Editing, Editing

My new manuscript survived its first beta read.  Whew!  

But because I’m my own harshest critic, now it’s time for editing, editing.  That’s what my life is all about right now.  I spent all day revising the climax of my manuscript, and finally put it away at 9pm, still not satisfied.  Two minutes after I walked away, the solution hit me.  Funny how that happens.  I’ll sit at the computer, wracking my brain, determined to finish just this scene, when what I really need is to just stop thinking about it.  

So because I’m going crazy here in editing-mode, there isn’t as much time for blogging these days… But I would be remiss if I didn’t mention two really exciting things:  Practice Makes Perfect got a starred review from Booklist, and Just the Sexiest Man Alive received a whopping 98 from Mrs. Giggles!  I was just so thrilled to see both these reviews– in a crazy week dealing with endless editing, a cranky two year-old with a cold, and a cranky me (after said two year-old gave me his cold) these were just the things I needed to perk me up.  So thanks Booklist and Mrs. Giggles!

And for those (several) of you who so highly recommended it, I just started reading Mr. Perfect by Linda Howard.  I have to say– I am really, really enjoying this book.  The sparring between the heroine and hero is right up my alley.  So thanks everyone– keep those recommendations coming!  And one of these days, I’m going to read my first paranormal, I swear…

Stay tuned– I’ll write more soon.  I hope.

9 thoughts on “Editing, Editing

  1. Erika says:

    Just wanted to drop you a quick note that I just finished PMP and loved it. The bare cheek scene was hilarious. I think it was awesome that she kept her cool through the whole thing. She didn’t blush or apologize it was awesome. I can’t wait to read your next book. I am now a lifetime fan! 🙂

  2. Julie says:

    Thanks, Erika! I’m really glad you enjoyed PMP! Writing the peeky-cheeks scene was fun, because the whole time I kept wondering how I would’ve handled it if the same thing had ever happened to me in court… Thankfully, that particular scene was not based on personal experience. 😉

  3. Keira Soleore says:

    Ugh on colds. The first year of our kid’s daycare adventure meant that someone in our family was continuously sick. Hope you all recover soon.

    Glad you liked Lisa Kleypas’s Dreaming of You. I’ve read every one of her books and they’re all amazing.

  4. Julie says:

    Keira– I did enjoy Dreaming of You. That being said, the hero (who I otherwise loved) broke my cardinal rule of romance. I won’t say what (don’t want to give anything away, although I’m probably the only person who hadn’t read this book), I’ll just hint that it had to do with another character who bore a remarkable resemblance to the heroine… That is tough for me to get past.

  5. Gabriela says:

    I am a reader of The Book Binge, and I was one of the winners of PMP. I read it in one night! I absolutely loved it. I loved the characters, the funny lines. I think the best part for me was taking a step back and seeing these two “stuffy” serious lawyers playing tricks on each other. I went out today to get TSMA.

    Congrats on all the wonderful buzz you are getting! Hopefully this is just the beginning of good things to come. And I have to say, that in just these two books, you are definitely on my auto buy list for contemps!

  6. Julie says:

    Hi Gabriela! Thanks for stopping by! Love those ladies over at The Book Binge. So great to hear that you enjoyed PMP. One night– wow. That’s a whole lotta lawyer in one evening. 😉 I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you enjoy JTSMA as well…

  7. Stacy ~ says:

    Hey Julie I hope you and the little guy are feeling better. Being sick is never fun, but having to take care of a sick kid makes it more of a drag. Take a long nap.

    I’m happy to hear you loved Mr. Perfect. One of my favorite contemps. Funny and very sexy. And I hear you on Dreaming of You. That’s always a tough one, even if it makes sense. It’s just hard to read about.

    Are you a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer? You might want to give Colleen Gleason’s Gardella series a try. They are historicals with a strong BtVS feel, but with it’s own history that sets itself apart. I highly recommend them if you want to dip your toes in the paranormal. “The Rest Falls Away” is the first one, and there are 5 books in the series.

  8. SarahT says:

    Hi Julie,

    I just finished ‘Practice Makes Perfect’ and LOVED it! I like the premise of your next book. Any idea when it will be released?

    I had a similar reaction to ‘Dreaming of You’. I think I know which scene you’re referring to. Actually, I prefer Lisa Kleypas’s contemporaries to her historicals.

    Hope you & your son are feeling better.

  9. Julie says:

    Hi Stacy! The little guy is doing better, which is wonderful, but I’m still sick. Ugh. I think I might need to beg my doctor for some antibiotics or something. : ) In response to your question… I am SO a fan of Buffy. I recommend that show to everyone. I’ll definitely have to check out the Gardella series– thanks for the recommendation!

    Sarah– thank you! I”m glad you liked PMP! I’m turning in Book 3 hopefully in the next couple of weeks. I don’t have an exact release date yet, although I believe it will be next March. I’ll post something on my website as soon as I know.

    Interesting that you had the same reaction to Dreaming of You… but speaking of LK’s contemps, I just bought Smooth Talking Stranger and hope to read it soon, just as soon as I finish this darn manuscript!

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