I was on television!!! (And Beth Kery’s contest)

Here’s something exciting– I was on television today!!  Yep, that was little ol’ me, on the ABC 7 Morning Show, talking about Practice Makes Perfect and also giving my two cents on why sales of romance novel are up despite the recession.  The show booked the interview three weeks ago, but it turned out to be perfect timing with all the focus this week in the media about why romance novels are doing so well.

This was my first television appearance and, surprisingly, it was less stressful than I had envisioned.  I had pictured a crazy, hectic production set filled with tons of people, but instead everything was calm and orderly and the people at ABC 7 were wonderful.  And maybe I’m the only person that didn’t know this about live sets, but there weren’t any cameramen– the cameras move around the set by themselves, like robots.  Very cool.  Sure, I had to wake up at 3:30 a.m.– which killed me seeing how I’m such a night person–but that was a small price to pay for such a fun experience.

So for those of you who are interested, here’s the video of the interview.  

[wpvideo MqIg9tgR]


Speaking of Chicago authors… my friend Beth Kery is hosting a contest for the upcoming release of her next novel, Daring Time.  After hearing Beth talk about the book, I’m SO looking forward to it.  A time-travel hot contemporary set in Chicago– love it!!  Beth is hosting authors at her blog all this month and giving away tons of goodies as part of the Daring Time contest.  So head on over and check it out.  Oh– and I’m doing a Q&A over there this Thursday, April 16th, and giving away a signed copy of Practice Makes Perfect and I’d love to have you come by!

Here’s the link for Beth’s contest: 


[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.808684&w=425&h=350&fv=]

more about “Test“, posted with vodpod

20 thoughts on “I was on television!!! (And Beth Kery’s contest)

  1. Beth Kery says:

    Wow, Julie, I’m impressed! You did such a beautiful job. Smart, well-spoken and confident–we’re happy to have you speak for us. 🙂 And a nice long spot, and PMP so well highlighted! Good job, Julie!


  2. Robyn Michaels says:

    I was unable to view the video but enjoyed your blog post. Beth’s book is fabulous. Hope you enjoy your time at her contest and enjoy the book when it comes out.

  3. Lea says:

    Hi Julie!

    What an awesome interview, you presented as confident, extremely articulate and intelligent! I am so impressed.

    Please know, I am about half way through reading “Just The Sexiest Man Alive”, and absolutely loving your book.
    I posted about this and your interview at my blog.

    Here is the link: http://lea-closetwriter.blogspot.com/

  4. Julie says:

    Hi Beth and Lea: thanks to both of you! I’m just glad the romance genre is getting some positive attention– the anchorwoman (Stacy) was very receptive and friendly, so that helped put me at ease. Thanks to both of you as well for posting and talking about the interview! Lea– I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying JTSMA so far. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that doesn’t change… 🙂

    Robyn: Ooh… so does this mean you’ve already read Daring Time? Like I said, I’m really looking forward to it. Beth is such a talented author.

  5. Stacy ~ says:

    I can’t watch the interview at work, but it sounds remarkable. I’m sure anyone who’s met you sees a tremendously smart, confident, poised woman with a great sense of humor who does a wonderful job of representing the romance community. Same goes Beth Kery. You two are a force to be reckoned with, and I’m so glad you are both in Chicago! (NO, I am so not sucking up to you guys for ARCs. Well not much anyway LOL)

    I’m so looking forward to reading Daring Time. I wanted to wait a little closer until release day. I think I have to have my own copy with that gorgeous cover. And I think I will be taking a tour of some of the places that inspired Beth to write this. Should be fun.

  6. Tee says:

    Julie you did a awesom job! It is so true that in the way things are with our economy a good romance to take it all away does work. I cannot wait to meet you in June!

  7. Elyssa Papa says:

    It’s such a great interview, and I love how there was no snark about romance from the reporter.

    You were so incredibly poisted and together . . . I would have been incredibly nervous and inserted so many “like”s in my speech. LOL.

    Great job!!!

  8. Julie says:

    Aww… Stacy, that’s so sweet of you to say, thank you! Great idea, taking a tour of the places mentioned in Daring Time–isn’t it fun to see Chicago references in books?

    Hi Tee! So you’re going to Lori Foster’s conference, then? Can’t wait to meet up! This will be my first time attending, and I’m really looking forward to it.

    Elyssa– Thanks! And that’s too funny, because I am the queen of “like.” And it’s, like, amazing that I didn’t say it, like, every other sentence in that interview. 😉

    Hi Loretta! Thank you– nice to see you here!

  9. Kati says:

    Well, you look just gorgeous, and are such a wonderful advocate for the genre.

    Way to go, Julie! You can speak for us as a genre anytime you want!! 😉

  10. Julie says:

    Hello Kati and katiebabs– you guys are so sweet. I’m just glad I didn’t say anything stupid. I have this amazing talent when speaking off the cuff for blurting things out and one second later thinking, “I can believe I just said that!” If they’d given me two more minutes I’m sure I would’ve made an @ss out of myself somehow. 😉

  11. Hola Julie says:

    You did great I had a big smile watch you You came across like you been doing this forever. Great Job.

  12. Julie says:

    Hey there, HJ and Keira! Glad you enjoyed the interview! HJ– honestly, so much of my comfortability was due to the friendliness of everyone at ABC. They made it a fun, laid-back experience.

  13. Beverly G says:

    congrats on your tv appearance I bet it was fun to be in the lime light talking about something that you hold dear to tou

  14. Jessica says:

    Let’s see. Fabulous writer, successful attorney, great hair and makeup, and super articulate and poised.

    I’m pretty sure I can’t even be your virtual semi-acquaintance anymore.

  15. Caffey says:

    I couldn’t hear whats said (i’m deaf) but it was so great you got to promote your book that way! Beautiful too! Congrats!

  16. Holly says:

    Hi Julie,

    I’m a little late (I haven’t been online much the last few days) but the interview was amazing! You definitely presented yourself – and the genre – beautifully. I love the tone of the interview. With so many of these the overall theme is “snicker snicker, romances are selling well. heh heh heh” but not in this. I’m very impressed.


    YAY for the AMAZING PMP press!!!

  17. Julie says:

    Beverly: it was definitely more fun than I thought it was going to be– I’m not usually too alert or coherent at 6:50a.m. 😉

    Jessica: after earning the distinction of writing the longest, most in-depth review of Practice Makes Perfect, you have more than earned the right to be my virtual acquaintance. No semi.

    Caffey: thanks so much for the congrats! Sorry you couldn’t hear the clip– it was basically me just rambling on about myself and my book and romance novels in general. Once you get a lawyer going, we tend to not shut up quickly. 😉

    Holly: I completely agree with you– I was very relieved that the anchorwoman seemed genuinely interested in the topic. No snickering at all. Some of the other media reports I’ve seen recently haven’t been quite as friendly, unfortunately…

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