Houston, We Have a Cover

Hooray!  We’ve got a cover for Something About You.  It’s so great to see one’s book–and characters–come to life.  And I gotta hand it to the Berkley art department, I think they did a fantastic job with this.  Sexy and sophisticated.  Here it is:



Of all the hotel rooms rented by all the adulterous politicians in Chicago, female Assistant U.S. Attorney Cameron Lynde had to choose the one next to 1308, where some hot-and-heavy lovemaking ends in bloodshed. And of all the FBI agents in Illinois, it had to be Special Agent Jack Pallas who gets assigned to this high-profile homicide. The same Jack Pallas who still blames Cameron for a botched crackdown three years ago—and nearly ruining his career…


Work with Cameron Lynde? Are they kidding? Maybe, Jack thinks, this is some kind of welcome-back prank after his stint away from Chicago. But it’s no joke: the pair is going to have to put their rocky past behind them and focus on the case at hand. That is, if they can cut back on the razor-sharp jibes—and smother the flame of their sizzling-hot sexual tension…



So. . . what do you think?

32 thoughts on “Houston, We Have a Cover

  1. Shannon says:

    Yay! Cover!

    I like it. It has a similar feel as your previous ones, so readers will identify it with you, but it is different enough to stand out as a new release.

    Now if only all men could look like that in a suit 😉

  2. Stacy ~ says:

    WOW Julie, it is just stunning! (Wish I could wear a dress like that…well I could but I wouldn’t look anything like that in it LOL)

    I love the color, and it’s very sensual and intriguing. Can’t wait to get my copy come March, which is what, 6 months away! But oh well, it’ll be so worth it.

    Congrats on the gorgeous cover!!!

  3. Elyssa Papa says:

    OMG, Julie! This cover is full of hotness and win. Yay! I love the colors, the pose, and just the whole layout of the cover. It is a great and awesome cover.

  4. pjpuppymom says:

    Julie, I think it’s a fabulous cover. It’s really eye-catching and provocative without being “in your face”. It would definitely grab my attention on the shelf and pique my interest in the couple and their story. Can’t wait to read it!


  5. Julie says:

    I do love it. I like the way the color of the dress stands out against the gray background, and I like the pose, too. And you’re right, Stacy, the gray does give it sort of an intriguing feel, which goes well with the suspense subplot. (Although, as the quote suggests, there’s still lots of humor. I hope. 😉 )

  6. Buffie says:

    WOW, Julie, that is a beautiful cover!!! Just by looking at the cover and reading the blurb, I would be this book even if it didn’t have your name on the front 🙂

  7. Liza says:

    Love the new cover! March might only be 6 months away, but it seems so much longer. Can’t wait to read Something About You!

  8. SarahT says:

    What a beautiful cover! I know it’s the story that counts but I’m a sucker for good presentation. Obviously, your publisher thinks highly of you to put such effort into producing a gorgeous cover.

  9. tennismom mary g says:

    Hi Julie
    I love this cover & the pink is HOT!! That’s so great. The only thing that would make it look better is the PAGES.
    March 2 OMG. You are a cruel woman LOL.

  10. Kim says:

    Very nice cover. Attorneys usually have to wear such conservative business suits that Cameron obviously rebels after 5:00 pm. Will an excerpt be going up in the near future?

  11. Julie says:

    Kim: Yes, that dress certainly isn’t something you’d wear to court. 😉 It does play a key part in a scene outside the courtroom, however…

    I will be putting up an excerpt–I think I’m going to tie it in with a contest. I’ll put out word when that happens.

  12. Keira Soleore says:

    Houston’s excited. Seattle’s even more super thrilled. I like the contrast of his lighter gray against the darker gray background and the pop of her purple. It’s a superb cover.

    And I have a confession….I pre-ordered it. Six months out, but still, it brought the book a little closer to me.

  13. bethkery says:

    Wow, the eagle has landed!

    Very gorgeous cover, Julie. It sort of reminds me of your others–sophisticated and sexy–but also with an added edge of classy trend. I think it’ll sell like hotcakes; so eye-catching.

    These are two lawyers who could turn some heads at a cocktail party.


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