haven’t read them, either! LOL

    Kate – Yay! I love a return reader.

    Carol L – Another Supernatural fan, awesome! Yes, my dogs are so cute that I can hardly bring myself to tell them ‘no’.

    Nicole – Aw, I love to hear that! Thank you.

    Nycole – NYC is almost a character in the books; that’s how much I miss the city. If you’re a displaced NY foodie, too, you can maybe sympathize!

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