Note: the contest is over– the new Sexiest Man Alive has been crowned. Winners of the giveaway will be posted shortly.
That’s right, folks, it’s Sexiest Man Alive time. Once again, Diana Holquist and I have come together to celebrate the fact that: (a) our books have, um, almost the exact same title, and more important, (b) the announcement of People‘s Sexiest Man Alive for 2009 is just days away. (And hey–it’s a good excuse to look at pictures of some really attractive men.)
To get you in the mood for the crowning of the new Sexiest Man Alive (don’t worry Hugh Jackman, you’ll live on in our hearts and lusty thoughts forever), Diana and I are teaming up to give away free copies of our books. And if you haven’t read Sexiest Man Alive by Diana Holquist (psst– it was a RITA nominee), you’ll want to rectify that situation immediately.
So here’s the contest. . . who do you think will be People‘s Sexiest Man Alive for 2009? Here are some of our contenders, but feel free to nominate anyone you want:
Gerard Butler.
I mean, seriously, People, don’t you think the man is due?
Or how about. . .
Jon Hamm aka The Hot Guy from Mad Men
Gotta love a man who looks great in a suit, right?
And now for the always controversial. . .
Ryan Reynolds.
I just don’t see what some people (who shall remain nameless) have against this guy. I see six reasons to adore him. It’s called his abs.

Is there anything sexier on a man than a great smile?
And those arms aren’t bad either…

This man can have gold teeth and look as though he hasn’t showered for days,
and he still manages to be sexy.

Then, head over to Diana’s blog and follow the instructions there to enter to win a signed copy of Diana’s book, Sexiest Man Alive.
A couple of provisos (what can I say–it’s the lawyer in me):
This poll is in no way affiliated with People–it’s just for fun and free books!
Should People announce their Sexiest Man Alive before 10pm CST on November 15th, the contest is considered over as of the time of the announcement, and no votes posted after that will be entered in the contest.
In the event that no one correctly picks the 2009 Sexiest Man Alive, or if less than 5 people do so, the remaining signed copies of JTSMA will be awarded to randomly chosen commenters.
And one last thing: because I recently ran a giveaway for Just the Sexiest Man Alive (the one-year anniversary celebration), should anyone who wins a copy of the book wish to substitute it for a signed copy of my other release, Practice Makes Perfect, I’m happy to do so.
Happy reading!
Thanks Julie, for this nice first post on monday morning !
I vote for Will Smith. I hasitated a bit with Ryan Reynolds, but well… WILL SMITH it is. As you said, great smiles, great arms.
PLus I used to be madly in love with him back then, in his fresh Prince of BelAir years 😉
Gerald Butler! YUM. 😉
Henry Cavill! With a side of Karl Urban (particularly as Bones.)
Oh, sorry, I thought this was who is YOUR sexiest man alive. People’s sexiest man alive will be the biggest name attached to the next blockbuster due out.
what a great thing to wake up to see pictures of lots of hot looking men 🙂 I just saw the movie The Proposal and my vote is Ryan Reynolds especially after I saw the nice picture of him with his shirt open and his abs screaming at me “look at me “
From the above list, my vote goes to Ryan Reynolds. From just anyone I think should be the sexiest man alive? Ben Barnes of Prince Caspian and more recently, Dorian Grey fame.
I just don’t see what some people (who shall remain nameless) have against this guy.
No idea who you’d be referencing here, Julie.
I honestly have no idea who’ll be People’s Sexiest Man. But hey, I’m interested.
I’d like it to be Gerard Butler but I think it’s more likely to be Ryan Reynolds. They’re both sexy in my book!
Depp. I’ve been a loyal fan for years. But they’re all sexy. Nice photos.
The same one I posted on Diana’s blog: BRADLEY COOPER from The Hangover. I missed him in Failure to Launch, but in this one, wooo wheee!
Here’s a link:
Gerard Butler,,, need I say more 🙂
Although it wouldn’t be my pick, I think it’s going to be Gerard Butler.
Gerard Butler is the sexiest man alive and my world will spin faster the day it is made official. 🙂
Oh, I do love Ryan Reynolds, but alas, I think it may be Hugh Jackman.
I love Ryan Reynolds. But I think it’s more likely to be Robert Pattinson, Twilight star.
So many to choose from… But I’ve always been a sucker for Johnny Depp.
Gotta be Gerard Butler … as you say “It’s about time!”
Love Johnny Depp.
Thanks Julie for posting the pic of the sexy handsome Scot Gerard Butler first! Oh yes, People, he is due!
I would pick Jon Hamm as Don Draper. He’s beyond sexy.
Though, you really can’t go wrong with Gerald Butler either. He could just read the phone book and I’d be entertained.
I’m going with Jon Hamm. He definitely deserves an Emmy for his work on “Mad Men.”
Richard Armitage, Sean Bean, Gerard Butler, Hugh Jackman, Liam Neeson, and yes Johnny Depp. If you don’t know who Richard Armitage is, I’d suggest you check him out on IMDB. He’s a Brit who’s time is come!
It’s Johnny Depp!
I used to always think it was Johnny Depp, but although I’m shocked that I now think this….Ryan Reynolds has really surprised me with his body, as well as showing he can act in things other than comedies. Not a fan of blondes but yep, he’s pretty sexy darnit.
Johnny Depp= the man is hot even when he’s playing an unwashed, drunken pirate!
Of those pics I’d say Gerard Butler.
People magazine considers a lot of factors to who they pic, I think maybe Rob Pattinson has a shot.
I’m going to have to go with Gerard Butler. Have a great day.
Gerard Butler! His legs look great in a kilt and you gotta love his accent!
And for the younger girls – Rob Pattinson is a hottie.
My vote would be for Gerard Butler. He is my favorite.
Johnny Depp. Yup. Johnny Depp.
I think it will be Gerald Butler… But I don’t have a real favorite this year, but I do love Chase Crawford!!!
I love Johnny Depp, but it’s got to be Gerard Butler all the way. He’s just so good looking and his humor makes him even better looking. There’s nothing like a great looking guy that can make me laugh, he gets my vote every time.
I know People is not going to pick who I would pick but to me it is Josh Beckett of the Boston Red Sox. There is nothing like a baseball player and this one does it for me. 🙂
Npme of the above…
Oh, I’m rooting for Gerard Butler all the way! The body? The eyes? The ACCENT? Yes please! 🙂
I’m saying either Ryan Reynolds or Jon Hamm. Ryan for the abs, John for his slick ways and how awesome he looks in a suit.
I think Bradley Cooper is it – yummm. From your list I’d pick Ryan Reynolds – love a funny guy
Im going Ryan Reynolds all the way. He is oooooh soooo yummy.
Ryan Reynolds is my choice ! yum ^_^b
I keep telling you all. You need to check out Richard Armitage.
With “New Moon” coming out soon, I’ll say Rob Pattinson or I think Jon Hamm definitely has a shot.
My official vote for the contest for who People will pick is:
Do I agree? No, but I think that is who they will pick because he has “New Moon” coming out and he’s the new “It” guy of the moment.
(Of the actors you listed, I’d say People would go with Gerard Butler because he’s been in EVERYTHING lately. But he is not my vote for your contest…)
Gerard Butler
Gerard Butler
Gerard Butler
My sexest man is not there! 🙁
That would be my hubby. Yesh you forgot to put his photo in the contest!
well we all now
Depp Butler Renolds Smith will be on there im sure and probably Tim Mccgraw would round that out
and i agree with Tee My Sexiest man isnt in the running i keep him alll to mah self
I would have to say Johnny Depp or Bradley Cooper.
How can anyone alive resist voting here?! Ioan Gryffud for me, please. Yeah!
Please count me out of the contests (unless, Julie, you’re giving away an ARC of your third??????) since I have both the books.
Hi Julie
Don’t enter me as I have your books. I think it will be Gerard Butler or Ryan Reynolds.
I think it’s Tim McGraw!
I voted over at Diana’s, but I’ll cast another vote for my man ho Gerard Butler.
Also you don’t need to enter me either.
I find Gerard Butler really sexy, same with Ryan Reynolds…hmm. I’d vote for Johnny Depp though- it’s his loyalty to his wife and children that hook me.
Adam Lambert and amazing voice and such an all around good person.
Johnny Depp, he’s so hot!
It’s so hard to choose!!! I’m a massive Supernatural fan so I’d have to say Jensen Ackles, but then I thought he was hot even back in his Dark Angel days.
Gerard Butler, yummy. ♥
My vote is for Gerard Butler
Robert Pattinson of course! :)~
I’ll choose Simon Baker or Colin Firth.
I vote for Halle Berry’s boyfriend…GABRIEL AUBREY.
My second vote would be for Gerard Butler.
Johnny Depp is like sex on a stick dipped in Chocolate!
I pick him.
Ryan Reynolds!!!
My votes always go to Gerry! I even voted for him for the People’s Choice awards.
I think Robert Pattinson
I think all of the above are super sexy but lately I have had a thing for Hugh Laurie…You know House….
Even though I am retired, this will be an overwhelming task to nominate the sexiest man alive!! There are sooo many choices! And Michele, Ryan Reynolds’ abs seem to be screaming more than ‘look at me.’ I heard “caress me now!!”
Without researching, I’m voting for Adam Lambert!!
I think it’s going to be ROBERT PATTINSON due to the Twilight craze.
I think People magazine will choose either Bradley Cooper or Robert Pattinson.
But I’d pick Ryan Reynolds 🙂
Anyone who saw Gerad Butler in Law Abiding Citizen would have to choose him. His total skin flash makes the gore of the film worth while.
I have to say
1.Gerard Butler
2 Hugh Jackman
3 Jon Hamm
4.Antonio Banderas–(He’s so sexy)
5. Will Smith
Carol L.
I believe that Gerard Butler or Robert Pattinson will win, but for me the sexiest man is Richard Armitage! YUMMY!
Hmm, I think they’re gonna go with Robert Pattinson. 🙂
Like I told Diana… Hugh Jackman. Wicked bod in X men Wolverine. But then I’m always behind the times. And DH is sitting here saying I’m wrong, it’s himself!
I say Ryan Reynolds! Funny is sexy!
People magazine just tweeted their first clue: he’s been on TV and in movies. Hmmm…who does that eliminate? I don’t watch enough TV to know….
tv and movies= Bradley Cooper.
Thank you, Andrea! Another Richard Armitage fan! It’s too bad he’s not more well-known or I’m sure everybody would be voting for him! LOL
Wow, tough question, although looking at these pics is anything by tough!lol
I’ll go with Ryan Reynolds. Although any of these guys posted could definitely fill the shoes of Sexiest Man Alive!
Oh Will Smith. Or Johnny Depp. And Ryan Reynolds is awesome…
Oh, btw… don’t enter me! 🙂
Brad Pitt or Gerard Butler 🙂 – uh, tough decision…
Definitely Gerard Butler! I could listen to that man talk about gibberish all day long, ladies!
Amy S.
I nominate Pat Neely from the Food Network’s, Down Home with the Neelys. A true southern gentleman.
I’d go with Bradley Cooper for sure, but from this list Gerard Butler. 300 anyone?
gilles marini i nominate sexiest man alive 2009
I think Ryan Reynolds might get the nod, but want Gerard Butler to win.
I’m so glad to see a few here have mentioned Richard Armitage. He definitely gets my vote!
Yay! Another Richard Armitage fan!
OMG… im so torn… between Gerard Butler and Johnny Depp… they are both such awesome men… both so sexy and handsome… and they both play great parts in action movies… i have been a Johnny Depp fan since he was in Nightmare on Elm Street and then moved on to 21 Jump Street… and Gerard won my heart with his role as the Phantom in The Phantom of the Opera… so half my vote goes to Johnny, the other half to Gerard!!! I Love You BOTH!!!
What r u girls thinking! Ryan Reynolds all the way! hes way way WAY sexier than any of those guys!
*please don’t enter me
btw, i know its 2010 but what the hey!
I am sitting here with my jealous boyfriend, as I admire Ryan’s abs! And I LOVE how you worded your six reasons!!!! (BTW.. my bf is doing a set of pushups as I type!)
sin duda… Ryan Reynolds!