Hanging out on the island with the DIK Ladies

dikHey everyone!  For the next three days I’ll be over at the DIK Ladies blog, hanging out on the island.  Thursday I did a Q&A, talking about everything from the hero I’d most like to be, to the author everyone loves but I don’t get, to my favorite sex song, he, he.  Today we discuss the question: Does the car make the man?  (I’ve got pictures of some oh-so-fine cars and a special preview of the vehicle the hero in my upcoming book drives.  It’s yummy, that’s all I’ll say.)  On Saturday, I’ll tell you why I love a good comeuppance and about some women who have influenced my writing.  

Oh– we’re doing a giveaway both Friday and Saturday, so be sure to check that out.  And I’ll be lounging around on the island, drinking my tropical cocktails and happy to answer any questions you have about my books, me, or just life in general.  So, if you get a chance, drop on by!