Something About You Sprout!

Hey everyone! How excited am I about this? The wonderfully talented Lea over at Closetwriter designed a countdown sprout for Something About You.  I love it!  And, oh, how I wish I could post it here on my blog. . . but darn WordPress doesn’t accept sprouts.  🙁  Lea has very generously posted the sprout on her blog here, so I hope you all drop by to check it out!

Won’t be too long now before the book releases…

7 thoughts on “Something About You Sprout!

  1. tennismom mary g says:

    The cover & Lea’s sprout are terrific. The 103 days part is really ugly though LOL. Looking forward to it.

  2. Lea says:

    Thanks Julie and Everyone!

    I had fun building it for such a beautiful cover. I have to agree with Stacy – “Now all we need is the book.” lol

    Have a great day and weekend. 🙂


  3. AnneW says:

    The sprout is great — and I’ve added it to by favs. Can’t wait for your new book, Julie! Sounds like another winner.

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