Great quote for Something About You

So New York Times bestselling author Sandra Hill, who writes hot, funny contemporaries with sexy heroes, graciously read Something About You in–no joke– about two days.  Here’s what she has to say about it:

Julie James rocks!  Something About You is spiced with smart banter and sizzles with sexual tension.  You’ll laugh out loud and wish you had an FBI agent of your own.

I’m so appreciative she took the time to read the book and for the fabulous quote! Thanks so much for that, Sandra–seriously, you’re the one who rocks.

I think I’m going to start running monthly contests very soon, leading up to the release of Something About You.  I already have a fun idea in mind for the first contest–something to do with hotel rooms, since a hotel room plays such a key part in the book.  So make sure you check back for that.

In other news… I’ve started writing Book 4.  And doing research, which frankly, has been a blast.  Since the heroine in Book 4 owns a wine shop, yesterday I shadowed the owner of a local wine store I shop at.  The owner, Denise, was unbelievably generous with her time and answered all my pesky questions.  And when she was busy with customers, I “observed” (aka sat on a stool and drank wine), which was not exactly the toughest day of work for me.


So tonight I begin my first of four wine appreciation classes. . .  again for research purposes, of course.

Who knew research could be such fun?  The heck with lawyers, I should’ve written about a heroine who owns a wine shop three books ago.

On other notes, I’ve started reading Double Play by Jill Shalvis, which I’m really enjoying, and watched the first episode of Dexter.  Not sure I’ve taken to the show quite yet, although my friends keep telling me to stick with it.

So how about you?  Watching/reading anything good these days?

17 thoughts on “Great quote for Something About You

  1. Kati says:

    Wow. It’s is Pre-tty tough being Miss Julie James. All that wine in the name of research. Will you be able to write the rehab off too?

    I kid, I kid.

    Let’s see, I just finished reading Nalini Singh’s Blaze of Memory, which is out in November, I think. It’s an interesting book. Next up is Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner, which is the second in a Young Adult series.

    I’m desperate for network TV to come back! I’m ready for some seriously angst ridden Grey’s Anatomy or Brothers and Sisters. In the mean time, it’s almost football season, which makes me really, really happy. 😉

  2. Julie says:

    Too funny, Kati. Yes, the research part isn’t exactly a tough gig. Now, in fairness, I did have to put in a lot of loooonngg days for the “research” part for my lawyer heroines. So I figure it balances out. 😉

  3. Lea says:

    Hi Julie!

    That is a wonderful quote! Lucky Sandra Hill to have read “Something About You”… 🙂 I am so looking forward to reading it and the cover art which I hope you are able to debut. 😉

    I’ve read a couple of Shannon Stacey’s books which are great and I’m reading “Relentless”, unfortunately the “dreaded day job”, has been sucking too much of my time lately. But thats okay, next week will be better…

    Your “research” for book 4, sounds fun – I’m sure Beth would love to join you… 😉


  4. bethkery says:

    Hi Julie!! Lea told me I had to come and try and get on the wine-research-bandwagon. Or should I be trying to get OFF the bandwagon? lol. It sounds like such fun research Julie.

    Why didn’t I think of a heroine in a wine shop? 🙂 Hmmm…I’m envisioning a heroine who can taste the tiniest, minutest nuances of chocolate. She’s known for it worldwide.

    Somehow, I don’t think Blommer Chocolate factory across the street is the ideal place for me to do research for this heroine, unless she’s also a serial killer profiler. (Jeffrey Dalmer used to work there.)

    Congrats on the awesome quote from Sandra Hill. Love it–but it doesn’t surprise me in the least.

    Cross-town hug.

  5. Lorelie says:

    Actually, I’m watching Dexter! The husband and I started this past weekend. 🙂 I’m really digging it, personally.

    And I just finished Surrender of a Siren, by Tessa Dare.

  6. Rowena says:

    Oh to have your kind of job for a living, you lucky duck! =) I am super excited about Book 3 and CONGRATS on the praiseworthy quote! Woo hoo!

    I really enjoyed Double Play so I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the book.

    The only show that I’m watching these days (until my regular shows come back, woot!) is Drop Dead Diva. It’s such a cute show, one that I highly recommend all lovers of romance watch. That’s your cue to watch it and come discuss with me, kay? =)

  7. katiebabs says:

    Hmmm wine.
    I have been on a YA book reading binge lately. Catching up on Suzanne Collins Hunger Games books. Very gritty and dark read.

  8. tennismom mary g says:

    Hi Julie
    That’s what I love about your books – smart writing. Nice hearing that from Sandra Hill who’s books I love. Nice research gig you’ve got going. Let us know when you set a book in a sex shop & see if you hang ariound all day LOL.
    Reading Marliss Melton’s Show No Fear (love her books). Beta reading an awesome book & watching US Open tennis (what else)?

  9. Julie says:

    Hi Lea! Hi Beth! LOL, Beth– a heroine who works in a chocolate shop would be great. Or maybe a bakery… And thanks for the congrats on the quote!

    Lorelie: I definitely plan to watch at least two more episodes of Dexter. It’s intriguing, I agree with that.

    Rowena: Thanks! I’ll definitely let you know what I think of Double Play– but like I said, I’m really enjoying it so far.

    Sarah, Liz, and Katiebabs: Yeah, it’s tough to complain about work right now. 😉

    Elyssa: Thanks! Hopefully there will be more details soon to come…

    Mary G: Too funny!! Yes, research in a sex shop would be quite interesting, I’m sure… And I didn’t realize you beta read! How fun!!

  10. Lisa says:

    I’m actually reading YOUR book right now! (Just the Sexiest) I’m about 6 chapters in, so not far. And because I can’t read just one I’m also reading The Wednesday Wars by Gary Schmidt and a non-fiction called Monkey Girl.

  11. Stacy ~ says:

    Oh man, now that’s a job I wouldn’t mind having! You’re reminding me of the movie “French Kiss”, with Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline, where she takes a sip of wine and he asks her what she tastes in the wine. Love that scene.

    I just finished Karen Marie Moning’s Bloodfever now I’m on to Visions of Heat by Nalini Singh. I’ve got some catching up to do.

  12. Chelsea B. says:

    I’m reading ‘The madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie’ and I can’t recommend it enough!

    And I’m watching True Blood (Seasons almost over ~~sobs~~) Drop Dead Diva and Phych. All really great shows, all really different LOL 🙂

  13. Shaymless Aymless says:

    You totally rock! And I agree that you need to do some chocolate research. I remember hearing about a professor who had a class on it.

    I’ve been reading some Maria Snyder (Storm Glass and Sea Glass) now I’m trying to find her first series.

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