Hooray Bookspan!

bookclubSome exciting news– Bookspan bought the rights to use Practice Makes Perfect as a featured alternate in their Rhapsody, Doubleday, and BOMC2 book clubs.  It will be an end of the year special promotion for “great books you may have missed”.  Yeah!!

I’m not terribly familiar with on-line book clubs, but my understanding is that they work kind of like the BMG music clubs that became all the rage when I was in high school. (Anyone else remember BMG?  Are they still around?)  Rhapsody is a romance book club, Doubleday features, in their words, “the hottest bestsellers in fiction and nonfiction by your favorite authors”, and BOMC2 seems to be a mix of bestsellers and favorites as well.

I’m curious:  do any of you belong to on-line book clubs?  Do you like it?  Anyone have further insight into how they work?

On another note, on Thursday I’ll be guest-blogging over at author Beth Kery‘s blog. To go with the Hawaiian theme of her upcoming release, Paradise Rules, I’ll be sharing a slight humorous and definitely embarrassing story from high school that I’ve recently realized may have been part of the inspiration behind my writing romance/romantic comedies.  So be sure to check that out later this week!

8 thoughts on “Hooray Bookspan!

  1. Rowena says:

    More great news! Congrats on that sweetie. Hey I saw that you recently read Labor Day by Joyce Maynard…how was that? Did you enjoy it!

    I used to belong to Doubleday Book Club but I canceled my membership after they kept sending me books that I didn’t order and telling me that I owed them this and this and this much money.

  2. tennismom mary g says:

    Good news Julie. Looking forward to your visit at Beth’s. I see you’re reading Sweet Restraint right now. That was one of my faves this year. So many spots bookmarked to read again because of the beautiful expressions Beth uses. My fave is the one with “fleshy knot.” Don’t want to say anymore, just enjoy.

  3. Julie says:

    Thanks, Rowena! I really enjoyed Labor Day. I don’t know why, but I had kind of low expectations. I really got vested in the three main characters and had a hard time putting the book down.

    Hi Mary! I’ll look for you on Thursday, at Beth’s blog. Yes, I’m currently reading Sweet Restraint and really enjoying it. That Shane is quite a tough one, isn’t he? And now you’ve intrigued me with the “fleshy knot.” My mind is going in all sorts of directions with that…

  4. tennismom mary g says:

    Hi Julie
    If you haven’t reached Chapter 17 you won’t have read it yet. It was one of those passages I reread while I was reading the book & have reread since – So beautiful but I better not build it up too much. what if you don’t notice it LOL?
    It’s just one of my particular favorites that slowed my reading because I was busy rereading & sighing over this wonderful prose. Enjoy.

  5. Tabitha says:

    Hi Julie, I used to belong to Doubleday and currently still a member with Rhapsody book club. Both clubs work similarly, as that you get certain # of books in HC format (usually 6) all for $0.99 and pay s&h per book– grand total cost of about $25+. In exchange for the deal member must purchase 4 books at club price (ranging from $12.99 up I’ve seen) in 2 years period. At time of signup there is also option to purchase 2 additional books at discount cost — something like 1st additonal book for $0.99 and 2nd additional book for $6.99 so remaining commitment would just be 2 books in 2 years. If you don’t meet the requirement at end of term member has to pay back all books received at the club cost.

    Each month there is a feature selection of new releases that member has to respond to. It used to be that the feature selection would auto ship but Rhapsody members now have option to opt out of autoshipment– this feature just began recently so only members who signed up recently has this option. I signed up a few yrs ago so I still have to respond each month or I get unwanted books that I have to send back for credit.

    Hopefully I’m making sense as I’m writing on iPhone and it’s hard to read what I’m writing.

  6. Tabitha says:

    Forgot to answer the question if I like it which I do. I collect certain series in HC or some authors has new releases in HC first so the discounted book prices is good on my wallet. Rhapsody often have specials going on all time like B2G1F, $0.99 shippng/book, or free shipping when you spend at least $25.

  7. plutonearth93 says:


    Haha it’s weird commenting on a real author’s blog. Like usually you only read their books and gush over the good ones and see their names printed all over the bookstores.

    But hey I really loved your practice makes perfect and I sat down for 2 hours to read it (I’m half done) even though exams are in a month. I’ve never heard about you before (sorry!) but I love your PMP

    yeah, you can count me as a fan. I’m not done with your book yet but I’m hooked, and it’s hilariously to the core. And it so happens that I found your blog today.

    Ogays, enjoying your book much


    (I hope I didn’t sound too cheesy!)

  8. Julie says:

    Tabitha: thanks so much for all the information! VERY helpful! I can certainly see the advantages to the book clubs.

    Plutonearth: Glad you stopped by! And so glad to hear you’re enjoying PMP. Hope that doesn’t change as you finish it. 😉

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